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Wizards In Winter - Low-Level Thread (DM: Son of Meepo, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: On the treasure list, I see potions of Cure Light Wounds. I think those are a 3.x thing, and they don't exist in 4e. Should it just be more potions of Healing?

[sblock=Potion of Cure Light Wounds] Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Level 1 Uncommon

This potion covers your small cuts and minor bruises in dim silver light, causing them to heal over.
Consumable: Potion 20 gp
Utility Power (Healing)
Consumable (Minor Action)

Effect: You drink the potion. If you have a healing surge, you must spend one. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 1d8 + 1 hit points. If you are bloodied and don’t have any healing surges, you still regain the hit points. If neither of these things is true, there is no effect.

Published in Mordenkainen's Magnificent Emporium, page(s) 96.


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Marrgash takes a deep breath after the battle, tired but relieved that they had come through the battle without casualties. He nods at Lenyara's suggestion, "You're right, we might find something in the huts. Give me a minute to catch my breath and see to our injuries," he says.

While Lenyara heads to the huts, Marrgash looks over Caim, and Nalykr's and Noctua's injuries, before chasing after El Chupacabra as he darts around the site.

"Clearly not too bad an injury then," he says, laughing at the pixie.
Eventually he looks up as Lenyara leaves another hut, "Found anything?" he asks.
OOC: I think 2 short rests is enough to fully heal everyone, assuming it's just Marrgash doing so. I'll do that for anyone that wants healing, unless we're interrupted, then help search the huts.

Son of Meepo

First Post
The huts near the shoreline have been used by the raiders recently. Their contents have been scattered about and half-eaten food litters the tables. Nothing of value can be found within, nor any clues other than a clear indication that the previous occupants likely didn't have much time to prepare for their invaders.

However, as you approach the center of town, you find a sight which gives you reason to pause. The already cold temperature drops precipitously. A haze, perhaps a fog, erupts from the center and drifts down over the village, freezing everything with its icy touch. Everything near this eruption of cold is covered in a layer of ice several inches thick.


First Post
OOC: Holy Posting Frenzy Batman!

Merri's first concern is her colleagues. She pets the owlbear and gives the fairy a big hug into her bosom. Feelings of relief and happiness surround her, infesting everyone with a feeling of a job well done.

"Wow! Great job everyone!"

At Lenyara's suggestion, Merri goes to help check the huts. She is particularly concerned if there are any injured villagers that need help.


First Post
OOC: ...I don't want to seem ungrateful for an adventure that is and will very probably continue to be really fun and well-run/written, but I'm really tempted to just throw those two potions away. I wouldn't want anyone to drink one of them.

Spending no surges, gonna sit tight at 29/33 hp, 9/13 surges. Good god I love having all these healing surges.

Caim settles back into her usual slight frown as she surveys the burning shore. "Good work, everyone," she concedes. "No sign of the missing shipment is bad... but this ice is a clue. I'm confident that it's connected to that unnatural storm, and that both of those are connected to our errand. I suspect these raiders were not, however." Caim muses, "Should we try to investigate that cloud of freezing mist?"


However, as you approach the center of town, you find a sight which gives you reason to pause. The already cold temperature drops precipitously. A haze, perhaps a fog, erupts from the center and drifts down over the village, freezing everything with its icy touch. Everything near this eruption of cold is covered in a layer of ice several inches thick.

The fey creature eeks a rodent-like sound of alarm and darts for cover, getting inside the nearest house.

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: I'm really tempted to just throw those two potions away. I wouldn't want anyone to drink one of them.

OOC: They're purpose is more emergency healing. When you're out of healing powers and you need to get someone conscious, or someone is out of surges and needs a few hit points at which point they're better than a potion of healing. You probably never need to have more than one per PC ever.


First Post
OOC: Now that I see what they are, I'd say keep the potions. They would be useful if we're out of surges- as happened to several people in one of the Colloseum threads (including my melee healer)


First Post
OOC: Well, you guys take them, and I'll just make it my goal to never let anyone in my party get in such dire straits as being bloodied and surgeless in a situation in which 5 or 6 hp makes the difference. :) I will be the stickiest tankiest tank.

Caim watches the pixie's flight with raised eyebrows. "It occurs to me," she says with a raised voice, "That entering the mist might be dangerous, and that if we only had some way to fly above it to take a look at the source, we might be able to learn a lot! Boy, I sure wish one of us could fly!" She makes a pantomime's disappointment, and carefully doesn't look in the horrible creature's direction. Looking the other way hides her smirk, in any case.
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