TSR Whatever Happened To TSR's Michael?

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Sir Brennen

At the end of the day, it has to be someone who actually typed the words, yes? Even when I call customer service at Comcast and talk to "Susan", but I know that's not her real name (and she know's it's not her real name) she's still a real person, right? We're all real people, right? RIGHT?!?
Of course I am a completely normal human person typing normal human responses on this human forum.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I'm not denying this as a possibility. However, I was under the impression Justin Lanasa was doing the tweeting before, and Michael's posts sound a lot different from his tweets (in terms of language, content, punctuation, etc). It also doesn't sound like Ernie. I'm not sure who else would be willing to jump in the fire at this point.
Were there enough posts to even tell for sure?

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah
Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah

Ernie help to write the tweets, hallelujah
Ernie help to write the tweets, hallelujah

Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah
Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah

The world of twitter is chilly and cold, hallelujah
Tweets don't hurt the body, but they kill the soul, hallelujah

Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah
Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah

Question Michael's existence and you'll be denied, hallelujah
But the better answer is someone lied, hallelujah

Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah
Michael tweet if you're okay, hallelujah

Were there enough posts to even tell for sure?
For sure, no. But Michael seems to have reasonable skill with things like quotation marks, line breaks, and apostrophes, while Lanasa struggles with commas and basic spelling. It just seems more likely to me that they hired someone (both a real employee or someone from Fiverr are equal possibilities) to do it rather than spend that much effort faking it.


Dusty Dragon
I mean, if you are a PR person, and want to learn on the job, this is a good "training" opportunity. The challenge is great, and the consequence of failure are small (not small for TSR3, but certainly small for society as a whole).

Crack on Michael, you can do this! And if you fail, NO ONE BUT TSR3 will blame you for it.

(... with the exception of certain modes of failure...)

Voidrunner's Codex

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