TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
This isn't really that funny at all. It bothers me somewhat to see one of Gary's sons carelessly self-destruct this way and take the TSR name with him. I don't enjoy seeing an old part of the RPG hobby become a casualty of these worthless culture wars even if it is self-inflicted. This is in a way worse than Bledsaw's self-destruction because is higher profile and closer the heart of the hobby.
It is sad. More personally disappointing, because of the high esteem some of us hold the Gygax name in. That being said, it's materially less of a loss because we're not losing any classic (or new, apparently) gaming material from it. :/

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
It is sad. More personally disappointing, because of the high esteem some of us hold the Gygax name in.

Yes....ish? But also no.

Apparently, I missed the very short rise and long fall of TSR3 (TSR-cubed?), but while it would have been neat to see the TSR name again, it's just that ... a name.

I don't get my youth back.
I don't get my time back.
I don't get that feeling of sitting down to play D&D and someone bringing in the brand new cassette tape* with Def Leppard's High n' Dry on it and having "Bringing on the Heartbeak" reverberate in my head while the DM is describing the Barrier Peaks.
I don't have that sweet anticipation of thinking that another hardcover that will be as awesome as the efreeti-covered DMG will be pushed out.
I don't have the pure joy of waiting to see what Gary will be putting forth in the next issue of Dragon.

I have other delights, today, and that's okay. Those days are passed. They aren't coming back.

And, honestly, just because there is a shared Gygax name .... it doesn't mean anything. Different people. I don't hold the Gygax name in esteem. I hold a specific Gygax, and ... well, the work that he did from the early 70s through 1985 in esteem.

*These are the things that "albums" were on, between "records" and "CDs." And records and CDs... oh, never mind. Something something 8-track.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!

Woooow... wow... woooooow.

And here's something from LaNasa's voter guide (A volunteer questionnaire that potential political candidates write up so people know where they stand)

You can verify it, here.

Just in case anyone is still on the fence about what he meant when he said "You're Disgusting"


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Further Context:

The "Old Guard" is the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the USA. They've been constantly in service since 1784. They're the longest-active military company in US History.

Either these guys are selling "Old Guard" iron-ons to literally anyone who comes in off the street (which is Stolen Valor), or they're a D&D store that sells military patches to specific soldiers who come to their store to buy them for some unfathomable reason.

And then they've got the audacity to say "don't insult our vets" when someone points out the obvious connotations of providing that iron-on to Old School Gamers.


Dusty Dragon

Woooow... wow... woooooow.

And here's something from LaNasa's voter guide (A volunteer questionnaire that potential political candidates write up so people know where they stand)

You can verify it, here.

Just in case anyone is still on the fence about what he meant when he said "You're Disgusting"
I am not quite sure what Ernie believes (it certainly doesn't look good). But LaNasa? very little doubt left.

Apparently, I missed the very short rise and long fall of TSR3 (TSR-cubed?), but while it would have been neat to see the TSR name again, it's just that ... a name.

As the risk of ruffling some feathers, I'd also like to point out that TSR isn't exactly the brand with the best history.

For starters, it started in 1974 and was sold to WotC in 1997, so it was around for 23 years. But it's now been 24 years since WotC took over. We've now been in a post-TSR world longer than we've been in a TSR world. The "Gygax" era of TSR was even shorter, as Gary left for the west coast around 1982, and Williams formally took over around 1985. So the actual time of the company that EGG Jr. is celebrating was really only a 8~11 year era. That's a relatively short span.

Also, lets not forget that TSR was nicknamed "They Sue Regularly" for a reason. They single-handedly dealt the death blow SPI. They threatened their own users with cease-and-desist letters to people posting campaign info on usenet. They worked hard with lawyers to make sure Gary never started another successful gaming business. Even before Williams was involved, the company was no stranger to controversies, facing internal problems with both Dave Arneson and the Blumes.

And lets not forget that TSR was the brand associated with D&D during the satanic panic.

So, yeah, TSR is a name. It's got brand recognition. But these latest controversies aren't exactly a solitary blemish on its history.



Woooow... wow... woooooow.

And here's something from LaNasa's voter guide (A volunteer questionnaire that potential political candidates write up so people know where they stand)

You can verify it, here.

Just in case anyone is still on the fence about what he meant when he said "You're Disgusting"
Hey LaNassa? This combat vet (but you wouldn't know what that's like, being in a combat zone since you never were) thinks the actual insult to us vets is your behavior. Taking a military patch and co-opting it for your own business and play on old school gamers? Advocating violating the oath we all took by endorsing anti-Constitutional legislation?

That's what a true insult is.

Sir Brennen

I don't get that feeling of sitting down to play D&D and someone bringing in the brand new cassette tape* with Def Leppard's High n' Dry on it and having "Bringing on the Heartbeak" reverberate in my head while the DM is describing the Barrier Peaks.
What? True D&D nerds listened to Rush and Queen during their games. Maybe some Blue Oyster Cult. (Didn't you see SLC Punk?)

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
As the risk of ruffling some feathers, I'd also like to point out that TSR isn't exactly the brand with the best history.

Deset Glad: All right, but apart from starting D&D, the entire TTRPG hobby, the first PHB, Monster Manual, DMG, the greatest modules, the most numerous and successful campaign settings, an entire alternate system in BECMI that is still beloved, and a Saturday Morning Cartoon, what has TSR ever done for us?

Snarf: Um, created the IP that continues to be successfully mined by Hasbro to this day?

Deset Glad: Oh, successful IP? SHUT UP!

Voidrunner's Codex

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