What's Your (Favourite) Role?

Your Favourite Role

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I love being a defender, taking a punch in the face for your allies? Boo-ya!

Strikers are sexy, like a Ferrari, but if there were no defenders, they'd be done and they need constant attention. The defender is a nice, reliable PC, like a Volvo. Maybe they don't nova for 1000 damage or rearrange the battlefield, but my warden can lock down a BBEG with the best of them and his damage is fairly strong as well. Besides, who doesn't like having 80 hp at level 7 and a million surges? Combined with Comrades' Succor Ritual, I'm everybody's best friend


I love being a defender, taking a punch in the face for your allies? Boo-ya!

Strikers are sexy, like a Ferrari, but if there were no defenders, they'd be done and they need constant attention. The defender is a nice, reliable PC, like a Volvo. Maybe they don't nova for 1000 damage or rearrange the battlefield, but my warden can lock down a BBEG with the best of them and his damage is fairly strong as well. Besides, who doesn't like having 80 hp at level 7 and a million surges? Combined with Comrades' Succor Ritual, I'm everybody's best friend

Without a Leader, ....

Leader's are everybody's best friend. ;)

I'm currently playing a Striker in your game and a Hybrid Swordmage / Wizard in another game. Both are a lot of fun, but I think part of it is due to the fact that both can shine BECAUSE of the other PCs with other roles.

No one role is totally critical. The game can be a lot of fun regardless of the roles in the group, but a fairly even spread allows each player to shine with the role that player's PC is fulfilling.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
My current 4E group is without a leader (cleric) about half of the time and we definitely notice it when he's gone!

And, no, we don't have a paladin either. Instead, we each have 2-3 Healing Potions. :erm:


Leaders are just so much more interesting and fun in 4E than any "healer" has been in previous editions. I really like them. Warlords are an awesome class, bards are WAY cooler now than they ever were before, shamans are really interesting too.


First Post
Oh I'm not doubting Leader's abilities and without them I'd be in tough shape, but a huge benefit for my dwarf warden is the Font of Life and second wind as a minor. Helps take some of the load off the cleric and let him help the melee ranger instead (mr. punching bag).

I agree that I find the game runs best with 1 of each role + 1 to 2 others.


First Post
I find the game runs best with 1 of each role + 1 to 2 others.

That's my preference as well, though I have to admit it's sometimes fun working around the absence of a role also. Last LFR group I played with had 1.5 leaders, 1 controller, 2.5 strikers, no defender. The hardiest thing in the group was my goliath runepriest, so I ended up playing the role of punching bag.

I've seen all striker party, I've tried nearly all defender party, and there is fun to be had with every combination.

But for a long running game, it's tough to beat a balanced spread of roles.


First Post
I've seen all striker party, I've tried nearly all defender party, and there is fun to be had with every combination.

But for a long running game, it's tough to beat a balanced spread of roles.

Agreed. When I first heard about class roles, I thought it was limiting, but seeing it in practice I quickly changed my mind. It's important for everyone to know what their job is — and at the same time there is some flexibility. I've seen barbarians and avengers act as replacement defenders, and fighters being like strikers, etc.

I played in a mostly striker party in a Living Forgotten Realms game; the first fight was cakewalk since we got really good initiative and tossed out some serious buttkicking before the baddies had a chance to move (my sorcerer's burst spells were perfect for this situation; with an action point I went "woosh, you are slowed, boom, you are prone!). The second fight was not so smooth.

I dmed a mostly defender party too (also in LFR)... they waltzed through the fights no problem — the baddies had trouble hitting anyone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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