I hope some improvements can be made to the Fai Chen system at WF this time around. It's brutal on the AL staff, it's brutal on those queueing. They are trying to get a couple of hours effort done in half that time. It should be a fun thing, instead it seems like [we] are trying to emulate Black Friday at Walmart.
The format limitations also lead to wailing and gnashing of teeth, but I'm not sure what can be done about that.
A lot of the issues revolve around people having to review what's available, so they are standing around, while people that know what they want, or just want to buy consumables etc, are also forced to wait. Having one or two more people do the sign-offs would help too.
So, just spitballing here, here are my ideas, which make no allowances for staff or space resources.
A poster-board of what's available (will be available), somewhere nearby. Obviously this wouldn't cover trades, but could cover a lot of the basic stuff.
Hell, even better would be a live screen so the people queuing know before they get to the table what is left / available.
A requirement for people to prep their logsheets before getting to the desks.
Multiple tables - one for consumables, one for season/event-specific stuff, one for trades. You can only look, you can't trade there. In order, you can pick an item and then move to the sign-off table.
Behind those "fore" tables, would be the sign-off table, ideally two of those, with one or more helpers.
Space for a queue between the item tables and the sign-off tables.
Anyway, just throwing some thoughts out there!