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D&D 4E Who else is going to be a deserter when 4e comes out?


If it actually looks good, then I'm in.

If it diverges WAAAY too much from 3E, then I don't know if I will, because 3.5 is damned near perfect. (For reference I call 3.0 and 3.5 '3E'.)

If they create a separate set of consistent "DM rules" for NPCs that was both simplified AND balanced with respect to the PC creation options, then I'm definitely in.

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That.. makes so little sense.

I understand fully that game companies are companies, and want to make money. And that supplements will never equal the money made by core books, as, by definition, core books -have- to sell at the extreme least equally, but realistically more. Much more.

With that as a given, churning out a new edition with the only goal of selling books is.. Silly. What are they going to do? Obviously, change stuff around, meaning rules. But with the given that they -try- for the best when they make a new rule system, how can they keep making it -better-? At some point, you'd have to hit the pinacle. You can -always- make things different, but you can't -always- make things better. And the problem is, RPGs are a product that isn't usable only X times, so you can't count on re-selling the same PHB to the same customers 27 times like, say, a tube of glue.

So the goal has to be lack of compatibility, and new gamers. If you want to find a new group (because you moved or are new to gaming or whatever), if you play the current, most popular game, your chances are better than if you play, say, OD&D.


First Post
Psionicist said:
4e? Isn't that just a bad joke of a rumor? I have not been paying mutch attention the last few years though, but still. 3e and 3.5e were just released!

I'm hoping it's a rumor. The last thing we need is to have Wotc tread D&D like Magic and come out with a new expansion every three months!!

2e lasted more than a decade. All the expansions and and stuff that came out for it enhanced it's versatility. I'd hate to spend more $$$ on buying more crap that won't work with the rules I do have.


I'm having a LOT of fun with 3.5e and my WotC book buying habits are accelerating - not slowing down.

While that sense of discovery, trying new things and "fun" may fade in 4-5 years, it isn't very likely it is going to fade before that.

If we are discussing 4E as imminent in 2010 - I imagine I'll be ready for it and will pony up.

If we are discussing 4E as imminent in 2006/2007? Nope.

I've already deserted. Like you, I've moved on to C&C. If/when 4e comes out, it might draw me back, but only if it's a better system that 3e.

Otherwise, I'll continue playing C&C. Or Warhammer 2e. Or Lejendary Adventures. Or some other gaming system that isn't D&D. Or rather D&D as it has become. To me, C&C is more D&D than anything WotC has done in years.


Currently, there is no 4e, nor any information about it. So I think it's a bit early to start saying that you don't like it, isn't it? For what you know, the next edition could very well fix all the reasons for which you don't like the current one. After all, you're talking about C&C, so you aren't burned out of high fantasy or class/level systems as a whole.


It entirely depends on how they build the ranger class.

Seriously, though, I'm pretty sure I'm in. I probably won't convert any current characters, though. So it'd come into play the next restart we did.

Powers that be, take note: Launching 4E with an Adventure Path in Dungeon would significantly boost my odds of adopting, and doing so quickly. I suspect I'm not the only one, either.


Barak said:
Bah. It's all mindless speculation.

If you go back (way back) and read threads from before 3.5 was released, a lot of folks weren't going to update. Now? Virtually everyone (and I'm not even one of them) are playing 3.5.
Well, I am basically already a "deserter" because I never went from 3e to 3.5. I did not see the need, nor the logic, of doing so. Heck, I am actually now playing more older games than I am new games. I am playing in an OD&D game, a MegaTraveller game, and I am running a 3e D&D and a DragonQuest 2nd Ed game. I didn't see the reason for doing 3.5 anway. There wasn't that much that needed fixing. it could have easily been done with a revised edition, or even a couple of revision books.

A new edition would have to be so eye-catching, so intriguing, that I am immediately attracted to it. Otherwise, I will stick with what I have (3.0).

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