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[WoT Adventure] Turn 1


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Pedron, who has been awkwardly trying to comfort the girl, gets out of the Andoran's way. What was I thinking, coming to the bloody rescue? Overall, it didn't go too badly, though. In the end, there wasn't much for him to do, but he is hardly the sort to get upset at not having the chance to kill a monster. He didn't even have to get his knives all bloody.

"I think she's all right--just scared," Pedron says. "Which is more than I can say for the soldier." Pedron's reasonably sure that blow would have killed him, which makes just one more reason to stay out of the fray.

Pedron picks up the sack, giving it a quick shake. The girl can go home, but he's keeping anything else inside. Surely he's earned a little compensation.

"What did they want with her anyway?" he asks.

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Re: Pedron

dscrank said:
"What did they want with her anyway?" he asks.

"Did you ever hear stories about what Trollocs eat?" Yuri says in a low voice--no need to disturb the child any further. "I'm just glad that we got here in time."

Even having taken this nasty wound. At least I could help one girl...


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Re: Jain Hadlin

Sir Osis of Liver said:
Jain goes over to the girl to check her condition.

[OOC: well, it's official Dave's dice hate me! Darn neer last in both intiatives, double one's on my attack rolls, yep I'm gonna die. Heal check if the little girls hurt, not that dave's evil dice will let me do anything.]

[OOC: If it makes you feel any better, you made your Heal check easily.]

The girl has some bruises and scratches, but doesn't appear to be seriously injured. Yuri looks like he's in far worse shape than she is. And it looks like the girls are still busy killing the second trolloc. <This will take about a minute; Create Fire doesn't do much damage, and the trolloc can save for half.>

After making sure the Trolloc she was holding in her weaves was dead Shalimar gave a Sharp sniff.

"Protect me indeed." She waived her hand and the dead trolloc crumpled like a puppet whos strings were just cut.

"Sirsei, it might be wise if put out the fire now."

Turning to Yuri with her fiercest glare (intimidate check) she pointed at him, poking him in the chest near to his wound.
"You, sit. What were you thinking? Letting a trolloc hit you bloody fool. Where you trying to make more work for me? Stay still." she says sharply laying her hands on his forehead.

I hope this works, I have done this before but only on those not injured this bad, maybe I should wait for Lila Sedai. No, looking at the blood and the wound there probably is not that much time.

Her eyes narrow as she weaves flows of spirit, air, and water through his body to undo the damage done to her friend by the trollocs blade. (Heal level 1, 1d8+1 )

She shakes her head angrily, "That is all I can do for know , you are going to need alot of rest, and food, you were injured very badly. I just speeded your recovery your body will still need what it always needs to heal its self, and alot more of it. I should not be surprised if you need to eat enough food for 4 people for awhile."

would it have been better to have waited? He was hurt, but Lila Sedai could probably have healed him better.

She looks around at those who like herself thought selflessly of facing the trollocs and smiles at them. "You are all very brave to face that which you did not know, and risk yourself to save this girl. When Jain is finished looking after the child, we will return to the Inn."

Ashrem Bayle

Ashrem grinned coldly as the last trolloc's limp body hit the ground. Suddenly he turned to Shalimar and visably stepped away from her. "Are you alright m'-Aes Sedai?"

Blood and ashes! Here I flirting with an Aes Sedai when all I want to do is be miles away from them!

Taking a few steps away from the women he surveyed the scene. The trollocs dead and only Yuri injured. It could have gone worse...Burn me! I wish I could have gotten in on it! I owed them. Instead I offer my protection to a pretty face... a pretty Aes Sedai face!

Ashrem sheathed his sword hard and replaced his daggers. Still...what are ...trollocs...doing in Caemlyn?

An icy chill ran down his spine. After me? A man who can channel? Light! I want no part of this! I want no part of the One Power...

He slowly walked over to the nearest trolloc and bent down to study the creature. He sat there in silence, brooding over a dead monster.


First Post
Shalimar Shiawase said:
Turning to Yuri with her fiercest glare (intimidate check) she pointed at him, poking him in the chest near to his wound.

Somehow, though, she just doesn't have it in her to really put the fear of the Light into him. <failed the intimidate check>

Shalimar Shiawase said:
Her eyes narrow as she weaves flows of spirit, air, and water through his body to undo the damage done to her friend by the trollocs blade. (Heal level 1, 1d8+1 )

[ooc: You heal 8 points of damage, completely Healing Yuri's injuries. This has got to be the most player-friendly d8 I've ever seen. Two 8s for Tomas's damage, and 7 for Healing...]
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Sirsei frowns at the lit corpse, "I think I'll let it burn. If there are more about, the smell might keep them away. If there were three, why not four or even fifteen? This is bad news. Very bad news."

She does release the weave, but the corpse might be lit on its own by now and she doesn't feel like using another weave to put out the fire.

She looks over Shalimar's shoulder as she Heals Yuri, trying to see if more aid will be necessary. Shalimar is as much better than Sirsei at Healing as Lila is better than Shalimar, but sometime, every little bit can help.

She looks back at the corpses, "I wish we'd been just a little farther behind them. We might have been able to determine where they were running off to. If there are more about, it would be nice to know where and how many."

She walks over and kneels beside Ashrem, studying the creature. She sighs, "I wish I had my notebook with me. Maybe I can have a few minutes with the one at the end."

She gets a whiff of the thing just then, "Oh! The smell!" She looks at Yuri, "Is that just because it's dead or do they always smell this bad?"

Jain Hadlin

Wow, this quite the crew. One of them almost gets cut in half, we almost lost this little girl to trolloc stew pot and they all want to be clever.

"Watch what you people are saying in front of the girl, she's scared enough as it is! This isn't some facinating mystery, it's a flamen' nightmare!" Jain shifts a scowl around the group.

"somebody help the gentlemen Shalimar just healed, he's bound to be weak. You there with, the sack would you escourt the girl, please. We need to get back to the inn, and find out who the girl belongs too, and lets get that fire out before we have the whole creator forsaken blight come down on us!"

[OOC: any chance to find those daggers? I'm also sure your dice are very nice, pretty, good dice. I was being very unfair to them, and i'm sorry.]

OOC:, Dice don't like me, even with a +5 intimidate I could not intimidate a severly injured man while I was causing him pain. I must hang my head in shame.

She looks sharply at Ashrem, "What gave you the idea I was an Aes Sedai? I can't be an Aes Sedai, I actually have a sense of humor. Besides, if I were I could not say I wasn't, which I am."she glares at them again.

Did they really think she was an Aes Sedai? Was that why they seemed so uncomfortable around me? I cannot let it be believed even slightly or Sheriam will have me in suds up to my elbows until I have gray inn my hair.

"If I hear one word of rumor about my being an Aes Sedai I will make you wish I was an army of trollocs before I get through with you. Now we really must go, I expect that Yuri is about to fall over from exhaustion." She turns to the child and takes her hand smiling at her as reasuringly as she is able.

"We are going to take you back to the inn now where you will be safe from now own. We wont let anything happen to you." She begins walking back to the Inn without waiting for the others, expecting them to follow her as a matter of course.

Voidrunner's Codex

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