Anyone else uncertain about what the difference low wise is between Empyreans and Angels is?
Angels in 5e 2014 were made from a God's own Astral Essence, basically made/spawned by Gods.
2025 Empyreans are beings spawned by God's via various means.
Why aren't Angels considered Empyreans?
Is it because they don't have a fiends option?
While I'm at it they should have made a point that an Empyrean Iota with worship or another influx of power could become an Empyrean.
Also anyone else find it interesting that Empyreans instead of just being a single type of creature has become a family of related Planar species like Demons, Angels, Yugoloths, Angels, Eladarin, Guardinals, Archons, Devils, Slaads, Tulani, Sworrowsworn, Modrons, Genies, Demodands, and Devils?
I also find it interesting that they are the first universal Planar species.
And I'm glad they followed my suggestion that Empyreans be able to be either fiends or celestials.