What's Your (Favourite) Role?

Your Favourite Role


First Post
I've seen all striker party, I've tried nearly all defender party, and there is fun to be had with every combination.

All striker might be cool, each round if the focus fire they should easily be able to take down at least 1 standard monster, maybe even an elite ...

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I love playing defenders

All striker might be cool, each round if the focus fire they should easily be able to take down at least 1 standard monster, maybe even an elite ...

I have considered an all warlord campaign, with a mix of presences, which could be interesting.


First Post
I picked Leader, but only because I really, really like the warlord. Otherwise, probably a tough call between defender (fighter, warden), and striker (rogue, warlock).


For me it's leader, followed closely by controller. I love giving other players bonuses, and messing with enemy strategies. I've got my sights set on playing a tactical warlord sometime, but for now, I'm happily playing my Invoker|Cleric (level 9); hell, my invoker encounter powers (lightning's revelation, rain of blood) are more leaderly than some of the cleric equivalents at that level.

Dude---you will *love* a TacLord if you like granting bonuses and screwing with enemies.

Hands-down favorite class (and role). Knowing that the party would be screwed without my constant bonuses is incredibly satisfying. Nobody misses with a Daily when I'm around ;)


First Post
All striker might be cool, each round if the focus fire they should easily be able to take down at least 1 standard monster, maybe even an elite ...

I'm still wanting to try a party of 2 druids, 2 invokers, and 1 wizard. I think they should be able to clean up whole encounters in 3-4 rounds, if they can all stay standing. Maybe make them all dwarves.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Defender has been winning since vote 1, but as of now, Striker is ahead 29 to 27.

Rah rah rah. Gooooo Painbringers! Hooray! B-)


First Post
It is not too surprising that controllers are pretty far behind (the other three being very even at the moment) since they are a harder class to play and more situational in their powers and such.

Perhaps another problem is too much of their power is buried in dailies, and most players, in my experience, are loath to use dailies. Wizards in particular suffer from this.


I'm actually surprised leaders are doing so well...I didn't know there were that many board goers that liked the leader style of play.


First Post
I'm actually surprised leaders are doing so well...I didn't know there were that many board goers that liked the leader style of play.

I'm really not as leaders are finally able to both heal and do other things. In previous editions sooner or later the cleric was gonna be healing every round, and people would complain if they spent a spell slot on anything but healing.

Now they can heal well, and still have a lot of resources for other things.

Plus, with healing being not just for clerics anymore, it is even better.

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