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World War Z


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Darwin runs out the back way of the kitchen through the utility room and into the garage. As he goes he scoops out his kitten and hops into his car locking the doors.

[SBLOCK]sorry man, it's very very difficult to corner me in this house. front door, back door, garage back door, garage lift door, and every room of the house has at least 2 door ways. Not cool to lose it to the Zombies though. Thought I'd be able to hole up longer. Before you ask I don't know if I said I was getting keys, I put on pants they are usually in there, but still I keep a key in the car. Not, lying, Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared (for zombies)" They don't usually mention that last part.[/SBLOCK]

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Brother Allard

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Alan turns and jogs into the bedroom, ignoring the carton of spilled juice. Grabbing his jeans off of the chair, he fishes his cell out of the pocket and dials, hopping on one foot as he pulls them on. His office mate lives right over there. He cinches up his belt and steps into the closet for a shirt, as the phone continues to ring.

This is Chad and Rita, we're not here right now. Please leave a...

He swears under his breath and breaks the connection. Slipping on his shirt, he sits down at the kitchen table and opens up his work laptop, half-listening to the TV. He opens up his IM client and checks to see if anyone's online.


Jim glances back at Adam & Ann before returning his attention to the curious figure in front of him.. he had a backpack on and was carrying a long metal stick, head tilted to the side as he stared unnervingly at Jim.. "Hello? I don't think it's a good idea to be out here with a weapon, dude.. looks like Rioters up there, and SOME people, like say the cops.. *or me* might think you were one of them.."


First Post
"I don't really care what I look like, as long as theres trouble out here, I won't be found without my "walking stick". I'm not afraid of getting misteken in with the crowd though, since I plan on staying away from the mob. I'm just out here to get an idea of whats going on, and whether or not it'll bring danger to my house. I'd rather face it head on than be caught unawares." Arell looks around at the others. "So what're you all out here for anyways?"


Jim shrugs, holding up the Pepsi and bag of chocolate "Munchies for me, boredom for him, and apparently we're escorting her to safety." He turned back to look at Adam & Ann. "Whadaya think, party gains one meat-shield?"


First Post
((I am a bad bad man. ^_^; Been busy with RL crap and a format to the point that I've been forgetting to update.

Gotta go to bed shortly but I can throw a quick one out while I'm at it. Oh, and Brother Allard, I DID mean to include you in the last post *Chuckles meekly* I just look over my post and update everyone in order, forgot I added you.))


While not moving at a leisurely pace, Jason wasn't in too much of a hurry, keeping his speed to a brisk walk, the cool night breeze floating over the river carrying the harsh smell of smoke to his nose, setting eyes watering.

Still, his eyes were good enough to notice people ahead as well as behind, a few individuals running at the top of the bridge away from broadway, and apparently some wounded ones following at a slower pace as well.

[sblock=ooc]Two success' actually.[/sblock]


Even with the closed and locked doors you could hear them, stumbling through the house, the shattering of glass as the front door was broken further, and glasses were knocked to the floor in their pursuit.

Soon enough the woman appeared, head twitching this way and that, eyes roaming over the darkened garage. Meanwhile, your cat was going... well, crazy. Leaping from seat to seat, hissing in a way it was never known to.


The crash was over quickly. At least from Derek's point of view. Unable to stop, the swerve carried him around half of the dead vehicle. Still, he struck it soundly, and would have gone for a glorious adventure through the windshield glass if not for his seatbelt.

As it was, he woke up sometime later, Blood seeping into his eyes from a rather nasty gash over the forehead, he'd passed out from the impact, dizzyness likely the result of a concussion.

[sblock=ooc]OKAY! You just initiated what is known as a 'chance' roll. If your dice are ever lowered to the point where you wouldn't get any, you can roll anyways. If you fail, you fail, if you make a success, YAY! Roll a 1 however, and it is a Dramatic failure. You didn't fail dramatically, just badly. =) Thus you live.

Two points of bruising damage. I've rolled your soak, but you'll live =)[/sblock]


Ethan's lost grip nearly spelled doom for him. His one hand slipping, he fell back to the railing, then lost his footing, spilling backwards towards the ground. That fall however, might have saved his life, the crack of his deadbolt shattering heard clearly in a brief moment of clarity as he fell.

The distance to the ground was terrifying, but over quite quickly with a shattering thump. He should be dead by all rights, three stories down to the ground. But not onto concrete, or onto his head, landing instead clean on his back, in bushes no less.

[sblock=ooc]Didn't botch so you ain't dead. You did take 2 levels of lethal damage, which = bad mojo. Still, better than nothing. =)[/sblock]


The secure area of the ward was a mess. Built to hold five, the room currently held eighteen patients, most restrained, though at least two were only partially so. Doctors moved among the patients, muttering to one another, oblivious to the guards as they went about their work, their tone dire.

"Jesus... took you long enough." Called his supervisor for the evening. A rather burly man, the two had not been introduced, though he gave off an air of compitence, only enhanced as he directed the handful of guards while pinning his own patient to a gurney.

"We've accounted for all the cases brought here except one. We think he got shipped to the emergancy ward but with all the chaos... Look, there is a clipboard next to you, got all his vital crap. Find this guy and bring him down here. And don't forget your taser or be afraid to use it, these suckers are crazy..."


Adam shrugged in responce to the question, and Ann, after observing this newcommer for a short time joined him in indifference. "Sounds good enough for me." He jerked his thumb down the street. "Though if he wants a closer look at that, I'm out."


Few, if anyone he knew was on the various IM programs, and those who were 'on' apparently weren't, or at least weren't at their computers at the moment. Perhaps they too were entranced by the news as it unfolded.

It was getting worse. The reporters cordon had been pushed back once again in the time since he had woken, raising speculation that things were leaving the police's control. Indeed, Alan was just getting his limited responces from the computer as the final bombshell dropped.

"Alright... folks we've just finished relocating, just a few hundred yards back now from broadway. What a sight this is. The smoke is obscuring almost everything, indeed our cameras are having trouble adjusting to the darkness and the thick smoke coming off of...

My god... Is... Jesus tim do you... yeah yeah, zoom in. Parents with woken children should probably send them out of the room... these images are... disturbing."

The words were enough to bring eyes up to the TV, fixated on the image with the same horror as the camera man. A human was walking towards them, though he should not have been. Nearly half his torso was blown out, ribs gleeming white in the moonlight, a wound that would have any living person incapacitated and dying, yet this man was walking carelessly towards the crew, chewing on something in its hands, something human.

"... Sta.. start the van. Folks, we're going to have to relocated... We can't be sure, but... well there seems to be more of them passing the police cordon. We're not sure as to the cause, but they seem to be moving our way. We'll keep you informed as best we can of the progress of... well its not a riot anymore... my producers are telling me, yes we have confirmed reports from St. John's hospital. Its African Rabies."


First Post
All the air that filled Ethan's lungs were expelled upon impact. Surprisingly, however, the landing didn't hurt... until he moved or breathed. Excruciating pain radiated throughout his body as he attempted to roll over on his side, while he still struggled to gain his breath. A low groan escaped his lips, one not unlike those vicious attackers who just broke into his loft.

Maneuvering onto his knees, Ethan slowly stood up, the pain more than evident, but tolerable. It ached with each breath. Bruised ribs at the least, he thought, I'll probably be pissing blood too for the next few days. His legs worked, his arms were lucky the fall happened so quickly so that they couldn't try to soften the landing. Noticing his bag and its contents strewn on the ground, he slowly moves to pick them up, bending over with another moan. He had to leave this area, it wasn't safe, but he knew of nowhere to go other than his new gym.


Well ain't that a bitch. Guess I'm walking. Derek was groggy as hell after the wreck. He'd be knocked out before, so the world being blurry was only slightly annoying. He knew he'd live. Derek turned off the car (ooc=number 1 cause of car fires ya know) and gather up his shotgun. Freakin riot is still going on, I'm not about to become a victim. He loaded his gun, grabbed his Maglight and cell phone and started walking to Darwins. He shoved the light into his pocket and figured he might as well try to call Darwin again. This time though, he needed him to answer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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