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Whining & Complaining

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Staff member
How do you like Hour :):):):)?

(That would be a smallish bird whose name starts with "T", has an "i" in the middle, and ends with "ts".)


But you can't call your dark lord Fonkin Hoddypeak.
Take a step back and consider a dark lord named Voldemort.

And Darth Vader.

I've heard non-Star Wars-ophiles say they thought his name was Dark Vader and Death Vader. Both people asked, after I told them his correct name, "What does 'darth' mean?" (Apparently "vader" didn't strike them as needing a meaning.)

How about a hero named Neville Longbottom.

A great wizard named Dumbledore.

Princess Leia? "Her name is Princess Lay-ya?"

Han Solo


Jabba the Hutt. "'Cause he's big as a hut? Ha! Get it?"

Auric Goldfinger


Oryan77 said:
Why is everyone so determined to put me down? Have people not realized yet that yer not gonna make me feel guilty about this?
For the record, I'm not putting you down. At all. And I definitely am not trying to make you or anyone feel guilty about a ruling. (Lord knows, I hate it when people around here second guess or put down my rulings.)

I'm just putting out some information based on my experience. And my experience shows me that even the most initially silly names can lose their silliness very quickly in an otherwise non-silly campaign.

And the reason I'm putting out this information I've learned is to maybe help someone stress less over someone introducing a silly name into a campaign. Unless it is constantly reinforced, silliness wears off pretty fast.



And the reason I'm putting out this information I've learned is to maybe help someone stress less over someone introducing a silly name into a campaign.

The thing is, I don't stress over it....the players seem to be the ones stressing over it (as shown in this thread by the many players arguing with me about it).

For me, I'm just saying, "Please don't use silly names." There shouldn't be any arguing over it as far as I'm concerned. It's a pretty simple request; one that just makes me feel better as DM when implemented. The fact any player would feel so strongly over such a ridiculous minor request baffles me. Using a silly name is really that important to people? Yer not going to enjoy playing the PC otherwise? There are a bajillion names that you can use instead. I hardly see that as "controlling" or "messing" with a character.

Arguing about it and even feeling the need to "help me" overcome this issue is mind boggling to me. I know most people here mean no harm by their comments, but I still think the determination to argue with me about it is rather comical. It's not like I'm creating names and forcing them to use them.


First Post
The thing is though, at least for me, I can't understand why you think they're silly names. Oh, and I spend far more time GMing then playing.

Well, not the puns. They're exceptionally silly.

Tequila Sunrise

I've heard non-Star Wars-ophiles say they thought his name was Dark Vader and Death Vader. Both people asked, after I told them his correct name, "What does 'darth' mean?" (Apparently "vader" didn't strike them as needing a meaning.)
For the longest time before seeing SW, I thought those glowing swords were called light savers.

I also thought that maybe Elton John sang "Hold me closer, Tony Danza," before I actually saw the song title written out: Tiny Dancer.

And the audiologists all say my hearing is fine. :hmm:

Arguing about it and even feeling the need to "help me" overcome this issue is mind boggling to me. I know most people here mean no harm by their comments, but I still think the determination to argue with me about it is rather comical. It's not like I'm creating names and forcing them to use them.
If I were you, I'd probably use 'condescending' rather than 'comical,' but you're probably much cooler than I am. :)

I find it silly too, that with all the arbitrary restrictions that the game itself imposes, people are getting up in your grill over something as simple as "Don't use silly names."

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
It's not like I'm creating names and forcing them to use them.

I've done that, as described above regarding my Prince Valiant campaign, though I'd suggest that the word "forced" is overstating it in my case since the players trust me to have my reasons for asking them to use the names I'd collected. I didn't create the names but rather collected them from various sources that fit the campaign while ensuring they were not prominent names from Arthurian legends.

I think it largely depends on the motivation behind the restriction in any given situation. Certainly, if I play in a one-shot at a gameday and the GM hands me a pregen character that already has a name I don't waste any table time asking if I can rename the character. If I play in a campaign where everyone is allowed to name their own character (and cohorts, henchmen, familiars, etc.), I might push back if the GM vetoed my choice capriciously. I don't know that anyone who was not at your table can necessarily make the claim that it is the case here. Since she no longer plays with you its really a moot point.

Voidrunner's Codex

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