Will's AD&D 2nd Edition - Who knows where it will go!


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego grins, then very deliberately places his staff against the bar and says, "Yeah, wizards, eh?"

With a wink to his fellows, the elf ignores the question about his pay and continues, "Do you happen to have elven vintage?"

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Clalick has been spending this time climbing up onto a stool to tall for him, specifically choosing it so that when he does get up there he will feel taller. He stifles a laugh at Aego's actions and looks around the room curiously, noting the layout of the room.

"I don't think I would trust wizard meat from another 'verse'. Sounds like a good way to get turned into something nasty. Food and drink, something cheap please, more that I'm not hard to please than that I am cheap."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego smiles. He doesn’t know if 5 gold for a bottle of real Shalana Perrona is cheap or not, but he cares more about appearances anyway.

”I’ll take that bottle,” the elf says while producing the coins from a seemingly too small pouch.

”And meat is meat, no matter where it came from. I don’t eat meat.”

Which is not what the others saw when Weleand treated them to a meal.

William Smith1

Frat goes back behind the bar and after a couple of minutes arrives with Aego's bottle Shalana Perrona and 3 glasses assuming that Aego wants to share the bottle. He says, "Sir elf, here is the Perrona, straight from the hinterlands. For the meal, minus meat for you sir, it will be 1gp each and that will cover your rooms for the night as well. I lock my doors and have a few enchantments that keep evil at bay so you all will not have to worry about your security tonight in my place."


"Thank you. We saw something large in the sky on our way into the village here... What manner of creatures are common in this area, if you don't mind chatting?"

Clalick is polite in asking and motions to an empty chair.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Thank you," says Aego as the barman brings him the wine, and hands him the owed coins.

"Who wants to drink with me?" the elf asks his companions jovially, waving the Shalana Perrona and the glasses around.

William Smith1

Frat pulls up a chair and says, "Thanks for the invite kind sir! Creatures you want, creatures we got. Where to start...well there is a reason I seal this place up tight at night, you see (as his voice drops almost to a whisper) first there be the undead. Yep, this town is haunted. I swear it has something to do with that meat over at Luby's. I've seen the zombies myself, horrid creatures shuffling and moaning around the streets at night. My friend Umbek was out one night and swears 4 of them zombies tried to corner him in an alley. Just barely escaped with his life. Then there are the bugbears just outside of town to the east. Nasty creatures just want to kill and eat people. Did you see the Wyvern circling just outside of town? Swoops down on unsuspecting folks and carries them off to its lair who knows where. Usually just eats pigs and cattle but it is not opposed to snatching a dwarf or two. Then there is the beholder Rithdri. Rumor has it that it holes up in a cave to the west of town. Somehow it lures a person or two every month to serve its evil whims. So adventurers, that enough creatures for you? Oh, and thanks for sharing the Perrona sir!" as Frat pulls out a previously unseen small tankard and sets it on the table. "Yep, you are wise indeed to spend the night here with me at the Axe."

Voidrunner's Codex

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