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D&D General WotC’s Official Announcement About Diversity, Races, and D&D

Following up on recent discussions on social media, WotC has made an official announcement about diversity and the treatment of ‘race’ in D&D.

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Following up on recent discussions on social media, WotC has made an official announcement about diversity and the treatment of ‘race’ in D&D. Notably, the word ‘race’ is not used; in its place are the words ‘people’ and 'folk'.



Dungeons & Dragons teaches that diversity is strength, for only a diverse group of adventurers can overcome the many challenges a D&D story presents. In that spirit, making D&D as welcoming and inclusive as possible has moved to the forefront of our priorities over the last six years. We’d like to share with you what we’ve been doing, and what we plan to do in the future to address legacy D&D content that does not reflect who we are today. We recognize that doing this isn’t about getting to a place where we can rest on our laurels but continuing to head in the right direction. We feel that being transparent about it is the best way to let our community help us to continue to calibrate our efforts.

One of the explicit design goals of 5th edition D&D is to depict humanity in all its beautiful diversity by depicting characters who represent an array of ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and beliefs. We want everyone to feel at home around the game table and to see positive reflections of themselves within our products. “Human” in D&D means everyone, not just fantasy versions of northern Europeans, and the D&D community is now more diverse than it’s ever been.

Throughout the 50-year history of D&D, some of the peoples in the game—orcs and drow being two of the prime examples—have been characterized as monstrous and evil, using descriptions that are painfully reminiscent of how real-world ethnic groups have been and continue to be denigrated. That’s just not right, and it’s not something we believe in. Despite our conscious efforts to the contrary, we have allowed some of those old descriptions to reappear in the game. We recognize that to live our values, we have to do an even better job in handling these issues. If we make mistakes, our priority is to make things right.

Here’s what we’re doing to improve:
  • We present orcs and drow in a new light in two of our most recent books, Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. In those books, orcs and drow are just as morally and culturally complex as other peoples. We will continue that approach in future books, portraying all the peoples of D&D in relatable ways and making it clear that they are as free as humans to decide who they are and what they do.
  • When every D&D book is reprinted, we have an opportunity to correct errors that we or the broader D&D community discovered in that book. Each year, we use those opportunities to fix a variety of things, including errors in judgment. In recent reprintings of Tomb of Annihilation and Curse of Strahd, for example, we changed text that was racially insensitive. Those reprints have already been printed and will be available in the months ahead. We will continue this process, reviewing each book as it comes up for a reprint and fixing such errors where they are present.
  • Later this year, we will release a product (not yet announced) that offers a way for a player to customize their character’s origin, including the option to change the ability score increases that come from being an elf, a dwarf, or one of D&D's many other playable folk. This option emphasizes that each person in the game is an individual with capabilities all their own.
  • Curse of Strahd included a people known as the Vistani and featured the Vistani heroine Ezmerelda. Regrettably, their depiction echoes some stereotypes associated with the Romani people in the real world. To rectify that, we’ve not only made changes to Curse of Strahd, but in two upcoming books, we will also show—working with a Romani consultant—the Vistani in a way that doesn’t rely on reductive tropes.
  • We've received valuable insights from sensitivity readers on two of our recent books. We are incorporating sensitivity readers into our creative process, and we will continue to reach out to experts in various fields to help us identify our blind spots.
  • We're proactively seeking new, diverse talent to join our staff and our pool of freelance writers and artists. We’ve brought in contributors who reflect the beautiful diversity of the D&D community to work on books coming out in 2021. We're going to invest even more in this approach and add a broad range of new voices to join the chorus of D&D storytelling.
And we will continue to listen to you all. We created 5th edition in conversation with the D&D community. It's a conversation that continues to this day. That's at the heart of our work—listening to the community, learning what brings you joy, and doing everything we can to provide it in every one of our books.

This part of our work will never end. We know that every day someone finds the courage to voice their truth, and we’re here to listen. We are eternally grateful for the ongoing dialog with the D&D community, and we look forward to continuing to improve D&D for generations to come.

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* Maybe there will be more books about gothic horror, even oficially the return of the setting.

Today we are talking about drows, orcs and vistani, but tomorrow it could be about the tropes against nations and religious organitations in fiction works (for example "7th Sea"). In a future a fantasy version of Umberto Eco's "the Name of the Rose" wouldn't be tolerated because the trope "faith vs reason" will be politically incorrect (and totally false).

* Sorry, my intention isn't to cause more troubles, but I am afair altough the goal is good maybe the way is wrong. why? If you reall want to convince, you have to earn the trust by the rest. If you try to force to agree you then you are spoiling totally. This needs diplomacy, empathy and other social skills. What the matter? Any people don't feel confortable because they think only a side is blamed, there are suspects about using sense of guilty and same to manipulate emotionally. Then the current strategy to fight racism could be counter-productive, causing more harm than good.

To say "let's stop the hate" is necessary but not enough. We can fix nothing if only we replace poison with other poison. This is not only about respect and dignity for everybody, but we also need mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation and mutual trust, and for this goal everybody, all the sides, have to make an effort. We also need positive exaples to be followed by the youngest generations, for example Thomas Sowell or dr Ben Carson, not only famous artists or sport stars, or worse, characters from Grand Thief Auto games.

Saying "racism is wrong" isn't enough. We have to say "racism is wrong because our civilitation tries to be coherent with the Natural Law and we respect the human dignity, and racism is wrong because it's against the respect for the human dignity, the basis of our rights as citizens". Without the respect for the human dignity Nietzsche's warning becomes true "who fights with monsters may become one".

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Simple sanity check:

Ask yourself the question if you think plate clad pink haired gnome girls slugging it out with a Dragon are necessary to exist to represent diversity or are kinda jarring and don't make sense in universe.

You kinda think that's gonna hurt your immersion? Well, tough luck it might not be optimal but entirely possible - because this is a game.
You're completely fine with it? Congratulations on realizing you're playing a game, go tank the raidboss now, we're on a schedule and want our sweet sweet loot from the mutilated corpses of our enemies. They're the bad guys though and just pixels anyway, don't mind the violence, look at those neat blood effects on my critical finisher - PULL INC 3, 2, 1...

I think there really needs to be a cut somewhere before we get to making everything equally mechanically viable by using the the exact same stats for Halflings and Firbolgs.
Do I think every race should get at least one flexible ASI? Heck yeah.
But do away with Ability modifiers related to physical properties? Nah, I'm good with Orc Wizards having a minimum of 10 STR.

More concerned about DnD Subraces to be honest. Those tend to only exist to make a race more viable for classes the base race doesn't incentivise. Is that kinda rude? Or just not designed very well?
I'm not willing to sacrifice +2 STR races on the altar of equality. Give everyone a flexible ASI so they can start with a 16, done. Now you still can't start with a 17 as a Halfling, but that's not relevant for a +1 so people don't really care. They care about the +1.

We've seen some really weird mental gymnastics around painting a racially motivated problem around Orcs being unable to start with a +3 INT modifier being somehow correlated to a racist statement on how they depict black people in the game.
Which is weird. My Orcs are green, hairy, walk hunched and have Tusks. They're not better athletes, they're born warriors living tough lives in a survival of the fittest society. That results in a better Athletics score because 5e is streamlined. Not because 5e projects racial prejudice for people of color on them.
You can totally read too much into something as generic as an Athletics score if you absolutely have to though.


Oh, entirely true. But to me, it mostly seemed like the first batch of vampire clans were based on pop-culture vampire stereotypes (the Brujah were Lost Boys vampires, the Toreador were Anne Rice Vampires, the Nosferatu were ... Nosferatu vampires, etc), but it drifted heavily towards cultural/racial/national stereotypes afterwards. It was only a bit later, once they tried to expand the WoD setting beyond its initial relatively local scope (the town of Gary, Indiana...), that the cultural stereotypes started to get leaned on more heavily. Stuff like the Ravnos, the Assamites, etc would never pass muster these days, though White wolf/Onyx Path have been valiantly trying to re-define/retcon them from their original cringeworthy forms for well over a decade now. And Kindred of the East - wow, I reread some of my old sourcebooks a while back, and yeeeeaaaah, those guys who are shredding AD&D Oriental Adventures on youtube at the moment would have their heads explode if they took a deep-dive into the KotE line...

Perhaps. I have not read KotE or much of the WoD material so I completely yield to the fact that you are probably right in that regard. My exposure has been to play the game, read a few sourcebooks and for a decade was involved in Vtes. I loved the weaving of our own history with that of the kindred - was not offended in the least - if anything I devoured the mythos when I took the opportunity marvelling in the imagination.
Also I guess I am more used to having my culture being shredded, appropriated and the like - that I find many attempts to now curb the 'minority' from being offended an overblown exercise in who is more sensitive/offended.
All one has to do is look at how RW religions are treated.

What many forget is that by bringing Ravnos, Assamite, Tzimisce, Settites and the others into the fold they allowed many of us to delve into the RW history of these people, where we otherwise would have not had any exposure. When I was thinking of running a RW dracula storyline, I went to the local university library and took out several books on Bulgarian and Romanian history. There are positives, but hey people like to rage.
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My Orcs are green, hairy, walk hunched and have Tusks. They're not better athletes, they're born warriors living tough lives in a survival of the fittest society.

Guilty pleasure. I so want another Warcraft movie!

EDIT: Mystara had different coloured orcs (and goblins...etc) with different facial features. Really loved that extra detail.


Simple sanity check:

Ask yourself the question if you think plate clad pink haired gnome girls slugging it out with a Dragon are necessary to exist to represent diversity or are kinda jarring and don't make sense in universe.
Well PCs are the freaks of the fantasy world. The quicker we encode this the better. Normal folk do not hunt dragons nor have 18 STR.

Now the fact the being small is handled so poorly is a whole 'nother thing.


It's a real job. Many people think certain things are cool but don't know enough about them to avoid offense.

I want a jaguar warrior subclass but I would want a Native American or Aztec history expert to look at it first.
But why? I would not want a knight class that is approved by a history expert. Nor a samurai class that wen't through that process either

Also chosing ability modifiers independed of race? A dwarf that happens to be more dexterous than an average elf is perfectly possible by just putting more points into that stat

Can I then at least chose elven lifespan for my human? Somw humans get old after all. Telling me I can not live 500 years is racist

Glad they'll do something about the vistani though.
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But why? I would not want a knight class that is approved by a history expert. Nor a samurai class that wen't through that process either

There is no knight class.
The is a knight background which is super generic and bland and can match warriors for anywhere.
The is a cavalier class which is a generic mounted warrior of nobility. It doesn't match any particular culture. There a European, Asian, and African mounted noble warriors in history. Thegenericness of the class is partially why i is lower ranks of the XGTE subclasses.

Thesamurai should have been consulted on. Knowing you have a cultral consulant allows you to be more daring as you have people to catch you. Fighting Spirit is lame temp HP. I want to do some actual Japanese weapon syles but you need experts to do it right and not be offensive.

EDIT: Oh and why.

The key aspects of jaguar and eagle knights are their weapon and armor choices, the colors of the their armors and cloaks, special education of their warriors, and tactics on capturing captives alive. You need proper consultation to this without getting offensive.
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