TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?

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Dusty Dragon
Hey LaNassa? This combat vet (but you wouldn't know what that's like, being in a combat zone since you never were) thinks the actual insult to us vets is your behavior. Taking a military patch and co-opting it for your own business and play on old school gamers? Advocating violating the oath we all took by endorsing anti-Constitutional legislation?

That's what a true insult is.
Perhaps you should tell him that (twitter?) vs posting this on D&D forum - it's important.


Hey LaNassa? This combat vet (but you wouldn't know what that's like, being in a combat zone since you never were) thinks the actual insult to us vets is your behavior. Taking a military patch and co-opting it for your own business and play on old school gamers? Advocating violating the oath we all took by endorsing anti-Constitutional legislation?

That's what a true insult is.
Is it modeled on an actual military patch? I know the Old Guard is a unit, but it's also a pretty common term for folks that have been around for awhile (not defending this, btw.)

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
OK, I've finally after all these years created one. But I'm choosing to follow people I like, and won't engage in drive by trolling or arguing with others. Ain't got no time for that!

Law of Bad Guys

Head Bad Guy: "How did we agree to attack him?"
Cannon Fodder: "All at once."
Head Bad Guy: "And how did we attack him?"
Cannon Fodder: "One at a time."

Law of Twitter

Snarf: "How did you say you were going to use Twitter?"
Sacrosanct: "For good stuff. No arguing, no trolling, no getting mad."
Snarf: "And how are you using Twitter?"
Sacrosanct: "I'll be with you in a minute. Someone is WRONG ON TWITTER and I'm going to totally pwn them!!!!!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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