Will's AD&D 2nd Edition - Who knows where it will go!


Clalick scoffs at the line a bit. Not interested in waiting in it. He follows Dorana and Aego into the Lucky Battleaxe thinking to himself. Oh I hope the food isn't too bland.

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Dorana speaks louder. "Perhaps you didn't hear me, I said, 'Business seems slow, good sir. Do you have rooms available?' "

She turns to the others and whispers. "And a moment ago the room was empty but now there's that elf. Have we seen him before?"

William Smith1

The Dwarf hops down from the bar and addresses Dorana, "Aye Lassie, I got rooms, food, and drink for my customers but until you came in, no customers. Damn that Luby and her "Steaks". Sucked in everyone in town and travelers too. If you ask me, there's something not quite right about those steaks she is serving. Cannot put my finger on it but somethin just does not smell right. You and your friends spending the night? Do you need food and drink? One gold piece each will cover it all. Name's Thafrat Axeforge but you can call me Frat. What's yours and your friends? Hope you can stay here tonight, I need the business."

"I'm Dorana, Frat. And I believe we will be staying the night. I'll take whatever you have for dinner and an ale at that table," she says sitting down at a nearby table.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Must be magic," Aego whispers, half-seriously, in response to Frat's suspicions about Luby's steaks.

"My name is Aego Aenovindë, wizard and adventurer," the elf says with an exaggerated bow and wink. Under the assumption that everybody he meets seems to know the name of Weleand and is eager to help his associates with advice or free drinks, he adds, "We're on a mission from Weleand."


"Food and drink would be wonderful. As well as a room." Clalick says looking around the place.

"Nice enough place I suppose. Seems like a small town you must know Luby fairly well. Good cook?"

William Smith1

Bah! that girl can't boil water without burning it! Don't know how she does it. Weleand eh? He's the one who started it all. Brought in that meat from someplace he called Pluton. I wouldn't touch it but Luby bought the whole batch. Now look at her place, a line around the block, every night! You say you workin' for this Weleand?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"...Maybe," Aego starts, wondering if it was a mistake to mention their employer after all.

"What do you know of him? Trustworthy fellow?"

William Smith1

"Don't know about Trustworthy. Just a nuisance and a troublemaker if you ask me. Always flitting around the 'Multiverse' as he calls it. Bringing who knows what back with him. Like that meat Luby is serving. Where the hell is Pluton anyway? Never saw it on any map. But he is a wizard and you don't mess with them if you don't want to be turned into a toad or something worse, eh? I'd be careful if I were you. Don't trust a wizard. He paying you well?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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