D&D 5E WotC Apologises For Missing Cultural Consultant Credit in Strixhaven

In the initial printing of Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, the credit for Tanya DePass’ (who recently ran the hugely successful Kickstarter for the Afrofuturist RPG Into the Mother Lands, and founded the organisation I Need Diverse Games) role as cultural consultant was omitted. WotC has apologised and promises that the credit will be included in future printings. The first print run of...

In the initial printing of Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, the credit for Tanya DePass’ (who recently ran the hugely successful Kickstarter for the Afrofuturist RPG Into the Mother Lands, and founded the organisation I Need Diverse Games) role as cultural consultant was omitted. WotC has apologised and promises that the credit will be included in future printings.

The first print run of #Strixhaven missed a crucial credit - the consulting work by @cypheroftyr. We publicly apologize to Tanya for the omission, as we have privately. Future printings will include her credit. See the attached page w/ updated credits already available digitally.

We also failed at communicating this update appropriately. We apologize for both our communication failure and for making the initial credit mistake in the first place.

Thank you to all of our fans for pointing out our mistakes so that we can correct them. We hope our error doesn’t diminish any enjoyment of the work all our teams have put into making #Strixhaven the best it could be.


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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Candlekeep? I can't remember. On top of the race asi stuff? Yeah I was done with buying Wizards.
I know stat blocks didn’t have alignments in a couple of books (I think Candlekeep, and I know Van Richten’s Guide). But, you know they’re back, right? Now specific characters have alignments, and stat blocks representing generic enemies have a “usually” in front of their alignments.

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I know stat blocks didn’t have alignments in a couple of books (I think Candlekeep, and I know Van Richten’s Guide). But, you know they’re back, right? Now specific characters have alignments, and stat blocks representing generic enemies have a “usually” in front of their alignments.
Yes, and I bought Fizbans because they brought them back.


Book-Friend, he/him
I know stat blocks didn’t have alignments in a couple of books (I think Candlekeep, and I know Van Richten’s Guide). But, you know they’re back, right? Now specific characters have alignments, and stat blocks representing generic enemies have a “usually” in front of their alignments.
Pretty reasonable, indeed.



Good that they apologized and added for future. When someone doesn't get credited it makes it hard to say "Yeah, I worked on that", because then you're always think they're thinking "No you didn't... I don't see your name anywhere on it...hmmmm.....".

I also appreciate it that books are listing "Cultural & Sensitivity Consultant". Makes it easier for me to make a purchasing decision.


Paul L. Ming


I am curious who discovered this though. Was it the content creator or the company? I don't think it really matters much, but if the company caught it before she did AND still did this, that would be kind of cool.


Honestly, is there anyone who would stop purchasing their books over this? This is a big deal?
I don't think most fans are really concerned about this or even would have noticed it. Which makes it all the more to WotC's credit that they've apologized. While most fans won't care, credits are very important to those who can add it to their resume. And what's great is that WotC acknowledged what they did wrong, actually apologized, and said what they would do to make it right.

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