WoT Book 11: Knife of Dreams


Unrepentant DM Supremacist
Only 1 week? I'm looking forward to it, although I'm debating whether or not to start rereading the entire series now and join the internet debates 2 or 3 months late, or just jump into 11 as soon as the libray gets a copy. After all, I have copies of Books 1-8 to refer to, and so little happened in books 9 and 10 that I should miss too many important details. Then again too, I might start with Book 8 and just borrow books 9-11 from the library and read those, since I've read the first 7 more times than the others, and I know the early parts of the story better.

So many fans want Perrin to rescue Moiraine from the Tower of Ghenjei that I'm hoping she stays dead just to be contrary. Still, since the Aelfinn and Eelfinn hate iron and music, it would be fun to see a blacksmith and bard kick their asses. :cool:

I like Perrin, even though he's done less in the more recent books. Rand has gotten all angsty with his responsibilities as the DR. Mat keeps wanting to cut loose and do his own thing, and he is the most entertaining character to read. Perrin kind of balances out the humorous stuff with Mat with his more serious and reflective nature.

The speculation about Rand having to die before the Last Battle is interesting, and it makes sense internally. However, RJ has had Rand get so angsty about having to die to save the would in the Last Battle, that I think Rand will survive it.

And what's with all the Faile hate? Granted she is the most high-strung female character in the entire series, but I can tolerate her better than Egwene, Nynaeve, and most especially Elayne. She usually seems more sensible than the other 3 put together, she certainly seems more resourceful than them, and I like the way she puts herself in danger to aid Perrin. I like how she took the group of nobles who were imitating the Aiel and forged them into her own little spy network. It's a shame the whole Shaido plot has dragged on for 2 books now without resolution. She should have been able to get out of that mess by now.

Contrast that with the other 3 girls: Nynaeve would be the most irritating of the characters, except the fact that she's done some fairly important things, kicking Moghedien's ass twice, finding a way to restore the ability to channel and most importantly
helping Rand to cleanse the taint
,arguably one of the biggest and most important plot events in the series so far. Personally, and I've said this before, I want to see Cadsuane take on Nynaeve's dislike of the Aes Sedai, show her some discipline and train her to be one of the greatest Aes Sedai in centuries.

Egwene used to be more irritating, but her imprisonment by the Seanchan and her training under the Aiel Wise Women have helped to mature her. Her most irritating trait is her complaining about how arrogant Rand is with the nobles, yet being a little tyrant herself with the rebel Aes Sedai.

I absolute hate Elayne. Despite the fact that she's learned how to recreate simple ter'angreal, she is such a whining, annoying, troublemaking brat that I can't see how any fan of the series can possibly like her. The amount of space wasted on her in the last book did not help my opinion of it either.
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Eosin the Red

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Orius said:
So many fans want Perrin to rescue Moiraine from the Tower of Ghenjei that I'm hoping she stays dead just to be contrary. Still, since the Aelfinn and Eelfinn hate iron and music, it would be fun to see a blacksmith and bard kick their asses. :cool:

It has been awhile since I thought about it but I think Thom, Olver, and Mat will do the saving - not Perrin. I have a hankering that Mat's cannon will come into play.


Eosin the Red said:
It has been awhile since I thought about it but I think Thom, Olver, and Mat will do the saving - not Perrin. I have a hankering that Mat's cannon will come into play.

But Perrin is the only one who has seen the tower's location from the outside and he's really close to it right now in the book.

The biggest discussion around here isn't the books but what we will do if Jordan dies before he finishes the series... I think the general concensus has to do with a keg of beer and public urination on his grave site... :\


First Post
Thunderfoot said:
The biggest discussion around here isn't the books but what we will do if Jordan dies before he finishes the series... I think the general concensus has to do with a keg of beer and public urination on his grave site... :\

Eh, as per above, if he's not playing games with his fans, then he's got one book left. Unless he gets hit by a bus, we're safe.

Eosin the Red

First Post
Xath said:
But Perrin is the only one who has seen the tower's location from the outside and he's really close to it right now in the book.

Yeah, BUT
The way to "beat" the snakes and foxes is to break the rules. "Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to daze, iron to bind."
** Thanks FAQ

Leads me to believe that Olver, Mat, Thom, and maybe even Aludara are the keys to getting Moir... Mat has the cannon and matches, Thom has song, Olver or Mat could be be said to have courage... Plus we know Min has a vision of Thom pulling a blue diamond from a fire. It all basically adds up to Mat's gang taking on the Finn. Only missing the iron "to bind" which could very well be the cannon?


First Post
Thunderfoot said:
The biggest discussion around here isn't the books but what we will do if Jordan dies before he finishes the series... I think the general concensus has to do with a keg of beer and public urination on his grave site... :\

The wait for Stephen King to finish the Dark Tower was pretty bad too.

Ditto on Game of Thrones.

But if Jordan does go under, let me know if we get a discount on the bus ticket to the grave and I'll bring his old Conan work to help light a bonfire.

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