D&D (2024) What would change for you if Wizards started calling it 6E?

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I think you're missing the point. Which is, sure, you can have a conversation--and every group should have conversations about things like this--but nobody is going to be able to go over every single tiny difference
quite frankly, no one should go over every tiny difference. To me the conversation goes something like this

Are we all playing 2024 chars?
No? Ok, Joe, so you stick to a 2014 class. Do you also want to stick with the 2014 feats and spells, or are you using the 2024 ones?

You do not independently decide this for every little detail.

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quite frankly, no one should go over every tiny difference. To me the conversation goes something like this

Are we all playing 2024 chars?
No? Ok, Joe, so you stick to a 2014 class. Do you also want to stick with the 2014 feats and spells, or are you using the 2024 ones?

You do not independently decide this for every little detail.
What "no one" should do and what actually will happen are going to be very different things.


What "no one" should do and what actually will happen are going to be very different things.
I doubt it, I don’t see even a fraction of tables go ‘Fireball: do we take the 2014 or 2024 version? Fly: do we take the 2014 or 2024 version?’ and so forth
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I doubt it, I don’t see even a fraction of tables go ‘Fireball: do we take the 2014 or 2024 version? Fly: do we take the 2014 or 2024 version?’ and so forth
Have we seen the '24 fireball? If so, is one version significantly better than the other?

Because if there are any differences, people will be comparing them. Some people will really like or dislike the changes because of mechanical (rather than flavor) reasons. Take a look at the "I like the new Warlock" thread on this forum. It talks about how the class was improved. Since that thread is, like, 29 pages long, I'm sure there are people who disagree. So what happens if you have a GM who disagrees and doesn't want it for whatever reason?

When it comes to mechanical benefits? Yes, people are going to look at differences, even small ones, and pick the one they feel is better. Maybe not at your table or even at mine, but at a lot of tables out there.


Have we seen the '24 fireball? If so, is one version significantly better than the other?
you are missing the point

Take a look at the "I like the new Warlock" thread on this forum. It talks about how the class was improved. Since that thread is, like, 29 pages long, I'm sure there are people who disagree. So what happens if you have a GM who disagrees and doesn't want it for whatever reason?
the people who prefer the old Warlock can still play the old Warlock

Maybe not at your table or even at mine, but at a lot of tables out there.
I take this as ‘I have no idea how often it happens, but I insist on it being a lot’.

Give me some data or I simply disagree and say it barely ever will happen.

When the easiest / least effort, the logical, and the correct way to handle something all are the same, then this is how pretty much everyone will handle it.
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
you are missing the point

the people who prefer the old Warlock can still play the old Warlock

I take this as ‘I have no idea how often it happens, but I insist on it being a lot’.

Give me some data or I simply disagree and say it barely ever will happen.

When the easiest / least effort, the logical, and the correct way to handle something all are the same, then this is how pretty much everyone will handle it.
Since you are, I assume, in favor of the changes, you are essentially saying that people will eventually just do it the way you like. There's no way to avoid bias in that statement.

The real issue here is that there is a large difference of opinion regarding how much all of these changes matter. Some people believe that these changes will have significant effects moving forward and may be confusing and/or disruptive. The other side does not believe this.

Now, obviously I am thinking these changes are significant, so I won't deny my bias, but it does seem to me that those who don't think that are sometimes dismissive, possibly to the point of rudeness, to those that do. The way WotC is trying to thread the needle on this is without precedent in recent history, and I believe skepticism on the matter is reasonable. I would ask everyone to be respectful.

I would honestly probably pay more attention.

I've been pretty much totally ignoring Dungeons& Dragons since January once we sort of won the open gaming license issue. If they announced they were making a new edition, I would want to know about it. But them just doing a slight retool? Haven't been looking at anything from it.

Is this new thing any good?


Since you are, I assume, in favor of the changes, you are essentially saying that people will eventually just do it the way you like. There's no way to avoid bias in that statement.
not sure where you got that 'everyone will eventually play the 2024 version' from, I said whoever wants to use the 2014 version still can.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
not sure where you got that 'everyone will eventually play the 2024 version' from, I said whoever wants to use the 2014 version still can.
Ok, am I wrong about your thoughts? Do you expect a lot of people to stick with 2014, or move on to the "new hotness" of 2024?


Ok, am I wrong about your thoughts? Do you expect a lot of people to stick with 2014, or move on to the "new hotness" of 2024?
I have no idea, your guess is as good as mine. It does not really matter to me, so I do not spend much time trying to figure this out. If you want an answer, I expect somewhere around 50/50 or 60/40 in favor of 2024, but that can easily be wrong.

I also do not see how this is at all relevant to the discussion we are having (outside of all this being moot if 100% picked 2014 or 2024).
What difference does it make whether I believe 10%, 30%, 50% or 70% want to play the old Warlock? Either the statement that they can is correct, or it is not.

If you think it is not, then I’d like for you to explain that. Are you expecting it to be a lot of work to do so, or can it essentially slot right in?
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