WotC Wizard's Future Plans Has 3 Big Problems: Ft. The Professor of Tolarion Community College


Morkus from Orkus
They didn't support them like they did in 2e, where settings became their own ecosystems with numerous publications just for specific settings. Not even close. There's nothing in 3e or 4e that approaches 2e Dark Sun, for example, in terms of changes to the base game or the publication of additional content. 4e Dark Sun is a pale shadow (heh) of its 2e antecedent.
3e Forgotten Realms and Eberron both have more content made for them by WotC than 2e made for Dark Sun.

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I crit!
It is ironic that the new pace from WotC is considered way too fast. It's practically anemic compared to earlier editions and even to Paizo during PF 1.

But I also think the previous slow release cycle with an emphasis on a season shared by many in the community was one of the gems of WotC 5e D&D.


Morkus from Orkus
It is ironic that the new pace from WotC is considered way too fast. It's practically anemic compared to earlier editions and even to Paizo during PF 1.

But I also think the previous slow release cycle with an emphasis on a season shared by many in the community was one of the gems of WotC 5e D&D.
I'll disagree with you about the slow release. Slower is good. Too slow(which is what we had) was not so good. The new rate seems to be okay, but the quality of books(Spelljammer had like 10 pages of actual setting in it) has plummeted.


I crit!
I'll disagree with you about the slow release. Slower is good. Too slow(which is what we had) was not so good. The new rate seems to be okay, but the quality of books(Spelljammer had like 10 pages of actual setting in it) has plummeted.
But therin lies the problem I think.

I suspect that they are trying to squeze out more books but with the same investment of time and effort. If that makes sense?


I crit!
Yep. They are being greedy and it's going to backfire on them. They could make this pace and still put out quality stuff if they wanted to, and still make a lot of profit.
it occours to me that they could also support the "Seasonality" of the past at this pace. Imagine if books supported the season and/or they focused on one of the books for the season.


I crit!
I'm not sure what you mean by season.
It used to be there was a book/adventure and WotC focused AL on it and other resources. So it became like a season of television and large groups of the community would have this commonality and bounce ideas and see how others ran it or played in it.

Now they chop up that focus accross several unrealted books and it dilutes the focus of a book quickly.

anyway I thought it was a good idea, and I think individual adventures sold better because of it. I think I can see that in the Amazon numbers.


Morkus from Orkus
It used to be there was a book/adventure and WotC focused AL on it and other resources. So it became like a season of television and large groups of the community would have this commonality and bounce ideas and see how others ran it or played in it.

Now they chop up that focus accross several unrealted books and it dilutes the focus of a book quickly.

anyway I thought it was a good idea, and I think individual adventures sold better because of it. I think I can see that in the Amazon numbers.
Are you saying like they would focus a season on Forgotten Realms products and then another season on Eberron, then maybe make some Greyhawk books for a season?

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