TSR Who's running the TSR3 social media accounts?

Ernie Gygax (before he and Stephen Dinehart accused the whole affair of being orchestrated by WotC and then deleted their Twitter accounts) indicated that Justin LaNasa was running the social media accounts for TSR3, Giantlands, and Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum. After a full week of insults, barbed exchanges, and problematic statements from all three accounts, the following has been posted by...

Ernie Gygax (before he and Stephen Dinehart accused the whole affair of being orchestrated by WotC and then deleted their Twitter accounts) indicated that Justin LaNasa was running the social media accounts for TSR3, Giantlands, and Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum.

After a full week of insults, barbed exchanges, and problematic statements from all three accounts, the following has been posted by somebody who identified themselves as "Michael", perhaps suggesting that Justin LaNasa is no longer with the company (which seems unlikely), leaving many on social media to question whether "Michael" exists. The new TSR3 was founded by LaNasa, Stephen Dinehart, and Ernie Gygax, and despite the acrinomious social media activity, the former two founders' names have largely escaped much of the criticism.

UPDATE -- the below tweets now appear to have been deleted.

Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 7.30.39 PM.png

Around the same time, the header above the available events at the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum website was altered to read: "Most role playing games will be played in old school fashion so if you're easliy offended or Rude ! DO NOT PLAY !" (sic)


So who is TSR3 co-founder Justin LaNasa? He was an American politician who ran for office in 2014 and 2020, and who was involved in a minor scandal during the latter campaign.


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The fruit is hanging so low I can't reach it. My old back!

My childhood is disintegrating before me. It's like returning to the first home you knew, half destroyed by fire, long abandoned and given over to the elements. There's so little of it left, it's virtually outside. Then, from between two exposed, blackened studs, you see the puffy arm of your half-remembered teddy bear, Mr. Puddles. Some of the plucky little guy remains on the ground when you try to pick him up. He's all one colour now, chewed, peppered with mouse feces, rancid smelling as if he never quite dried out after the fire trucks left. Moved with feelings for which you have no convenient name, you bring him closer, consider embracing him. After all, he meant so much; he gave you all he had to give. Maybe a good wash, an anti-fungal bath, some new stuffing and stitches, and you could give him to your grandkids. Then Mr. Puddles blinks his one remaining button eye, and says, "Oh, I'm so glad you're back: I'm lonely and still afraid of people I don't know."

Then you drop him, turn, and walk away without looking back. Some things are best left remembered.


"An amazing amount of monsters"
"historically interesting"
"never before seen in any type of monster manual."
"numerous successes"

It's like James is allergic to actual numbers. How many is "an amazing amount" anyway? Because right now, I'd be "amazed" if they had any non-zero number. And what does "historically interesting" even mean?

It's spin it's similar to a AAA+ D&D videogame.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
"An amazing amount of monsters"
"historically interesting"
"never before seen in any type of monster manual."
"numerous successes"

It's like James is allergic to actual numbers. How many is "an amazing amount" anyway? Because right now, I'd be "amazed" if they had any non-zero number. And what does "historically interesting" even mean?
Given the people he's working with and the claim they've never been in a Monster Manual, before, I suspect we're gonna see some bigoted versions of mythological characters and creatures...

Also. They're going for a 19-20x1 Crit range? Wow. That's...

... that's definitely "Innovative".

Dark Sun was a fantasy apocalyptic setting, so was Gamma World. Shadowrun is arguably as long as you consider a Cyberpunk Dystopia to be an apocalyptic scenario, which isn't a difficult position to argue.

There's also no historically interesting monsters that haven't been in a monster manual or fiend folio or creature compendium or bestiary or whatever else you choose to name your "Big book of stat blocks" because there are RPGs in every region of the world which often touch on their own historical and mythological figures for that sort of unique identity, not even including stuff like D&D and other western RPGs writing "Eastern" or "African" or "South American" monsters and religious iconography into their systems.

And then the "Ley Energy" thing instead of "Magic" is just icing on the cake... Like... If you've got a setting which -has- magic you can create a differentiation of "This is Magic, this is Not Magic". But if Ley Energy is all they've got then it needs to either be a scientific principle (Pretty sure that's not the way they're going) or it's just magic.


I want to like Jim’s work, but sadly I will probably never know how he did on Giant Lands, as I will not give money to TSR*

I wonder if his latest Metamorphosis Alpha adventure for Goodman is available, or will be soon?

Edit: ‘Doom on the Warden’ is indeed available, and is on its way to my mailbox! :)
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