TSR Who's running the TSR3 social media accounts?

Ernie Gygax (before he and Stephen Dinehart accused the whole affair of being orchestrated by WotC and then deleted their Twitter accounts) indicated that Justin LaNasa was running the social media accounts for TSR3, Giantlands, and Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum. After a full week of insults, barbed exchanges, and problematic statements from all three accounts, the following has been posted by...

Ernie Gygax (before he and Stephen Dinehart accused the whole affair of being orchestrated by WotC and then deleted their Twitter accounts) indicated that Justin LaNasa was running the social media accounts for TSR3, Giantlands, and Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum.

After a full week of insults, barbed exchanges, and problematic statements from all three accounts, the following has been posted by somebody who identified themselves as "Michael", perhaps suggesting that Justin LaNasa is no longer with the company (which seems unlikely), leaving many on social media to question whether "Michael" exists. The new TSR3 was founded by LaNasa, Stephen Dinehart, and Ernie Gygax, and despite the acrinomious social media activity, the former two founders' names have largely escaped much of the criticism.

UPDATE -- the below tweets now appear to have been deleted.

Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 7.30.39 PM.png

Around the same time, the header above the available events at the Dungeon Hobby Shop Museum website was altered to read: "Most role playing games will be played in old school fashion so if you're easliy offended or Rude ! DO NOT PLAY !" (sic)


So who is TSR3 co-founder Justin LaNasa? He was an American politician who ran for office in 2014 and 2020, and who was involved in a minor scandal during the latter campaign.


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Always In School Gamer
With all these reference to markets (economic, of ideas, etc.) here can anyone tell me if the invisible hand that Adam Smith spoke of is Bigby sized or Mage Hand sized…

On a more serious note, I step away from this thread for about a day and I miss Land Sharks, the continued saga of TSR_Michael (MIA), and a parade of fun… that will teach me…
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I have to admit, picking LaNassa's grammar, while relevant considering what he's trying to do, seems like really low hanging fruit.

I also admit when I read he was infantry, my first thought was, "Of course you were..."

It's an inside joke among us vets that you only go infantry because your ASVAB scores weren't high enough to qualify for any other job. Us aviation guys like to call them "Ground pounders" lol. (pounding pavement is a term for marching, and we flew everywhere, so...)


Staff member
I am legitimately curious about the "Sir" he uses in his name. If he were actually knighted I would expect the story to be somewhere on one of this websites, but I don't see it anywhere.
Not only that, the actual, legal use of “Sir” is usually restricted to citizens of the country from whom the title issued. So, while Bob Geldof was given a KBE by the Queen of England and some people call him ”Sir Bob”, he’s not entitled to use the honorific on his official documents because he’s Irish, not English.

OTOH, in the USA, you could legally change your first name to “Sir” for a few hundred dollars in most jurisdictions…


I am legitimately curious about the "Sir" he uses in his name. If he were actually knighted I would expect the story to be somewhere on one of this websites, but I don't see it anywhere.
OTOH, in the USA, you could legally change your first name to “Sir” for a few hundred dollars in most jurisdictions…
While I joked about him being knighted, I'm 100% positive that it's just him being egotistical and this is his way of getting other people to "acknowledge his superiority."

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