What's cooking for 13th Age?


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When people talk about 13th Age being OGL, what do they mean, exactly? Is it like 3.5 / Pathfinder where the content is completely open to publication and reproduction?

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When people talk about 13th Age being OGL, what do they mean, exactly? Is it like 3.5 / Pathfinder where the content is completely open to publication and reproduction?

Like 3.5/Pathfinder the mechanics are open for use in creating other OGL products, but the "product identity" content is not. So you could make a 13th Age compatible adventure using the rules, but you couldn't use the setting (including the icons), artwork, the 13th Age logo, etc. in your adventure.


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Is there going to be distribution though Amazon for 13th Age?

That's a good question-- I've gotten a friend interested in 13th Age, but he prefers to buy almost any media through Amazon, so was disappointed when he couldn't find the game on the Amazon site.


First Post
Is there going to be distribution though Amazon for 13th Age?

Amazon undercuts FLGS hugely, is happy to loss-lead, plus they want distributor-level discounts and free shipping. So, we have no plans to distribute it on Amazon, but you can be certain that someone will offer it through Amazon.


Amazon undercuts FLGS hugely, is happy to loss-lead, plus they want distributor-level discounts and free shipping. So, we have no plans to distribute it on Amazon, but you can be certain that someone will offer it through Amazon.

Understand your points, you guys have to eat too. Gaming products are a luxury for me,.and with one income and 2 kids, Amazon level pricing is a necessity for me. If Amazon doe emot offer a product ,.rarely does a Amazon reseller offer the same item at a similar discount as Amazon proper. In addition, I no longer support my LGS because of poor business practices.

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