TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?

I honestly don't think this person exists.

The first actions that a new Social Media Manager would take in this unfortunate situation would be be Damage Control: immediately address the backlash, issue an apology, and move any discussion away from the embarrassment of the past couple weeks. None of that has happened, so it's reasonable to assume that no such person has been hired. It's likely that this "Michael" is someone who was already tweeting from that account, and is now acting under an assumed name.

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Unless their Communications Plan consists of "be quiet and wait for the whole thing to blow over," I'm inclined to agree. There's a slim chance it's a friend that got roped into this, but with everything we know about LaNasa, he doesn't seem like the sort to voluntarily stop digging his own hole.

I honestly don't think this person exists.

The first actions that a new Social Media Manager would take in this unfortunate situation would be be Damage Control: immediately address the backlash, issue an apology, and move any discussion away from the embarrassment of the past couple weeks. None of that has happened, so it's reasonable to assume that no such person has been hired. It's likely that this "Michael" is someone who was already tweeting from that account, and is now acting under an assumed name.

This isn't really that funny at all. It bothers me somewhat to see one of Gary's sons carelessly self-destruct this way and take the TSR name with him. I don't enjoy seeing an old part of the RPG hobby become a casualty of these worthless culture wars even if it is self-inflicted. This is in a way worse than Bledsaw's self-destruction because is higher profile and closer the heart of the hobby.

I honestly don't think this person exists.

My first impression of "Michael" was that he sounded professional, but came off as knowing little about the mess he was jumping into. Based on this, my guess was that he's either very green (e.g. recent college grad) or a contracted person (a temp, a PR firm, or something in between).

This isn't really that funny at all. It bothers me somewhat to see one of Gary's sons carelessly self-destruct this way and take the TSR name with him. I don't enjoy seeing an old part of the RPG hobby become a casualty of these worthless culture wars even if it is self-inflicted. This is in a way worse than Bledsaw's self-destruction because is higher profile and closer the heart of the hobby.
I mean, it's super sad...but it's also absurd, and what can you do but laugh?

Or… ya know… a total lie…

I'm not denying this as a possibility. However, I was under the impression Justin Lanasa was doing the tweeting before, and Michael's posts sound a lot different from his tweets (in terms of language, content, punctuation, etc). It also doesn't sound like Ernie. I'm not sure who else would be willing to jump in the fire at this point.

At the end of the day, it has to be someone who actually typed the words, yes? Even when I call customer service at Comcast and talk to "Susan", but I know that's not her real name (and she know's it's not her real name) she's still a real person, right? We're all real people, right? RIGHT?!?

I'm not denying this as a possibility. However, I was under the impression Justin Lanasa was doing the tweeting before, and Michael's posts sound a lot different from his tweets (in terms of language, content, punctuation, etc). It also doesn't sound like Ernie.

At the end of the day, it has to be someone, yes? Even when I call customer service at Comcast and talk to "Susan", but I know that's not her real name (and she know's it's not her real name) she's still a real person, right? We're all real people, right? RIGHT?!?
Shoot, he's on to us.

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