Where's that Dragonlance TV Series?

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Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I can understand WotC being standoffish on licensing deals after the horror show that was the Dragonlance animated movie (seriously, it was awful).
It seemed like it was the changes in leadership a few years ago that tanked its chances. Old leadership folks had shown interest, but new ones said to go kick rocks.


Book-Friend, he/him
That wasn't Dragonlance. While there has been a Dragonlance script floating around for a few years from Joe Mananiello, the live action TV show wasn't related to it. It was--IIRC--underdark-themed.
There was another thread about Manganiello felt the Dragonlance show was dead...but recently he has apparently been saying it might still have a chance, so time will tell.

Voidrunner's Codex

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