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[WoT Adventure] OOC Thread

Ashrem Bayle

Sir Osis of Liver said:
[OOC: I don't refute that as far as skills that order is correct, but the ability to negotiate and sweet talk people and the ability to bully people don't nessasarly denote the best" party leader". There are several factors in volved other than charsima and skills.

While I agree with that to an extent, you can't just ignore them either.

If a person builds his character to be good in social situations and puts all his points in skills like diplomacy and intimidation, those skills should be used. If they have little or no effect, the player feels like he wasted his skills.

Regardless of Role Playing ability, if Lord Tomas tells you to do one thing and Pedron tells you to do another, as long as they both make sense within your character, you should listen to Lord Tomas' advice first. You don't have to follow that advice, but it should have a definate impact on your character's decision making just because of his skill points alone.

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Ashrem Bayle said:
If a person builds his character to be good in social situations and puts all his points in skills like diplomacy and intimidation, those skills should be used. If they have little or no effect, the player feels like he wasted his skills.

Regardless of Role Playing ability, if Lord Tomas tells you to do one thing and Pedron tells you to do another, as long as they both make sense within your character, you should listen to Lord Tomas' advice first. You don't have to follow that advice, but it should have a definate impact on your character's decision making just because of his skill points alone.

What I try to do when PCs try to use social skills on each other is to give a little bit of flavor text and tell them whether or not a check succeeded. How a PC reacts is largely up to them. When you try to use social skills against NPCs, it's up to me to figure out what the results of success or failure is.

Ok, yes, i agree everyone skills should be used, and every character should have a chance to shine. Thats a given for any good adventure, but the problem we're runnig into doesn't seem to be a matter of getting the chance to do things, it's more of a roleplay/diferance in rule use type thing.

With all the groups i've played with have never apllyed skill checks from pc's to other pc's.

As far as listening to opinions, thats some thing i do unbaisedly, i think, but ultimatly i try to stay in-charater and go with what he feals is best.

I don't know, i think we really don't need a group leader, and if we have one it certainly shouldn't be baised on skill points.

Ashrem Bayle

Ashrems Impressions

Thats the reason I posted the list. I wanted to see which characters had the best social skills so I could use that as a platform for how Ash would perceive them and how thier first impressions would be made.

I just wanted everyone else to see that same relationship so it could act as a base for PC interaction.

As it stands, here are Ash's feelings as of now:

Lord Tomas - Respect, he sees his potential as a good leader and is willing to listen to whatever his opinions are on a subject. He still resents Tomas for saying the Hunting for the Horn is foolish, but he is quickly getting over it. Tomas is hard to dislike.

Sersei - Respect, he also thinks she is pretty. However, he is uneasy around her since he knows she can channel. He worries that him thinking she is pretty may override his instinct to stay away from her. When she kneeled beside him when he was looking at the trolloc, he desided he liked her even though she could channel. Her seemingly flirting back has made it harder to forget her.

Shalimar - Respect, he is also very uneasy around her. First thinking he might like her, he was put off by her lack of a positive reaction to him trying to protect her. He feals that she could have handled herself and regrets that he didn't take part in the fight.

Jain - He hasn't really met him but respects his courage in battle.

Yuri - Ash is having a hard time with Yuri. he is glad he has found a potential Hunter to go with him to Illian, but has been put off by his rude manners and lack of respect. Still, he is very impressed with his fighting abiltiy and personality in general and hopes he can overlook the rest. However, Ash is still peeved about being called foolish.

Pedron - indifference, he knows nothing about him and nothing about his first impressions have stuck in his mind.

Ashrem is from Ebou Dar and as many know, Ebou Dari are easily offended and take even minor insults to their honor very seriously.

Side Note -

I posted all this to hopefully help myself and the rest of you guys out. I'm really enjoying the game and think you are all talented role-players.

I'd be interested in seeing how the rest of you feel about each other.

P.S. - Good job Dave!
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I can see, where your coming from as fars using skill stats to help get a feal for things, i don't really factor those things in when it's straight inter pc, role play. On the other hand when another pc tries using social skills on me actively, such as intimidate, i use that as a way to help gadge the emotions that are trying to be conveyed. As opposed to the way an npc would propbably react to being intimedated.

In other words i pay attention, and try to factor them in, but i'm not nessisarily going to just back down if such a check is declared successful. It's an influeance, but not as much as the roleplay is.

As for how Jain currently feals about every one, it's hard to say, he has a history with Shalimar, he likes and respects her, although he does think she's gotten a little bit of a swelled ego since going to the tower. Everyone else he doesn't really know yet, for the most part they seem likable, brave, and somewhat foolish. He can addmire some one wanting to be a hero, he just doesn't see it being that practicle. He also thinks Sersie is suffering the same ego problem as shalimar.
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Pedron's impressions

Ashrem Bayle said:

Pedron - indifference, he knows nothing about him and nothing about his first impressions have stuck in his mind.

I'm flattered. No, really, that's what Pedron prefers. The less people notice him, the less carefully they watch him, which works pretty well for a thief. Pedron still hasn't really met the other characters, but he did watch them a bit, so here are his impressions:

Ash -- One of the three "Scowlers," as Pedron has come to think of them, trying to stare down anything that moves. Pedron's heard something about Ebou Dari, just rumors, really, and he's curious about how dangerous Ash really is. He also wants to know whether he can really fight two handed.

Tomas -- Another Scowler, and a noble to boot. Pedron doesn't much like nobles, as the ones in Murandy spend most of their time raiding one another. Even so, they don't seem to have the sheer arrogance of this Tairen. The man's certainly brave, though, which means he's either competent or overconfident. So far, he's managed to do well enough that Pedron thinks he might be competent.

Yuri -- The last of the Scowlers, and the most dangerous of the lot as far as Pedron can tell. He killed two of the Trollocs in no time flat and not only survived a blow that would have killed Pedron but kept on fighting. If Yuri tries to intimidate Pedron, the thief is liable to be intimidated.

Sirsei -- Pedron certainly finds her attractive, but she can channel. And if she's not Aes Sedai, what is she? Pedron's never met an Aes Sedai that he knows of <Dave can decide whether he's met any that he didn't recognize>, but he's heard the stories. Coming from a large city, he's heard a more balanced collection of stories than some, but he still considers them dangerous and untrustworthy. He intends to keep his distance from Sirsei.

Shalimar -- Same deal as Sirsei, plus she's bossy. Pedron definitely intends to stay out of this woman's way.

Jain -- Aside from the fact that Jain may be as quick as he, Pedron noticed that Jain was the first to run off to chase the Trollocs, armed with only a knife or two. That was foolish, and although he's older than Pedron, he just seems young.
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Mostly Shalimar judges other characters on what they say and do, but also on their background. Skills don't play as much apart of it, but they do factor in. If anyone says something that offends her this will change, drastically.

Lord Tomas- A touch humorous, but she respects him as an equal. She thinks he is handsome, and generally feels comfortable around him. If he tries to boss her around though she will respond in kind. The more she gets to know him, the more she will probably start to trust him and his leadership.

Jain- She is grateful to him for teaching her to use herbs and to heal. She thinks of him as her friend, and will usually agree with him, unless he has said something to offend her recently. She finds his presance a comfort and a reminder of her home. The best way to describe him would be having an older brother that you looked up to, but got in trouble alot, she sees him sort of like Egwene see Mat. She still has not entirely foregiven the Escort crack.

Sirsei- Sirsie she sees as her best friend in the world. She will take what she says and agree with it 9 times out of ten on the outside, other people aren't allowed to disagree with her, at least in Shalimar's eyes. On the inside she takes what Sirsei says and thinks about it, but wont disagree with her in front of others. She is jealous of how men are always attracted to Sirsei and seem to do what she wants.

Pedron- A relative unknown, dosn't know him enough to have an opinion other then that he is brave for going out into the night to hunt trollocs

Ash- She thinks he is very handsome, and although he tried to protect her, she doesn't hold that against him although she is not quite sure why. If what he suggests has merit she will follow his advice, the same as she would for everyone else, but she does like him the most of the people she had not met.

Yuri- She thinks of Yuri as an older brother sort of, she will cut him the most slack if he tries to protect her, thats what he is suppoused to do after all being a warder in training. She wll try and treat him both as a friend, and as how she believes an Aes Sedai treats her warder(not that he is but thats how she feels she should treat him). She is disapointed in him because he ran away from the tower without telling her beforehand, but she understands why, and she feels sorry about Tasha, but she does not pity him.

Who she will listen to and in what order:
1)Lila Sedai(her boss)
2)Sisrei(her very best friend), Yuri(for fighting only)
3) Yuri & Jain(she knows both the longest and trusts them)Ashrem & Tomas(skill levels, they are more polite, could eventually be trusted/listened to more with more experience)
5)Pedron(she Just does not know him)


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In other OOC news, I posted Lila's stats in the Rogue's Gallery thread, though of course she may have equipment and/or abilities not listed. :)


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My posted fustration was not do to me typing slow...

I am at work when most of you are able to post...and yes, my work has good filters on it. If this was an e-mail based game, I'd have no problems. :)

I'll do my best to keep up...but bear with me...

Tomas is a noble and is going to want his say and his creator-given right to direct things since he knows best. So much of it is probably going to be after the rest of you have already had their say. :)

So far, Tomas is ignoring the fact that the girls can channel. There's some reason why he shouldn't get to friendly with them in his mind, but he's blocked the memory of them channeling.

Yuri is a competent warrior, who Thomas is going to have to work on to show that he needs to listen to Thomas' commands. [heh, yuri may be bigger, but Tomas has the force of personality :)]

Ash seems a likable fellow, even if he wants to fritter his time away on a hunt for the Horn.

Tomas doesn't have any opinions on the others as of yet.

Ashrem Bayle

I'll bet you'll all change your minds pretty quick when you learn I can channel. :D

I think I had better kiss up to the women as much as possible. :p

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