What was your first module?

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Went through is tough... I mostly DMed, so my memories of all the classic starter modules (B1, B2, T1, etc.) are from the other side of the screen. For AD&D, the first published module I went through might be DL1. I'm pretty sure I went through modules for other games before then, I'm thinking a Star Frontiers module was probably the very first.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
My first adventure was based on the cover of the 1E PHB, although only I survived to see the idol (and then run from all the orcs in the room).

Later, the T1 moathouse (over and over again for years) was my first module, with B2 once it came out being mixed in.

We pretty rapidly progressed from there through the G series and the D series. (There was a lag between them and Q1, so that was the end for a while, so we proceeded to die horribly in S1 until we wandered off into pure Monty Haulism with the weapons from S2.)

Infernal Teddy

I can't remember my first module as player, but the first module I ran as DM was "The Eternal Boundry" for Planescape.

Hey, I prefer to write my own adventures, stop looking at me like that! :)

Jack Morgan

First Post
Infernal Teddy said:
I can't remember my first module as player, but the first module I ran as DM was "The Eternal Boundry" for Planescape.

Hey, I prefer to write my own adventures, stop looking at me like that! :)

First one I played was the keep on the borderlands, but I've been GMing since the middle eighties and I've never used a published adventure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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