What was your first module?

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N1 - Dymrak Dread

After the big smashing of heads and limbs there was that picture of a proud adventuring group that tried to haul that huge carpet out of the caves (with a Halfling clinging to it, half hanging in the air - half walking) , through the swamp and the forest right to the next merchant. But it was worth it :D


The Isle of Dread was the first module I ran, and played in. In fact, when all of my earliest players (we're talking '87; I was 11 and they 9) decided they wanted to learn to DM, they ran the same module as well. Funny stuff... especially when they knew to head straight for the Roc's nest for the secret treasure. And they knew it by number, too.

Another fun time was when I didn't understand the movement rules, so they had to guess how far they could move without running into a wall. One player lost his NPC alchemist out a window.

Good times, that.


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Basic Set (Frank Menzter) intro adventure. I'm not sure if it had a tital, but I remember the castle was called Mistamere. I never developed the lower levels, the party being killed and eaten by a couple of harpies.
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DL 1 - Dragons of Despair. I got to play the Raistlin part, but we created our own characters instead of using the pregenerated ones. So I started with level 5, not level 3. But no Staff of Magus for me.


The first D&D module that I ran was B2. I bored my family to tears with my laborious word-for-word reading of the module text and they never got to the Caves, just wandered about the Keep until they had enough.

The first that I played in was the sample dungeon in the magenta box, and then B3.


First Post
Mark Hope said:
The first D&D module that I ran was B2. I bored my family to tears with my laborious word-for-word reading of the module text and they never got to the Caves, just wandered about the Keep until they had enough.

The first that I played in was the sample dungeon in the magenta box, and then B3.

B2 has got to be a lot of people's first dungeon. It was so prevalent "back in the day." It's a great module.


First I played was DL1 - I was Riverwind. Hated rangers ever since. Campaign only lastws oe session because Goldmoon fell off a clff and died and we didn't know the significance of the McGuffin so never recovered them.

First I owned was Isle of Dread

First I DM'ed was Castle Ravenloft.

Voidrunner's Codex

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