Will's AD&D 2nd Edition - Who knows where it will go!


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I'd take my advance, please," Aego says pleasantly, his eyes locking on Blossom's.

Then the elf starts eating, sticking mostly to the fruits and an occassional egg. He tries the orange juice, too, but is obviously not impressed with the liquid.

"I just discovered I don't like the taste of the color orange," Aego remarks with only the barest hint of sarcasm.

After breakfast, he moves outside with a swift pace, taking a big breathe of air.

"A good day for a quest!" he says as if knowledgeable about these things.

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William Smith1

It is a fine spring day, the sun is shining and there is a scent of salt in the air from the sea breeze coming off the Sea of Five Winds. You hear, "Come back soon!" from a guard near the gate as you head out of the City State. You travel on a well maintained road for much of the day passing the occasional merchant caravan on its way to the City State. The caravans look to be well guarded and the fighters on horseback eye you warily as you pass. The rest of the day passes uneventfully and you see a small village just off the road ahead. The largest building in the village has a sign that says, The Lucky Battleaxe Inn. Off in the distance to the North you see a large winged shape high in the sky. You cannot tell if it is a large bird or a dragon. It looks like the sun will set within the hour.


Clalick enjoys breakfast quietly for the most part. It seems he is not much of a morning person.

"I also would like my advance. It might come in handy in the travels" He says politely to Blossom.

At the end of the days travel Clalick is pulled away from staring at the winged creature in the distance by Dorana's statement about a hot meal.
"A hot meal and a cold drink sound like a great remedy for the raw bottom this saddle has given me."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego greets everyone they encounter on the road enthusiastically, which may be why some of the caravan guards look suspicious. The elf either does not notice or does not care that his greetings mostly go unanswered.

When they get to the end of the day, Aego is quick to agree with the others. "Staying at that inn sounds very good. At the very least that flying thing up there won't think of us as its dinner if it can't see us inside."

William Smith1

As you get into the village you notice a long line of people waiting to enter another building. The line snakes around the block. The battered sign over the door says "Luby's Place" A small sign on the door says "Today's special - Steaks!" The pleasant aroma of meat cooked over an open fire fills the village. It seems that every villager is waiting in line for the Steaks at Luby's Place. There is no one entering the Lucky Battleaxe Inn and the common room looks empty as you peer in the front window. A lone Dwarf sits on the Bar cleaning glasses.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego eyes the long line of people with interest, his gaze lingering on attractive people of various races. He follows Dorana inside to the inn, however, without acting on whatever is going through his head.

William Smith1

As you enter the Lucky Battleaxe you notice that an elf near the front of the line to Luby's Place seems to be the same elf that was sitting at the bar at the Prancing Ki Rin Saloon when you met with Weleand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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