Why Did They Get Rid of the Law & Chaos Alignment?


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Cool. :cool:

A new alignment system.

Honest - Nice - Okay - Total Douche - Complete Douche


One problem though. Since the game system does not have any mechanics for alignment, there is no way for the PCs to discern alignment. Even an Insight check does not give the PCs the alignment of an NPC.

But, I really like your "Total Douche" vs. "Complete Douche" distinction. Err, what??? :confused:

The system doesn't have any mechanics for discerning alignment of a particular creature, but I would assume that the characters (especially with knowledge checks) can often tell about a race of creatures. In addition, this gives guidelines for the DM as well.

Hey, demons are Chaotic Evil! I guess we don't reallly need to parley with them, do we?

Oh, this character is noted as being Lawful Good. I guess that when the PCs negotiate with him, he'll be up front about the situation, even though that might make them a little less likely to want to help.

These duergar are normally Evil. Why would they want to help us?

The cleric of Avandra wants to give us some guidance. Let's hear her out.

The cleric of Zehir wants to give us some guidance. Let's do the opposite of what he says. Wait, what if that is his plan? Arrrgh!

I think alignment should just serve as a quick shorthand to help the PLAYERS get a handle on the game world and expectations that the CHARACTERS already know. The halfling rogue knows that you don't trust kobolds. The new gamer playing him might not.

BTW, that distinction should have been between Total Douche, and Complete and Total Douche. Sorry.

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The system doesn't have any mechanics for discerning alignment of a particular creature, but I would assume that the characters (especially with knowledge checks) can often tell about a race of creatures. In addition, this gives guidelines for the DM as well.

Hey, demons are Chaotic Evil! I guess we don't reallly need to parley with them, do we?

Technically, monster knowledge checks do not hand out Alignment although it does hand out "typical temperament" (another obscure phrase). I suspect that many DMs would at least give a general Evil or Good for the extreme alignment creatures though.

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