When Everyone is Super:
a Miniguide to Classless Damage Boosts
Goal of this guide: to list the best ways for any character to improve his or her damage, regardless of class.
Link to Original Thread: This is a link to the original thread in the Wayback Time Machine if you want to access commentary.
What this guide is: it's a list of ways you can improve your damage significantly across all tiers of play. It will focus on well-supported options for any build to increase their damage, whether they use melee weapons, ranged weapons or implements. Some options will be limited by certain requirements, like race.
It's also a community-driven effort. I've read a lot these past few years, but don't know half the possibilities out there. So I welcome opinions on what's good and what's not.
What this guide is not: this is not a class guide. We have more than enough of those. If you want ways to boost your damage that are specific to your class, read the appropriate handbook. So with some exceptions, this guide will not list options that require you to be a certain class.
This guide will also not focus on accuracy. Although working on your accuracy is generally the best way to increase your damage (since misses deal no damage), the options for that are well known, less diverse and appropriately rated in the class guides. Combos that increase your damage on the other hand, require you to combine a lot of pieces into a working whole, which class guides by their nature don't show you how to do.
Lastly, this guide is not exhaustive. It will not list ways to increase your damage that depend on being bloodied, if you're exactly 2 squares away from your target and whether it's Tuesday. Suggestions are welcome though, and if they're good enough they will be listed under Miscellaneous.
This guide does not include rare items (with the exception of the epic level Ioun Stones). There are some niche rare items that convert damage or give a boost under certain circumstances, but those would clutter up the guide. If you want to see them, search the thread for "rare" to see what other posters suggested.
A word of thanks to:
All Char Op regulars for their encyclopedic knowledge of these game elements, how to combine them and their willingness to share it. Shoulders of giants, etc.
Dielzen for cataloguing all the damage types.
Anyone who posts to make this guide better.
This handbook will use the following system for ratings:
Gold - Required to make something work, or so incredibly good you can't not take this.
Sky Blue - High damage bonus, a rare type or untyped damage boost, works for nearly every build.
Blue - Good damage bonus, works for a lot of builds, might come with prerequisites.
Black - Okay damage bonus, but competes with better options or is difficult to use effectively.
Purple - Only useful for niche builds.
Red - Garbage, or completely overshadowed by another option.
This handbook uses the following sourcesAP - Arcane Power
AV - Adventurer's Vault
AV2 - Adventurer's Vault 2
DRXXX - Dragon Magazine, issue XXX
DiP - Divine Power
DSCS - Dark Sun Campaign Setting
DUXXX - Dungeon Magazine, issue XXX
EPG - Eberron Player's Guide
FRPG - Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
HotFL - Heroes of Fallen Lands
HotFK - Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms
HotFW - Heroes of the Feywild
HotEC - Heroes of the Elemental Chaos
HoS - Heroes of Shadow
MME - Mordenkainen's Magnificent Emporium
MOTP - Manual of the Planes
MP - Martial Power
MP2- Martial Power 2
NWCS - Neverwinter Campaign Setting
PHB - Player's Handbook
PHB2 - Player's Handbook 2
PHB3 - Player's Handbook 3
PHH1 - Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1
- Player's Handbook Races: Dragonborn
PHR:T - Player's Handbook Races: Tiefling
PrP - Primal Power
PsP - Psionic Power
a Miniguide to Classless Damage Boosts

Goal of this guide: to list the best ways for any character to improve his or her damage, regardless of class.
Link to Original Thread: This is a link to the original thread in the Wayback Time Machine if you want to access commentary.
What this guide is: it's a list of ways you can improve your damage significantly across all tiers of play. It will focus on well-supported options for any build to increase their damage, whether they use melee weapons, ranged weapons or implements. Some options will be limited by certain requirements, like race.
It's also a community-driven effort. I've read a lot these past few years, but don't know half the possibilities out there. So I welcome opinions on what's good and what's not.
What this guide is not: this is not a class guide. We have more than enough of those. If you want ways to boost your damage that are specific to your class, read the appropriate handbook. So with some exceptions, this guide will not list options that require you to be a certain class.
This guide will also not focus on accuracy. Although working on your accuracy is generally the best way to increase your damage (since misses deal no damage), the options for that are well known, less diverse and appropriately rated in the class guides. Combos that increase your damage on the other hand, require you to combine a lot of pieces into a working whole, which class guides by their nature don't show you how to do.
Lastly, this guide is not exhaustive. It will not list ways to increase your damage that depend on being bloodied, if you're exactly 2 squares away from your target and whether it's Tuesday. Suggestions are welcome though, and if they're good enough they will be listed under Miscellaneous.
This guide does not include rare items (with the exception of the epic level Ioun Stones). There are some niche rare items that convert damage or give a boost under certain circumstances, but those would clutter up the guide. If you want to see them, search the thread for "rare" to see what other posters suggested.
A word of thanks to:
All Char Op regulars for their encyclopedic knowledge of these game elements, how to combine them and their willingness to share it. Shoulders of giants, etc.
Dielzen for cataloguing all the damage types.
Anyone who posts to make this guide better.
This handbook will use the following system for ratings:
Gold - Required to make something work, or so incredibly good you can't not take this.
Sky Blue - High damage bonus, a rare type or untyped damage boost, works for nearly every build.
Blue - Good damage bonus, works for a lot of builds, might come with prerequisites.
Black - Okay damage bonus, but competes with better options or is difficult to use effectively.
Purple - Only useful for niche builds.
Red - Garbage, or completely overshadowed by another option.
This handbook uses the following sourcesAP - Arcane Power
AV - Adventurer's Vault
AV2 - Adventurer's Vault 2
DRXXX - Dragon Magazine, issue XXX
DiP - Divine Power
DSCS - Dark Sun Campaign Setting
DUXXX - Dungeon Magazine, issue XXX
EPG - Eberron Player's Guide
FRPG - Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
HotFL - Heroes of Fallen Lands
HotFK - Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms
HotFW - Heroes of the Feywild
HotEC - Heroes of the Elemental Chaos
HoS - Heroes of Shadow
MME - Mordenkainen's Magnificent Emporium
MOTP - Manual of the Planes
MP - Martial Power
MP2- Martial Power 2
NWCS - Neverwinter Campaign Setting
PHB - Player's Handbook
PHB2 - Player's Handbook 2
PHB3 - Player's Handbook 3
PHH1 - Player's Handbook Heroes: Series 1

PHR:T - Player's Handbook Races: Tiefling
PrP - Primal Power
PsP - Psionic Power
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