D&D (2024) What would you like to see in the new Monster Manual (2025)?

A lot of things that work perfectly with 5e24 but not with 5e14 and some great Frank Frazetta style art. Because the wailing and gnashing of tee...

But seriously, I would like a few more power levels/roles for the various humanoids. Similarly various power levels of the NPC types (low level guard, mid level...).

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A wish list of things that I feel might reasonably be in the book.
-Beholder Hive Mother (since they insist on families of monsters)
-Illithid Elder Brain (same as above)
-Leonal Guardinal
-Ghaele and Bralani Eladrin (or whatever they're calling them now)
-CR 20 Ultraloth Overlord (to go with the lower CR just plain Ultraloth)
-Zombie Swarm
-Skeleton Swarm
-Generic NPC statblocks with a CR over 15
-A family for Aboleths
-Lower CR versions of Golems

I think the strangely missing iconic Guardinals, Archons, and Celestial Eldarin are absent from Planescape because they will make it into the 2024 MM instead.

So Leonals, Ursinals, Lupinals, Cervadals Guardinals. Sword, Throne, Tome, Word, Trumpet, and Justice Archons (Throne are my favourite Archon).

I can see say 2 to three of each, although I doubt it will be Tome Archons because those are the Paragons that rule the Archons and would have individualized stats.

I think the strangely missing iconic Guardinals, Archons, and Celestial Eldarin are absent from Planescape because they will make it into the 2024 MM instead.

So Leonals, Ursinals, Lupinals, Cervadals Guardinals. Sword, Throne, Tome, Word, Trumpet, and Justice Archons (Throne are my favourite Archon).

I can see say 2 to three of each, although I doubt it will be Tome Archons because those are the Paragons that rule the Archons and would have individualized stats.
I could also see them being saved for a Fizban/Bigby-style Celestial deep-dive book at some point in the future.

I could also see them being saved for a Fizban/Bigby-style Celestial deep-dive book at some point in the future.

How do you make such a book compelling given Celestials generally aren't antigonists? I mean you can only go to the fallen celestial well so many times.

What kind of conflicts can you see arising between none evil PCs and Archons, Guardinals, Angels, CG celestials, Empyreans, Sphinxes, etc...?

How do you make such a book compelling given Celestials generally aren't antigonists? I mean you can only go to the fallen celestial well so many times.

What kind of conflicts can you see arising between none evil PCs and Archons, Guardinals, Angels, CG celestials, Empyreans, Sphinxes, etc...?
Well, for one, "Celestial" as a classification has been generally broadened in 5e. Some Astral Sea natives like the Mercane, Kindori, and Reigar are classified as Celestials now, as are the Dabus and Rilmani, despite none of them traditionally being a flavor of Good.

More broadly, I think all they really need to do is what they did in Fizban and Bigby - give an overview of the major "factions" within the category, talk about their place in the cosmic order, and provide a toolkit for using them.

I'll need to spitball some ideas for conflicts later (need to head out to a family reunion shortly), but I think it would work just fine.
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How do you make such a book compelling given Celestials generally aren't antigonists? I mean you can only go to the fallen celestial well so many times.

What kind of conflicts can you see arising between none evil PCs and Archons, Guardinals, Angels, CG celestials, Empyreans, Sphinxes, etc...?
Celestials are guarding a powerful MacGuffin that is the only way to take down the party's big foe. But the Celestials refuse to hand it over to the party or even allow them to approach it due to their immortal POV - mortals have abused the power of the MacGuffin too often in the past for the party or any other mortal to be allowed to possess it. They simply can't be persuaded that it's for the greater good since, from their own past experience, the greater good is to not allow any mortal to have it. Conflict!

I don’t need more creatures, but some juvenile/elite versions of some monsters would be appreciated.

What I really want is a signature ability that goes beyond hp/AC/saves. Doesn’t need to be much, like orcs/goblins/hobgoblins/bugbears is enough for me. Just do the same for more creatures

How do you make such a book compelling given Celestials generally aren't antigonists? I mean you can only go to the fallen celestial well so many times.

What kind of conflicts can you see arising between none evil PCs and Archons, Guardinals, Angels, CG celestials, Empyreans, Sphinxes, etc...?
1- The Celestials are Zealous Fanatics seeking to impose their draconian version of Law regardless of opposition
2- the Celestials that the PCs are prophesied to cause great harm to the multiverse, they decide to act pre-emptively before destiny takes its course
3- factions of celestials are in conflict over a difference in doctrine, PCs are caught in the middle
4- Celestials have auras that debilitate mortals by their mere presence, the Celestials are in denial that they could be causing harm, so the PCs have taken it upon themselves to move them
5- a faction of Celestials has decided that mortals are corrupt and its time for Armeggedon to take place for the good of the universe
6- Celestials have misinterpreted information (or been deceived) and are seeking retribution against the wrong targets, the PCs have to defend the targets (which could be themselves or an entire city or an innocent child)
7 - Tieflings are declared evil hell-spawn and celestials are sent to wipe them out

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