D&D Movie/TV Where is all of the Honor Among Thieves D&D stuff, WotC?

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It's weird that they did tie in novels and they weren't like, Forgotten Realms novels. What is going on with the tie in licensing here?
Forgotten Realms as an independent product line is dead (like Ravenloft, Dragonlance etc). I love the old stone-styled logo with the moon runes etc, but WotC long ago decided that there was only going to be one D&D brand and one D&D product line. No sub-brands to split the market. If any movie-related books come out, they'll be D&D-branded, and not even mention the Forgotten Realms.

Forgotten Realms as an independent product line is dead (like Ravenloft, Dragonlance etc). I love the old stone-styled logo with the moon runes etc, but WotC long ago decided that there was only going to be one D&D brand and one D&D product line. No sub-brands to split the market. If any movie-related books come out, they'll be D&D-branded, and not even mention the Forgotten Realms.

Which is stupid because D&D is just a rule set, it's the actual settings that makes things interesting, it's the actual settings that give you something to actual make movie out of. This movie should have been call Forgotten Realms: Honor Among Thieves.

Which is stupid because D&D is just a rule set, it's the actual settings that makes things interesting, it's the actual settings that give you something to actual make movie out of. This movie should have been call Forgotten Realms: Honor Among Thieves.

No it shouldn't. Never going to happen (ESPECIALLY since WotC isn't currently selling a single product with 'Forgotten Realms' in the title).

WotC would have insisted on the name being D&D because they want the movie to advertise the game to non-players, and that's what the game is called. The studio would have insisted the name being D&D because that's the brand with pre-existing name recognition.

Like it or not, FR is 'default D&D setting' now. The term 'forgotten realms' is being left to wither on the vine
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No it shouldn't. Never going to happen (ESPECIALLY since WotC isn't currently selling a single product with 'Forgotten Realms' in the title).

WotC would have insisted on the name being D&D because they want to advertise the game to non-players, and that's what the game is called. The studio would have insisted the name being D&D because that's the brand with pre-existing name recognition.

Like it or not, FR is 'default D&D setting' now. The term 'forgotten realms' is being left to wither on the vine
I thought you were wrong so I went and looked and not even the Drizzt novels carry the FR logo anymore. Wow!


Spoiler: it will not be good.
There's 'not good' and there's 'not good but still makes money' and those are not the same thing for investors.
I would think that they should have had a Movie based adventure and starter set... but then again I would think you would want to line that up with the new edition not a year before the new edition... just in time to learn a system then go try to learn all the changes.
Hmm... I wonder if the upcoming shift to OneD&D might have made things awkward? After all, wasn't the movie moved due to the pendemic? That probably messed up some plans...


From the pit of the 9th
There's 'not good' and there's 'not good but still makes money' and those are not the same thing for investors.

Hmm... I wonder if the upcoming shift to OneD&D might have made things awkward? After all, wasn't the movie moved due to the pendemic? That probably messed up some plans...
Oh for sure. I just mean on Warpiglet’s suck o meter, it will score highly in suck.

Hear me now, believe me later.

(My buddy likes the goofy stuff on sci fi channel. Some people liked the rebooted Conan…I mean I am neither siskel nor ebert but I am guessing this will be “snails level” good).

Oh for sure. I just mean on Warpiglet’s suck o meter, it will score highly in suck.

Hear me now, believe me later.

(My buddy likes the goofy stuff on sci fi channel. Some people liked the rebooted Conan…I mean I am neither siskel nor ebert but I am guessing this will be “snails level” good).
The movie is going to be exactly the same sort of PG-rated light quippy adventure-comedy that follows a well-worn path from Indiana Jones to Buffy and the MCU. Which is eminently predictable (everyone and their dog in filmland is trying to be the MCU right now), if not exactly a daring creative choice. If you don't like that sort of thing, there's probably not going to be much there for you. And of course even if you do like that sort of thing (like me - the Brendan Fraser Mummy movie is one of my all-time favorites), some in the genre are better than others (the less said about the sequels to the Mummy, the better!)

No it shouldn't. Never going to happen (ESPECIALLY since WotC isn't currently selling a single product with 'Forgotten Realms' in the title).

WotC would have insisted on the name being D&D because they want the movie to advertise the game to non-players, and that's what the game is called. The studio would have insisted the name being D&D because that's the brand with pre-existing name recognition.

Like it or not, FR is 'default D&D setting' now. The term 'forgotten realms' is being left to wither on the vine

D&D is not a setting, it's a rule set, no one in character would call their worlds Dungeons and Dragons.

D&D is not a setting, it's a rule set, no one in character would call their worlds Dungeons and Dragons.
No one in character would use the terms 'A Galaxy Far Far Away' or even 'Star Wars' either. The title of the film is for the benefit of the viewer, not the characters.

There are wars in space in Star Wars; there are certainly dragons and most likely to be dungeons in the D&D movie. It's all the same in the wash.

Voidrunner's Codex

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