D&D 5E Which WotC 5E Adventure Makes the Best Sandbox?


Yeah I enjoyed keep on the borderlands.

Wouldn't call it good these days.
I've never played that one, but I have read it, and no, it doesn't strike me as particularly well written by today's standards.

The campaign that I ran that consisted of "Trouble in Red Larch" (from PotA) followed by Scourge of the Sword Coast followed by Storm King's Thunder was, I think, one of the best D&D campaigns I've ever run.

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I've never played that one, but I have read it, and no, it doesn't strike me as particularly well written by today's standards.

The campaign that I ran that consisted of "Trouble in Red Larch" (from PotA) followed by Scourge of the Sword Coast followed by Storm King's Thunder was, I think, one of the best D&D campaigns I've ever run.

I normally write my own or mine heavily favorite ones few years back with old group.

Modern modules run more or less as is would be Kingmaker, some Quests of Doom ones, Paizo AP from dungeon.

Bought Dragon of Ice Spire Peak tweaked it slightly for Midgard enjoyed that.

None of the recent adventures have impressed me much stopped buying them after Witchlight which went into the meh don't care pile.

Dodged Avernus one and the Waterdeep ones based on these forums.

Plus side none have been outright awful just mostly comparable to SKT to me 6/10 sorta thing.

HotDQ is the worst it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things Forest Oracle says hi


I ran Princes of the Apocalypse (PotA) and think it would work for a sandbox. There is some smaller adventure close to town and under town for levels 1-3 and then the PCs start to explore the outposts of the different cults. This can be broken down or placed in other areas as fit. Same with the larger complex where each cult has a quarter or the thing and they all link up under them to make a deeper one, and a still deeper one. Each quarter could be a standalone location and the Fane / Eye can still be the final location. There is also several sidequests and some additional material on DMsGuild.


Is that "the Eastern Europeans are coming over, they drink their beer warm so better put some on the stove to heat it up before they get here" beer? Regardless cheap beer was fun

No it's an 8% beer in a 900 ml can for $3 usd or 10% imperial stouts half the price of other stouts and they're not bad or 5.5-6.5% being a normal lager. Priced at 4-5% beer slop prices (and some of its not half bad).

Wife acquired 23 900ml cans of it for $12 usd 3.7 drinks per can 5.5%.

Kinda disappeared due to recent events. New years 2019/20 American mate had a dozen budweiser I had 5 of those cans. Got messy.
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No it's an 8% beer in a 900 ml can for $3 usd or 10% imperial stouts half the price of other stouts and they're not bad or 5.5-6.5% being a normal lager. Priced at 4-5% beer slop prices (and some of its not half bad).

Wife acquired 23 900ml cans of it for $12 usd 3.7 drinks per can 5.5%.

Kinda disappeared due to recent events. New years 2019/20 Amerixan mate had a dozen budweiser I had 5 of those cans. Got messy.
I remember when I started drinking in 1985 or so, here in the states all beer was 3.5 ABV. Then in the 90s the Canadians invented 5-7% ABV beer. Labatt and Molson. What fun that was, we used to cross the border, breaking all the duty-free rules for beer and liquor. We'd bring back 3 gallons of liquor and 8 cases of beer and have a grand old time. Now I believe all beer is 5% ABV now


I remember when I started drinking in 1985 or so, here in the states all beer was 3.5 ABV. Then in the 90s the Canadians invented 5-7% ABV beer. Labatt and Molson. What fun that was, we used to cross the border, breaking all the duty-free rules for beer and liquor. We'd bring back 3 gallons of liquor and 8 cases of beer and have a grand old time. Now I believe all beer is 5% ABV now

Our traditional slop is 4% anything half decent is 5%is at least for lagers.

Had some nice lower alcohol new stuff though thr traditional blech stuff is 4%.


I love beer too -- too much, according to both my doctor and my therapist -- but what does it have to do with 5E sandboxes?


Our traditional slop is 4% anything half decent is 5%is at least for lagers.

Had some nice lower alcohol new stuff though thr traditional blech stuff is 4%.
I refuse to pay ridiculous craft beer prices for a 6-Pack. I drink PBR these days, $21.06 USD at Rite-Aid, its just the Budweiser that falls on the floor

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