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What's the real reason we RP?


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I think those above me couldn't have said it better, but at the risk of turning this into a "shout out" thread, I'm gonna add my own two cents.

I'm a theatre major at my university, so performing has been in my blood a long time. That's doubtlessly what got me hooked on RP from the minute my then-boyfriend slapped a 3rd ed. D&D book into my hand. What is all this, after all, if not a grand sort of improv theatre? And when I'm up at school and without my usual tabletop gaming group, this is one of the best ways out there I've found to get a little fantasy RP in my blood when I'm jonesin' for some dice-slinging.

What's kept me here, though, is, like many, the people I've met over the years. First and foremost the people who were patient enough with me to show me the ropes or just put up with my goofy characters. (Willow and Draeloc, I heart you THIS much). And of course my dearest Rose. But a mention of the people who I wouldn't likely still be here without cannot be complete without a nod to Incara Laurana's player, who has become my bestest buddy and the better half of what has come to be known as the Unholy Hivemind. Darlin', you are the best.

But it doesn't stop there, of course. Another part of what keeps me RPing is not only the people I've met, but also the ones I continue to meet. And THAT is what should teach us all to not be afraid to step outside our usual circle of people that we're comfy playing with...as if I hadn't done just that, I never would have gotten to know what awesome people the likes of Nicholas, Elf Ariel, Sonja, Nate Sane and countless others' players are. This is a community, duckies, and a pretty darn good one as far as groups of mildly crazy people go. One of the only ones I have access to when I'm stuck out here in BFN, and -that's- why I keep comin' back.

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Fowai Uss

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The reason I RP...now that's a little complex. Well, I first got into D&D at a young age (via watching my uncles play, though I didn't understand what they were doing at the time). Over the years, my love of all things fantasy has grown and intensified. I first started RP-ing via the internet in the later days of the Wizo chat. I had one or two odd characters that I started off with, but they just didn't seem to click. Then, I created the elven ranger, Liamnodan Rilemriel. He was my first RP creation, in my opinion. I made up his story as I went along, and through him I made friends with Tabitha and Lain. I had fun RP-ing with them. Tabitha and Liam ended up getting married and had a son. Due to the intervention of a MMORPG, I lost touch with my RP buddies and forgot Liam's personality. I talked to Tabitha a bit about it, and we came up with a death that Liam couldn't be brought back from (his soul was devoured by a barghest, if I remember correctly). After a break of many months, the notorious Fowai Uss sprang into being and I've been playing him ever since.

Fowai: And what a glorious gift to the world I am...

Fowai's player: Shhh...you'll have your time to talk later...

Fowai became my outlet for all the downright weird and borderline insane thoughts that bounced around in my head. He helped draw me out of my shell and make me more charismatic. Through him, I became more outgoing, willing to go out in public and not care what people thought of me.

Fowai: Not that that's necessarily a good thing...you, being in public...

Fowai's player: Hush, you.

What kept me coming back was the positive response I got from Fowai's escapades. I enjoyed watching people's reactions and simply laughing at his antics. I could clearly picture everything he did, and it made me laugh. The fact that other people thought it was funny also made me want to do it all the more. And, when I wasn't in the mood to initiate conversation with others, I'd have Fowai pull out his infamous bags and begin rummaging. Ah, the wondrous things that he has stored in there. But, I digress. Through Fowai, I befriended many people; Bhryn, Rajak, Ruthia (not too close of a friendship...I'd call it more of an acquaintance), and Tilnet to name a few. As parents and teachers often say, 'You laughing at him only encourages this sort of behavior'. For that, I thank you. Though I'm not on as frequently as I've been in the past, I'm grateful for what I have found here. Friends.
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I began to RP in 1996. It was my freshman year of high school. Draco's player had introduced me to TSR during the summer before we began school. I had a really rough home life, so roleplaying was my escapism from a horrible situation. After hooking up with players who taught me the ropes - players like Neo, Alyssssa, Necromance, Kendari, and many many other older characters. I've enjoyed roleplaying for many years. It is my stress reliever. I've come and gone due to military, marriage, and childbirth, but I've always returned. It now players like Eryk and Nathan_Sane who keep me coming back when the site has really frustrated me or my busy life only offers a few hours to play. Thanks guys.


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I began Roleplaying in '74 with the original D&D game, back when Elves and Dwarves were classes, not just races. It was a way to put aside a very ugly period in life during my time with the Marines, at first.

I found the Red Dragon Inn on AOL at the dawning of the 90s and became a WizO early in '01. I've been involved in online gaming for a long time, as player and moderator.

But I have always loved Sword & Sorcery; Fritz Lieber's Fafyrd & the Grey Mouser, Kurt Wagner's Kane, Robert E Howard's Conan, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom, all of them were things I loved to read.

In addition, even before D&D I played Chainmail and other miniature games, and had found the Society for Creative Anachronism, within which I still play and participate in armored combat. I also helped found a LARP called the Realms, which still exists albeit in altered form these days.

I did it for a love of the genre, and for playing in worlds of the imagination with other people, generally creating a story larger than any individual participant. And it is still a nifty place to put aside everyday life. So I've been involved in many aspects of it, from tabletop to LARP to free-form. Wild ride.

I still play when I can, though age and responsibilities give me less time than I once had. But the memories are dear.

Siani, who is off to Harper's Retreat this weekend.
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Babylon Logos

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Eryk said:
I think those above me couldn't have said it better, but at the risk of turning this into a "shout out" thread, I'm gonna add my own two cents.

Seemed like more than two cents there hun.

I honestally don't know why I keep coming back. I just do. Maybe I have an addiction to ISRP.

I started back in the day . . . After my brother dragged me into it. He'd been an on and off person back on TSR, and eventually dragged me to my computer one day after the change to WotC, and made me a character. I kinda lurked around for a bit, and did most of my actual chatting in RPG Live!, at least until Ann came around.

I had made the random decision one day to take a sorcerer I had made in tabletop, and been playing for a few years (back during 2E), and tossed her into the Emporium. And that was the begining of the end.
Ann met Cora, who introduced her to Draggy, and that got her tangled with Bhryn . . . ANd countless others . . . My brother introduced me to Donny, which got me haranged into this and that, and so on and so forth.

Eventually, I aquired one of my brother's female ISRP characters for my own. And my soul was stolen . . . Characters started coming and going and . . . boom.

I guess I'm just a captive of ISRP.

Velira Evangeline

It's great to see everyone replying. I am finding it very interesting to read what you all have to say, after all, that is why I made this thread. So, keep 'em comming! ^_^


First Post
Why, indeed? Others have phrased it much more eloquently than I could possibly hope to.

I started a long time ago, in a galaxy, far far away ... ahem. I started up years and years ago, many eons ago, when the chat was owned by TSR. I had just been introduced to AD&D by my brother-in-law (dead, now :( ) whom, at that time, lived some five hours' drive away. Being only 14 or 15 at the time, transportation there wasn't precisely prudent.

I was searching around the TSR website, when I stumbled upon the link for that chat, and a description of ISRP. My first few characters were, needless to say, bombs ... at that age, how was I supposed to know that a character named 'Thor' would get a lot of flak? Heh heh.

My first serious - and nominally accepted - character was Evander Sunstrike, who went through his own incarnations; along with Pyrus, Essie, Kronos, Astrianna, and a slew of others, I had the time of my life.
I interacted with the likes of Draco of Zeradaith, Ren Scotson, the Redeemers of Teht, the Viyah Lemarg, the Turks, and a number of others who, quite frankly, got me hooked onto ISRP. I suppose that attracted me at first were the storylines: I was involved with the Redeemers, the Defenders of the Order of the Shield, and the Viyach Lemarg storylines, all in some capacity or another (and, no, not with the same character!). It was fun and thrilling to be part of a big storyline, to play D&D without dice, and a great form of creative expression.

Over time, real life took hold, Wizards took over, many individuals I knew moved on and way to grander schemes, and I lost touch with ISRP, except for the odd moments when I managed to sneak in. Wizards of the Coast eventually took over, and I generally stopped ISRPing - except, of course, on message boards such as the Map of the Planes. When Wizards closed, I was making a comeback, and transferred my 'stuff' over to here.

I've been influenced by a lot of great people over the years- Draco, Ren Scotson, Crescent Moon, Jaya Ballard, Kinetti - and continue to be awed by other great folks' creativity and ingenuity - Ruthia, Imreis, Jeajea, Fel/Brigid, and many of the Magi. ISRP is my home away from home, somewhere that I can cut loose (but not too loose!) and, despite all conflicts and issues, remains what it's meant to be: fun.

Why do I roleplay? Too many reasons to cite, too many people to name. Ultimately, however, it boils down to: because it's fun!


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Khaira said:
My first serious - and nominally accepted - character was Evander Sunstrike, who went through his own incarnations; along with Pyrus, Essie, Kronos, Astrianna, and a slew of others, I had the time of my life.

Did you play Evander's daughter too? The toddler?


First Post
Yes. Although if you expect me to remember said name, I shall point, laugh, and call you silly. ;)

... egads, that was a long time ago...

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