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When children were considered innocent


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*Written with a steady hand and in a style that seems more custom to writing elven than human*
I am new to this area, but have been here long enough to see some of the most brutal acts toward children. I do not think such acts should be tolerated, the lycans here must control their bloodlust rather tan make excuses for it. The rumors say that they have helped in getting rid of many a vampire from these parts, though is one vampire worth losing one child? The child has lived though he may be infected with the lycans disease, I have heard that their are a few cures of this disease so to those that beilive that children should not have to endure these trials and tribulations I ask for your help in this matter.


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*looks to the post and smiles as he quickly scrawls out a response, tacking it up just under the original*

"Selfish lycanthropes think that killing off a few vampires will get the world of them, i dont even pity them. Silly bears and wolves you only tip the iceberg. and i guess the only thing i have left to say is you drag children into your stupid war, you cross the line, end of story and you get what is coming to you.



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Many thanks

*sees the reply and scribbles his own*
I do not wish any to think I am starting a campaign against the lycans, I do however beilieve with all my heart that it is the duty of those with the power to do so, to protect our children. Against dragons, lycans vampires, or gods we must stand for our children. There is no excuse for the actions that have transpired, I simply ask you all to search your heart and help me find away to better protect those that can not protect themselves



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First, this said "child" is a 70 year old Elf. He is old enough to readily fight in a war, and he is old enough to understand the consequences of coming to a place like the Crossroads alone. Siain, the owner, has put up several notices that children should be escorted by an adult. Perhaps we should be reprimanding the parents? I am not going to make an excuse for the Lycanthropes. What happened was unfortunate, but we wouldn't be complaining if this had happened to an adult. That young man decided to like an adult when he put himself in the position he was in when he was attacked. Let him be treated like one.

No one is throwing a fit over the fact that this same said 'child' has been sexually assulted by our local Succubus. Is anyone going to throw a fit over child molestion, or are we just looking for something to gripe about because we simply don't like the idea of the Lycanthropes in town. Lycanthropes who cause the same amount of trouble as the local fiends and vampires. Creature you all complain about and do nothing.

Instead of you all complaining and whining on the corkboards over something why don't you simply do something about it instead of waste all our time by being childish and throwing petty insults. So many people speak the words of a hero, but none act upon their words. This entire place is pathetic, and I pity Siani because she has to deal with so much.


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I thought you different

My dear Lily

I am not throwing any insults, I have only jus now heard of the sexual assualt. One crime does not make another less harsh, and swift action is not always the best. As I have said I do not wish to start a campaign against the Lycans infact there is a Lyan here that seems to have more wisdom in these matters than you or I. I simply care for the sake of the boy, if he is as old as you say that makes little difference. I am no paladin though my heart bleeds to see such acts, now I know your deity has given you more training than I, but perhaps you should ignore that schooling and look at this matter with your heart. I had thought it a paladins goal to help those that can not help themselves. Forgive me if I am wrong



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I am helping this child in a timely organized manner in which I don't think you comprehend. I don't think you realize the troubles you cause by publicizing this event. This boy needs guidance, not an entire village staring at him in fear, anger, or confusion. This boy needs time to realize what has happened and the options he now has. After the boy is taken care of, then we can have conference with the Lycanthropes. We can all come to some sort of agreement. Not everything can be taken care of in a matter of days. This boys problem is not rooted wholly with the Lycanthropes, but himself and his total lack of judgement. Right now focus on one part of the problem, then move to the next. The Lycanthropes will be handled.

Before you act perhaps you should gain all the information and understanding of the situation, and do not question those who are above you. Try to learn to handle something diplomaticially then by the hip.

There is more to being a Paladin then running into a rift head first. Go against a whole clan of anything alone, you will definitely not come back out. I can live another day and help another life if I handle things diplomaticially.

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My blades are sheated

My blades have and shal remain at my side. I have not acted rashly, though it seems I am the only one who wished to offer the boy a cure. You have said the lycans can help him, but I have learned they can not, the boy will be caged when the moons comes, locked up like the animal he will become. If he chooses this path then so be it, but I will not let him choose this without knowing the options that he has. As for listening to those above me there is but one M'lady and that is my deity.



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There you go again speaking before you know the details. The boy has been informed of his options, but has not yet decided what fate is his choice. He knows what will come of him if he choses to become a beast. He has experienced the wraith of bloodlust first hand. He also knows that there is a cure available, but he has not yet asked to be given it. You know little of the situation and speak with great assumptions. The lycanthropes have been contacted incase the boy decides the fate of the beast. They are there to ensure that their mistake does not plague the Townfolks of Ford's Keep. It is the boy and only him that will chose if he joins them, but he should have that option and all other options available.

And this situation has little to do with Dieties, for they were not mentioned. When I spoke for those above you. I spoke of wisdom and experience.


Edited: And I feel that the two of us should be working together. I can't help but feel we're allowing our opinions to seperate us. The main focus should be the boy. I just fear that you words will indirectly start a war, and the Crossroads will turn into a battle zone. I'd rather not see that happen, and that is what I am trying to express to you. Be cautious of what you say and whose angers you spur, because you might accidentally start a wild fire you are unable to put out.
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Another note

I have said many times, I wish not to start a war, and I have said the boy knows of the cure, but would any have told him had I not. If the lycans, you, or any other is angry that I am acting with my heart, then that is of your own accord. I am looking only for the boys best interests, if he thinks that this disease is the best bet then so be it, I will advise him of the lycans that I met that seem to know how to control their curse so to speak. How can one teach what they do not know after all?



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I am not angered with you. Not in the least! As I have said, I admire your standfastness to your morals. I just want to caution you. I wish you not to intercounter any harm. I am able to worry about my apprentice who enjoys defying me. Your heart is very large. I must admire your passion. Now work as hard as you debate, and I'll be impressed.


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