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What's the real reason we RP?

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I started playing D&D at the very end of 2e, so I think 2000. It was fun. I started playing onlinein 2003, and that was to escape the bleak realities of real life, but it was still fun. I have met several great friends.For me it is still a blend of fun and escapism.The friends aspect of it is there too, in some ways hanging out in the tavern is more fun than if we were to go out and do it for real, though an ISRP meeting in a bar would get interesting.I always wonder how many people on here are really friends OOC, or if anyone has gone beyond that,as I have seen a few very convincing couples in my time.

Sheer entertainment, escapism, meeting new peoples as nutty as I....various reasons. Plus, it is therapeutic in a sense that sometimes these storylines are variations of real life experiences, and it may give perspectives as to how to go about something if you're ever faced with it, or even if you're going through/ have gone through it. Or hell, you may even have your characters and those who usually gravitate toward your characters to interact in a situation in order to better come to terms with it. I guess realistic fiction is the best way to term it?


First Post
Why do I play eh?

Well because with days like I tend to have (more so lately in this lovely oven of Iraq) I find it's too expensive to drink constantly during the hours that I am not either a) at work or b) asleep. So I use it as an escape, though I admit like most of ya'll I find it very frustrating and some times worse then real life. But as in all things, what does not kill you makes you stronger. Oh and my days started back with good ol Calgar... aka Togashi Calgar... and the mighty Fox Ronopolis.
Good night and good luck ;)


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Before I begin with what may end up becoming a long winded reply I have this to say: You lie Brutal!!!

Now with that said, I started RPing at the ripe old age of 8 when I went with an older friend (She was 15) to her friends house when they were playing the old, 1st Edition D&D. After watching them for a few sessions I wanted to give it a try. My first ever character was a half elf named Selprina. She was a cleric who was a complete clutz lol. After that I became addicted to RPing. I still remember making a halfling, who in her travels gained a human companion who decided to keep walking on instead of helping her up these stone stairs which was taller than she was. Finally during a battle with I think a silver wyrmling she just threw down her weapons, opened her arms and called out "Alright, get it over with and kill me! I'm tired of hanging around this bloody moron!" and pointed to the human lol.

Through the years I have had many characters, and many storylines. However once I grew to become an adult I couldn't find anyone who even heard of D&D let alone played it. While living in Toledo, OH with my then boyfriend I got on the computer and did a search for onine D&D, and that brought me to Wizards. I fought for days to get my first character, starting with Amastacia. I had many inquiries of what the mls at the end of her name stood for and my response was "Hehe it's my initials." When asked why in the world I put that there I simply said "Because it's the only way I could get the character name."

Oh I think that was around the summer of '03 roughly. At that time I was going through alot and needed something to take my mind off of it. So at the beginning my reasoning would have to be escape, plus the intense desire to play any form of D&D.

Unfortunately though for awhile I had to take a break due to lack of computer. I then got started RPing again when I moved to PA and became a regular to the likes of the CRT. During the years I made alot of good friends, some of them I would even go as far as calling my own personal extended family. Some people think I am a drama queen because of the trouble I get Ama into but hey, when things grow boring I have a desire to spice it up. Also I agree that sometimes my emotions come out into my characters and so if I am frustrated with something I tend to get my character into a fight because it helps take out my frustration n a way that doesn't hurt me or anyone else.

Big thanks and hugs goes out to the players of these characters, because if not for you guys I probably would have given up RPing on ISRP long ago: Anzer, Thunder, Larok, Phariel, Babylon, Darien, Bran, Sky, and though we never really interacted Brynn and Orchid because watching your antics made me laugh even when I wanted to cry.

Alright, yes this has grown very long winded, and I am sure I probably left out names, but you all know who you are that have touched my life in some way, shape or form, and I want to send out my thanks to you for making my RP life so much fun.

Babylon Logos

First Post
Amastacia said:
You lie Brutal!!!
I'm sorry, that made me laugh . . . I feel ashamed that I actually said Elle oh Elle to . . .

Amastacia said:
Big thanks and hugs goes out to the players of these characters, because if not for you guys I probably would have given up RPing on ISRP long ago: Anzer, Thunder, Larok, Phariel, Babylon, Darien, Bran, Sky, and though we never really interacted Brynn and Orchid because watching your antics made me laugh even when I wanted to cry.

Yay, on a list. Now then, no one else! I hate being on lists . . .


First Post
whats the real reason we RP?

well, here it goes for me..i think in 2003 if i remember correctly, i began rping on the internet. i have been rping withi D&D since around 1980, but was turned onto wizards by my son. My first ever character there was Thunderblade Warhammer, who at the time had a screen name of warmage. Thunder was and always has been my most favorite character i have ever used, due to the simple fact of meeting a small group of people..tyrian, liadan, amastacia, tabita, Zed, and perhaps the most influential in Thunders mixed up life..lain. I have to agree with the fact that rping is an escape..an alternate reality within the real world that allows you to interact in a way that most people choose not to interact with others in real life...while i am usually outgoing, myself, isrp allows a whole different identity of yourself to come out that most real people would most likely never see...i have had all sorts of fun, laughing, crying, or just talking in general..thats why i roleplay

Darion Mydaes

First Post
Ah. So many wonderful replies with so many wonderful reasons.

I hardly come on site anymore, I have to admit, the time zones are simply too different, and I'm tired of waiting for people to come entertain me.
That being said, I still come around, and maybe abit more from now on.

My first "catchy" char, was definately Jaco_ back at wizards. Far from my first, but he's the one that got me hooked. He changed me, and when his wife disappeared, I created Norrak, who still to this day manages a visit to the tavern once in a while.
I can't say that my own chars are the reasons I keep comming back, though, I agree with all you others, it's the people. It's you. I've interacted with alot of people through the years, and only a few have managed to escape my grasp. Well, that number's been growing lately, of course, due to my absence.

Erherm. That's just a li'l babbling from my side.
All in all, I RP 'caus I like it. And 'caus I like you.

-Darion, Jaco_, Norrak, Dawlish and oh so many others.

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