Winter Fantasy Roll Call


First Post
How did the T4(s) go? I would imagine those needes some serious buy-in from the players to keep things flowing?

Played both parts of Eye of Xxiphu, and it definitely benefits from a theater of the mind approach. Maps and minis will be difficult for many of the encounters. You'll also need great time management in a convention setting, as I think it will lean towards running long.

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First Post
How did the T4(s) go? I would imagine those needes some serious buy-in from the players to keep things flowing?
It went quite well when I ran it. Everyone knew what they were doing, and I did what I could to make things run smoothly. The fights need some tuning up (especially 5-18), but the adventures are really cool and enjoyable still.


I really enjoyed Jarl Rising, thematic and extremely challenging.

I played Forgotten Tradition twice....rather disappointing. There's an excellent atmospheric dungeon delve in there somewhere - the ideas are cool, but the deployment of those ideas is fragmented and incoherent.


First Post
I played in the Hulburg series 2 this time following the last one. A little disappointed that there were no connections to series 1, either in contacts, flavor or certs that were previously provided. The organizers didn't even know about previous flavor certs handed out. The 3 mods series was decent but fragmented. I give the special a plus for good intentions but pretty flat and disorganized.

The 2 specials; Baron and Ark were run quite well. Judges were quite good as usual for is certainly a different environment than gencon...both players and judges.

I also had a good time on 2 really goes to show that a judge can make a very nice game when they are really committed and know the material.

I'll certainly go back next year.


I played in the Hulburg series 2 this time following the last one. A little disappointed that there were no connections to series 1, either in contacts, flavor or certs that were previously provided. The organizers didn't even know about previous flavor certs handed out. The 3 mods series was decent but fragmented. I give the special a plus for good intentions but pretty flat and disorganized.

That's a very good summary. I thoroughly enjoyed HULB 1, and while I appreciated that they HULB 2, I would have loved a much tighter continuation from HULB 1.


I am glad to hear the T4 Eye of Xxiphu went well. I prepped it, but ended up not running it. I was very curious how the challenge would play out. I heard some tables had a very easy time, others a more medium challenge level. It is absolutely tough to challenge at that tier, so I do understand how hard it is for the author! I did really like the concept and story in the adventure. It had a bit of the feel of the LFR Epic series (though not that awesome... that's a high bar for anyone to reach again).

I played Forgotten Tradition twice....rather disappointing. There's an excellent atmospheric dungeon delve in there somewhere - the ideas are cool, but the deployment of those ideas is fragmented and incoherent.
I ran it twice and really enjoyed it. There are some very nice story elements and I dig a "dungeon" that is genuinely interesting to explore. We had many laughs and some exciting moments as well.


I ran it twice and really enjoyed it. There are some very nice story elements and I dig a "dungeon" that is genuinely interesting to explore. We had many laughs and some exciting moments as well.

I'm really pleased that it was fun to run, and clearly fun to play. I also enjoyed both tables, I just felt that the story structure was amiss.
Maybe it is just the failed author in me, over-thinking things. :D

I loved the Seven Stones.
I loved initial "obsidian floor", and the whole entry scenario.
I thought the BBEG was a fun fight...but I hated that it was THAT particular creature, didn't sit well with me.

I didn't like that the adventure simultaneously wanted you to respect the Temple...and yet expected(?) you to loot it at the same time.
The histories were great....but didn't seem to link to specific story objectives, at least not to begin with.

I perhaps would have grokked it more if "Seven Stones" had sent us there to 'loot' the place.
"Rescue X, Y, and Z from the Temple for me, and in return I will give you the information you are looking for. Beware, the place has fallen to darkness, yet some of the original wards may still remain a threat."


What did people think of Parnast Under Siege? I just got my copy for a con later this month and it looks super cool, just curious if anyone who played or ran it had any particular thoughts about how it works in practice.


That guy, who does that thing.
DM David has a nice Winter Fantasy recap as well on his site.

One note for AL admins from that recap -- keep an eye on the Simulacrum spell, and have your adventure designers take it into consideration when designing adventures.


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