Winter IrondDM (Winner)!

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incognito said:
seasong shoudl get a special award for fastest reply to a new post...ever.
You don't want to know how long I sat there, hitting refresh, just in case you posted a bit early.


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mythago said:
seasong, I am both impressed and appalled! :)
No kidding :D. I, too, am impressed and appalled.

On the other hand, my current campaign owes its existence to the last IronDM ENWorld that I participated in. Those lovable orcs expanded into a setting, and from there into a campaign I had to run. So it's with no minor amount of evil glee that I look to this tournament!

Now I'm just hoping not to flub in the first round ;).
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1 slot left, and 3 alternates

Quickbeam consideration for schedule noted!

....nemm better hurry up!
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1. Quickbeam
2. seasong
3. Greybar
4. Wicht
5. mythago
6. Nifft
7. howandwhy99
8. mirthcard

Tuerny, MerakSpielman, Xarlen

Let's GO!

seasong, and Quickbeam are not ready until later in the week.

how about Wicht, and Nifft? Are you guys ready? Please chime in!
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