D&D 5E Which WotC 5E Adventure Makes the Best Sandbox?


The best sandbox is the Daggerford maps that were commissioned for the 2014 DMG but never published:

Supplemented nicely by the Next playtest adventures "Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle" and "Scourge of the Sword Coast".
To clarify, it's only the middle one that was commissioned for the 2014 DMG and thus is unpublished. The first and third maps come from Scourge of the Sword Coast, which Schley indicates in their respective descriptions.

I suspect that part of the original plan for the 2014 DMG was to include Daggerford as a sample starting town / region, kind of like what they did with Nentir Vale and Fallcrest in the 4e DMG. But I guess that got nixed somewhere along the line.

EDIT: Also, I'd just like to add that Scourge of the Sword Coast is fantastic. It's got a ruined castle overtaken by orcs, a noble house's hunting lodge overtaken by gnolls, a fortified dwarven temple/mine overtaken by duergar, and a riverside town overtaken by goblinoids. All are fantastic, dynamic locations that you could rip out and use in your own campaign. (All of them show the value of jaquaysing your dungeons as well.)

I should also point out that Storm King's Thunder covers the Daggerford area and, in fact, the status quo in the SKT version of Daggerford is based on the most common results reported by groups that played through Scourge and reported it in the D&D Encounters poll. (Likewise, the status quo of Baldur's Gate - with Ravengard in charge and the like - is based on the reported playthroughs of Murder in Baldur's Gate. I don't know how much influence playthroughs of Legacy of the Crystal Shard had on SKT or Rime of the Frostmaiden, though.)
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As others have mentioned, the sandbox section of "Storm King's Thunder" is good. It's a shame about the rest of the adventure - indeed, it makes for a far better setting guide than it does a published adventure!


As others have mentioned, the sandbox section of "Storm King's Thunder" is good. It's a shame about the rest of the adventure - indeed, it makes for a far better setting guide than it does a published adventure!
FWIW I’ve both played SKT and run it myself. Had a blast both times. Would happily run it again.


FWIW I’ve both played SKT and run it myself. Had a blast both times. Would happily run it again.

You like everything and probably think Steinlager is a good beer;).

SKT is more average than bad imho and DM/groups can still have fun with those types of adventures.

Playing D&D with right people is also fun the adventure doesn't matter to much in that scenario imho.

I like PotA more than general internet shrugs.

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