D&D 5E Why does 5E SUCK?

I find it strange that someone would bother to hunt down a site for discussing RPGs and make their first post be about how much they hate the game. I mean, he speaks like he has played prior editions, but this is the first time he makes a post on Enworld? Very odd...

Gets even better. Think about the steps required here:

1. Open your browser
2. Google search something with keywords that are going to bring up an En World thread that is almost four years old and hasn't seen a new post in over a year.
3. Follow that link to the En World site, register on the site, go to your email to verify the registration, then come back to this thread.
4. Post a lengthy rant, lacking line breaks and incredibly hard to read, about how much you don't like 5e.
5. Apparently never return.

I'm thinking someone's having a laugh here.

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Basically it was set up to make you buy all 3 books whether you wanted too or not.

No, there are the free basic rules and the SRD. With those you can run a game without spending any money (heck you really only need the free basic rules). I would recommend buying the MM though. Also, I am pretty sure every monster manual of every edition had the monsters listed alphabetically, so that really isn't a 5e thing. Even the BECMI books had them alphabetically in each book.

They are disorganized and often unclear in areas or at the very least confusing. I really miss the BECMI version.

That is some revisionist history. I still have my BECMI books and they are a mess IMO. I am currently converting the Immortals rules to 5e and if it were so small it would be a real pain in the ass to find anything. There is just little to no logic about it.

Dungeons are practically non existent since you can't hardly put one monster in a dungeon that won't fight the rest of the monsters in the dungeon.
That is completely up to you. Nothing new here in 5e. 1e/BECMI were notorious for nonsensical dungeons. But if your making your own, you can make the monster fluff whatever you want. Heck in one of my games we have players who are: lizard folk, yaun-ti, dragonborn, elf (2 actually), and a halfling that was raised by Sahuagin! Your not bound by the descriptions in the book - be creative!

It's all about campaign until your character is maxed then dump him and start and new character and repeat.
Never been my experience - in any edition of D&D (but I didn't play 2e & 3e)

There are so many short cuts to make the game go faster anyway that I don't know how people haven't gotten bored playing.
But you don't have to go fast. Some people like that, so it is there, but you don't have go that route - heck you don't even have to use XP. One of my groups has only advanced 3 levels in 4 years of playing. You control the pacing - not the books.

Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson would be disappointed that their masterpiece Idea has been so watered down to this pathetic, slapped together mess.
Hmm, that reminds me more of 1e D&D than 5e personally. I loved D&D back in the day, but it was such a mess I had about 20 pages of house rules. With 5e, I can't all of our changes on less than a page.

It astounds me that 175,000 fans of DnD thought this was good. The game use to be unique. Each character class had their own spells unique to them, utilitarian spells were actually useful, certain classes used certain weapons that other classes couldn't, you could run dungeons, campaigns, mass battles, build castles, level 35 and spend hours having a ball with friends and your character took on a life of his own that was unique because he wasn't like the other classes in any way other than he was on the same adventure. Now it's a rinse and repeat.
I don't know if you have actually played the game. But that has not been our experience at all. It really sounds like you are making assumptions from reading and not playing.

As a matter of fact the only reason I play is because my son is getting into it and it is quality time with him. I hope he loses interest quickly so I don't have to be tortured to play for long and I'll likely never pick it up again.

OK, so it seems you've played some - my mistake. However, it really seems like you are putting some arbitrary limiters on your fun. If you liked BECMI so much, you can still get that version; or you can use some of those rules in your 5e game. Or look for ones already converted to 5e like: mass combat, retainers, and strongholds to name a few. Also, there a tons of class options available on DM's guild and even here on EnWorld that can give your players a variety of play experiences.

Also, you didn't mention the disadvantage/advantage mechanic. What do you think of that? It is one of the few innovations with 5e.

I started playing 1e / BECMI in the 80's and went on a mult-year hiatus and started playing again with my sons when they where 4-6 with 4e (now my eldest is getting ready to go to college). They loved it and we transitioned to 5e when it came out. We have had a great time. I think if you let go of some of your baggage - you will to!

...but its isn't the 'end all and be all' either.

For me, no game is, but I have had to do the least to 5e to make it what I like, which is nice. But really the best thing about 5e is all of the community interest and contribution. People are coming up with so many interesting ideas that, for us, 5e really has become the best edition yet. The options and variants available are so plentiful it is wonderful!

I just got back into it and what a disappointment. I bought the players manual, Dungeon Masters Guide and Monster Manual for about $150 and honestly felt I wasted my money. All 3 were the most poorly written load of crap. The info is scattered everywhere to the point it is hard to find anything without flipping back and forth all over the place and often times between all 3 books. Info that should be in the Dungeon masters book is in the player book when it should be in both. Basic monsters in the back of the player manual but the DM manual only has lists of what monsters belong in what terrain. The monster manual only has a hand full of lvl 1 monsters in it and most of those are things nobody would want to fight. Instead of putting them in alphabetical order which is almost useless how about putting them from lowest to highest level in terms of toughness. May as well start a character at lvl 5. Basically it was set up to make you buy all 3 books whether you wanted too or not. They are disorganized and often unclear in areas or at the very least confusing. I really miss the BECMI version.
Spells suck. Too many of them are the same for multiple classes so what makes a druids spells much different from a mage's, ranger's, sorcerer or pally? How many classes get Thunderwave, Goodberry burning hands the list of repeats goes on and on. How droll that the pally or priest you're running with can cast half the same spells that you can? Suddenly your character isn't so special. Then there is the "utilitarian" spells which are virtually useless except for in the most specific circumstances where they might...Maybe come in handy and that's a pretty big maybe. Dungeons are practically non existent since you can't hardly put one monster in a dungeon that won't fight the rest of the monsters in the dungeon. It's all about campaign until your character is maxed then dump him and start and new character and repeat. I may as well go play a video game over and over or just tell a story to someone else as I make up the adventure in my head as I tell it. There are so many short cuts to make the game go faster anyway that I don't know how people haven't gotten bored playing. I mean you only create a new character to then cast most of the same spells, extra attack, same monsters in a different order that you had with the last character even though this time you chose a completely different race, class and background. I think E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson would be disappointed that their masterpiece Idea has been so watered down to this pathetic, slapped together mess. It astounds me that 175,000 fans of DnD thought this was good. The game use to be unique. Each character class had their own spells unique to them, utilitarian spells were actually useful, certain classes used certain weapons that other classes couldn't, you could run dungeons, campaigns, mass battles, build castles, level 35 and spend hours having a ball with friends and your character took on a life of his own that was unique because he wasn't like the other classes in any way other than he was on the same adventure. Now it's a rinse and repeat. Pretty pictures, figurines and watered down characters. Don't forget to buy the next pre-made campaign to spice up you next adventure though. Don't get me all wrong though as there have been some relatively small improvements (the only one that actually comes to mind is the death saving throws to become stable) but other than the one I mentioned I can't think of any off the top of my head because of the prominent list of things that suck with this version far out number the good. I could go on and on even more than I already have but these are the ones that irritate me the most and immediately come to mind. As a matter of fact the only reason I play is because my son is getting into it and it is quality time with him. I hope he loses interest quickly so I don't have to be tortured to play for long and I'll likely never pick it up again.

I started playing this game a long long time ago. You were probably just a twinkle in your momma's eye maybe..... When I started playing. I bet you like 4th Edition huh? Well to each his own, because in my humble opinion this is the best D&D yet.

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