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D&D 5E Which Homebrew Rules do you use? Fixes, styles of game, pillars, etc.


Our main houserules are:

1) 3 Concentration spells available at a time. This brings the game closer to 3E without really allowing the spell casters to overwhelm (although NPC Greater Invisibility and Fly do cause some PCs to prep See Invisibility and Dispel Magic).

2) + half proficiency round down to non-proficient saving throws (it doesn't make sense that a PC at level 20 is just as crappy as saving vs. spells or poison or some such as he was at level 1, especially since the NPC attacks have higher DCs, the game was never that way)

3) Proficiency level number of attuned magic items. It's fun to be high level with a bunch of stuff.

4) A way to gain 10% or 20% of total hit points with a Medicine check and a healing kit charge during a short rest. This gives a slight incentive for players to not feel it necessary to create healer PCs.

5) A perception roll is used instead of passive perception for surprise. Some PCs are surprised, some are not and it's not always the same ones. And super stealthy foes do not necessarily surprise all of the PCs.

There are others, but they are mostly minor.

Sorry, I mean no disrespect, but I don't want to play in your table, ever. I really hated 3rd edition, with their all-powerful casters, math inflation and "geared" characters. I would never, ever play pathfinder again (those sad times when the only DMs around were 3rd edition ones), and Concentration is just my favourite mechanic around casters.

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Sorry, I mean no disrespect, but I don't want to play in your table, ever. I really hated 3rd edition, with their all-powerful casters, math inflation and "geared" characters. I would never, ever play pathfinder again (those sad times when the only DMs around were 3rd edition ones), and Concentration is just my favourite mechanic around casters.

Actually, no disrespect, but you have no idea what you are talking about since you have never experienced 5E this way. Your 3E experience doesn't translate because concentration is not the only nerf to 5E spellcasting from the 3E spells. It's miles away from taking 5E all the way back to the all-powerful casters of 3E. It's just a few utility steps in that direction.

The game is a blast with this concentration rule. Not a single player in the nearly 3 years that we have used it has ever once complained that the casters are too powerful. All of the other limiting casting rules of 5E are still in effect like most control spells getting a save every single round, fewer spells per day starting at level 10, the general nerfing of many spells like Charm Person, etc.

The players in my group have made comments about the 5th level Barbarians that can sometimes do 60 points of damage in a single round, but not about the 5th level Wizard who can have both Blur and Web up in the same encounter. Not a single caster PC has dominated the game.

On the other hand, I have played 5E a while without the concentration rule change and it is boring as heck to be able to a) throw up a defensive spell, or b) throw up a control spell, or c) throw up a non-instantaneous offensive spell; and then go back to boring cantrips and instantaneous damage spells and such because even useful miscellaneous spells like Fog Cloud require concentration too. Talk about the creativity of a caster player being handcuffed. Two or three illusion spells up at the same time? Heaven forbid. Meh.


I have 40 house rules. Not all come into play on a regular basis. Some are in review by myself and my players and not implemented. Some are released for regular use. They are as follows:

Rule # Area Affected Description Status
1 Sorcerer Class Creating spell slots with sorcerer points uses the equation: Spell Slot Level +1 = Sorcery Point Cost. The table on page 101 has been updated. Released
2 Feats Lucky: The Lucky feat can be used to affect d20 rolls that pertain to random effects. In particular this feat can be used to roll an additional d20 for Blink, Mirror Image, or Slow. Released
3 Spell Casting Spell casting can be performed with a weapon in each hand. For two single weapons the player will provide the process for determining how a hand is temporarily freed. For two handed weapon fighting, the caster will release the grip with one hand for an instant and cast the spell. Clerics and Paladins may cast spells with somatic components if they are wielding a shield with their holy symbol on the shield, without making gestures. Released
4 Hit Dice When rolling for Maximum Hit Points after level 1 use your class hit dice. Re-roll a roll of 1 or a roll of 2. Released
5 Spells Barkskin is treated as a "base" AC setting similar to Chain Mail armor. Modifiers to AC will be additive or subtractive to the base AC from Barkskin. Bonuses can be acquired from a shield, cover, or spells that provide an additive bonus to AC such as Haste. Dex bonus does not apply. The text "bonus" is a key word in the description to AC modifiers. Released
6 Fighter Class Maneuver: Evasive Footwork is intended to increase the AC of the fighter with respect to attacks from reactions. Therefore, the fighter may use the bonus during the entire turn even if the fighter makes an attack on several opponents. This bonus no longer applies if a condition reduces the fighters speed to zero. Released
7 Spells Concentration spells: A spell caster can choose one 2nd level or lower spell that can cause up to 1d6 damage as a signature spell. This spell does not need to cause damage. This spell is not overwritten when another concentration spell is cast. The signature spell can be stopped by the standard means of stopping a concentration spell. Released
8 Spells "Eldritch Lightning: 1st-level evocation (Sorc, Warlock, Wiz), Casting Time: 1 action, Range: 30 Feet, Component V, S, M (materials that do not have a gp cost), Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Several beams of crackling, blue energy lances out toward a creature within range, forming sustained arcs of lightning between you and the target, and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be restrained by the electrical shock until the spell ends. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 lightning damage, and on each of your turns for the duration, you can use your action to deal 1d10 lightning damage to the target automatically. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else. The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the spells range or if it has total cover from you. A creature restrained by the lightning can use its action to make a Constitution check against your spell save DC. On a success, the target is freed.
" Released
9 Warlock Class The warlock pact weapon can be two individual weapons that would be wielded by the warlock in each hand. The two individual weapons are restricted to weapons that have the property Light. Released
10 Monk Class The movement cost to stand up will be 5ft at level 4. The movement to stand up will be 0ft at 7th level. These are features of the class. Released
11 Movement The movement cost to stand up will be 15 ft. It will not be 1/2 the character speed. Released
12 Weapons Reach Weapons: Reach weapon attacks are at disadvantage when attacking a creature at 5ft. Released
13 Monk Class Ki Points: The monk ki point pool is equal to the value listed on the table for the monk (p 77) plus the proficiency bonus for the character. Released
14 Sorcerer Class Sorcery Points: The sorcerer recovers all sorcery points after a short rest. Released
15 Jump Jumping for a combination of distance and height follows the rules: 1) Check if the character can clear the height per the vertical jump rules, 2) Calculate the long jump distance as Height X 1.5 X 2, 3) Determine if the character can make that long jump distance per the long jump rules, 3) Determine if the character has the movement needed for the distance, 4) Character must succeed on a DC 10 athletics check to succeed at the combination long high jump. Failure of the ability check results are determined by DM at that time. Released
16 Spells Counterspell: Counterspell may not be cast as a reaction while casting a spell. For example, if the first character is casting Fireball and a second character meets the requirements to cast Counterspell and reacts by casting Counterspell, the first character cannot cast Counterspell as a reaction to the second characters casting of Conterspell. Released
17 Prone Ranged attacks against a creature two sizes larger or more than your current size and suffering the condition prone will not be taken at disadvantage because they are prone. Released
18 Suffocating While in combat or otherwise prevented from focusing on moving and holding ones breath, a creature may hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to the character Constitution score / 2. If allowed to focus on holding the breath and moving then a character will follow the rules as written on PHB p 183 Released
19 Potion Consumption Potions can be consumed as an object interaction. See PHB page 190 for other examples of an object interaction. In addition, potions can be consumed as Use an Object action. Drinking a potion can be set as a reaction to a triggering event, aka Ready Action to drink a potion. Be wary of potion mixing. See DMG page 140. Released
20 Spells Vampiric Touch: Vampiric Touch spell is a melee and spell attack. This attack can be performed with a Cast as Spell Action. The result is a melee spell - weapon attack that causes both weapon damage and spell damage on a hit. Weapon damage is added to the total damage of the spell. Released
21 Monk Class Fangs of the Fire Snake: This ability has ki point expenditure limited by the table on page 80 of the PHB. The ability works as follows: The first ki spent grants 10ft reach and fire damage. Additional ki spent grants an additional 1d10 damage for each ki spent for the rest of the turn (not round). Released
22 Race: Dragon Draconic Fury: As a replacement for the Breath Weapon ability Dragonborn characters may use the Draconic Fury ability. Draconic Fury rules are: You can use the ability to add your strength bonus or charisma bonus plus 5 to your attack damage until the start of your next turn. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest. Released
23 Race: Dragonborn Bloodmemory: Dragons are such an ancient race and their creation contains the blood of the first dragons that their blood carries memories from their ancestors. A dragonborn character may add half their proficiency bonus to History checks. This is generally used for role play and DM hooks. Released
24 Spells Raise Dead: The recovery for each -1 modifier to attack rolls, saves, and ability checks is per week rather than per long rest. Therefore a creature will be back to full strength after 4 weeks of rest. Released
25 Spells General rule of High level trumps low level: As a general rule high level spells will dispell lower level spells where applicable. Therefore a 4th level or greater Darkness will dispell a 3 level or lower Daylight and vise versa. Released
26 Feats "Feat Name: Master Truth Wizard. The character has enough physiology and psychology knowledge to understand what certain microexpressions in the face and body language mean. You gain the following benefits:
* Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
* You gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks made to detect deception.
* You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill." Review
27 Feats "Feat Name: Master of War. The character has insight into battle field tactics and strategy. You can provide guidance to your allies to ensure the right person is at the right place at the right time. You have three strategy points. Each benefit requires the expendature of one strategy point. You regain your expended strategy points when you finish a long rest. You gain one of the following benefits with an expendature of one strategy point:
* Swap the order of two ally characters in initiative with the permission of the players.
* Grant up to two ally characters the ability to take the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action. Those characters gain a +10 to speed for the round." Review
28 Assassin lvl 3 "Bonus Proficiencies: Same as PH: proficiency with disguise and poisoner's kit.
Assassinate: If the character makes an attack at a creature that does not percieve it and the character does not have disadvantage then the hit is considered a critical hit. The assassin can use this feature four times per day. You regain all spent assassinates when you finish a short or long rest. You gain one additional use of this feature at levels 7 and 10. You gain two additional uses of this feature at level 18. This is in addition to the text for assassinate.
Poison Specialist: An assassin selects 1 favored poison type from: ingested, inhaled, contact, or injury. When you make an intelligence or wisdom check related to the favored poison type your proficiency bonus is doubled if you are using a skill you are proficient in. While traveling or during down time you may forage for poison ingredients per the Poisoner's Kit Homebrew by making an Intelligence (Poisoners Kit) roll DC 15. Success results in 1d4+Intelligence bonus ingredients gathered." Released
29 Assassin lvl 9 "Poison Expertise: Creatures have disadvantage on saves against poisons you craft.
Infiltratin Expertise: Same text as per PH." Review
30 Assassin lvl 13 "The assassin can cast the Invisibility spell as an action without needing material components. The assassin can cast this a number of times equal to their Intelligence bonus. They regain used spells after a long rest.
Imposter: Same text as per PH." Review
31 Feats Feat Name: Blind fighting. You are adept at fighting without sight. You do not gain disadvantage while attacking creatures you cannot see and that are in normal range. In addition, when in obscured environments (heavy or light) or blind you are considered seeing creatures for spells as long as the path to the target is not obstructed or the target is not hidden. Review
32 Assassin lvl 15 Relentless Assassin: Starting at level 15, when you roll initiative and have no uses of Assassinate remaining, you regain one use of it. Review
33 Falling "Falling damage is ""gravity"" damage that cannot be resisted. The damage equation is (1d6 / 10 feet) x (feet falling / 40 round down +1). Make a Dex or Str save DC of feet falling / 5 (max of 30) for half damage.
10-ft = 1d6 dmg , Save = 2
20-ft = 2d6 dmg, Save = 4
30-ft = 3d6 dmg, Save = 6
40-ft = 4d6 x 2 dmg, Save = 8
60-ft = 6d6 x 2 dmg, Save = 12
80-ft = 8d6 x 3 dmg, Save = 16
100-ft = 10d6 x 3 dmg, Save = 20
120-ft = 12d6 x 4 dmg, Save = 24
150-ft = 15d6 x 4 dmg, Save = 30
160-ft = 16d6 x 5 dmg, Save = 30
180-ft = 18d6 x 5 dmg, Save = 30
200-ft = 20d6 x 6 dmg, Save = 30" Released
34 Dueling Text revised to: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon you are wielding with one hand, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. Review
35 Great Weapon Fighting Text Revised to: When you are wielding a melee weapon in two hands, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. Review
36 Two-Weapon Fighting Text Revised to: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. Starting at level 12, when you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with one hand, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or 2. Review
37 Down Time 10 days per chapter or milestone in a story. 20 days for completing the story. Uses: PH 187 and DMG 127-135. From PH: Crafting, Practicing a Profession, Recuperating, Researching, Training. From DMG: Building a Stronghold, Carousing, Crafting a Magic Item, Gaining Renown, Performing Sacred Rites, Running a Business, Selling Magic Items, Others (see Creating Downtime Activities DMG p 131). Players to track down time for their characters. Pooling of character down time to achieve a group goal is acceptable. Released
38 Sorcerer Class The sorcerer has 1.5 X the number of slots available as listed in the sorcerer table on pg 100 of the PH. Review
39 Spells When a spell that has an area of effect also states that the creatures in the area are targets then a caster may includes themselves in the effects of the spell. The caster may also exclude themselves from the effects of the spell. There are six spells that use this text: Calm Emotions, Circle of Death, Confusion, fireball, Mass Cure Wounds, and Slow. All other spells that have an area of effect typically use the text "a creature" rather than "target." Review
40 Underwater Vision Visual range underwater or looking into water is halved. Darkvision ranges are halved. Bright light illumination is halved. Dim light illumination is halved. The maximum distance seen into a large body of water during a bright day is 120-ft. The visual range is affected by the turbidity of the water. Review

Unwritten rules
1. Critical rolls result in max damage plus one roll of the dice. For example 2d6+3 damage rolled as a critical results as 12+2d6+3 damage.
2. Critical failures allows the players and DM a chance to gain inspiration if they are willing to roll on the critical fail table. If the critical fail table roll is accepted then the players receive two chips of inspiration. If the critical fail table roll is accepted by the DM he receives one inspiration chip.
3. Inspiration chips can be stored on the PCs for use from game to game. The DM does not store inspiration chips.
4. It's possible to purchase magic items using the table in the DMG for selling the items but then inverse the cost.

A lot of the changes to the assassin are a result of the game being a dungeon delve and the assassin sub class not working too well with the game play style and environment. The changes to sorcerer are an attempt to give the class more flexibility and fun to play rather than forcing a player to make hard choices on resource use. The changes to the monk are thematic and an attempt to make the Way of the Four Elements sub class fun to play. The changes to the warlock class stem from a player that wants to make a jedi style character in D&D.


How do YOU guys handle riddles and puzzles and traps? Do you give players a dice-based option, and if so how hard do you make it compared to solving the riddle/whatever with your brain?

I don't do puzzles all that often, but when I do I'll give people an investigation check if I think they're getting frustrated. I'll give hints based on how successful they are.

After all, just because the PCs are geniuses doesn't mean that the players are. Except for my wife of course. In case she reads this. She's brilliant.


This campaign hasn't started yet, but it adds in my fav 13th age components into 5e.

13th age Backgrounds replace skills/backgrounds:

Make up a background - use the assigned bonus to all rolls it would effect. add to whatever ability score seems logical.
PCs start with 5 points, assign 1-3 per background. +3 points when prof bonus goes up. Thieves get free +2 (thief-like background)
specific is better than general: "Sewer smuggler in the city of Lights" or "assistant arcane historian in the tower of dragons"

Select Ties to 2 of the powerful organizations / rulers or villains. The ties can be positive, mixed or negative. You can use one to modify the setting, (as described in optional 5e DMG rules) You can use a second one, but it will always come with complications.
the ties reset only after an arc is complete, or at the beginning of a session if all players have used at least one.

E10 all PCs are capped at level 10, and no spells or effects higher than this level can be created by an individual. a few Cr 11+ monsters may exist, but are considered legendary. Entire organizations can put together rituals with more powerful effects.

Voidrunner's Codex

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