D&D 5E WotC Delays New D&D Book Announcement

This from WotC — “Get the quasits out of our office! Our plan to make a D&D book announcement on Thursday has been changed. Adventurers, mark your calendars for Monday, January 13.”

This from WotC — “Get the quasits out of our office! Our plan to make a D&D book announcement on Thursday has been changed. Adventurers, mark your calendars for Monday, January 13.”


The book was due to be announced on Thursday 9th January after a mysterious entry appeared on Amazon with a product title of "Dungeons & Dragons March Release Book (Title announced January 9th)" and a release date of March 17th, 2020. See the original news item here:
They haven't given a reason; back in November WotC delayed the launch of the sapphire D&D anniversary dice at the last minute, too.

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Reading into it, I wonder if something was supposed to be released to coincide with it....like a new UA? Though, I wouldn't be surprised if the announcement was tied to the release of the next Dragon+.

Or, and most likely, the person or persons involved that were supposed to be on the video/stream/podcast are out of the office until then.

Now that makes sense, a new Dragon+ with a few details.

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I can’t imagine the audiences overlap all that much.

Now, it didn't even occur to me that the audiences wouldn't overlap, based on my personal experience. Millenial/Generation Z gamers love D&D, and love Pokemon. The Venn diagram overlap is no doubt extensive, and in my personal sphere coextensive.

Pokemon is going to be lighting up the gaming news in Thursday, and WotC core audience is likely going to be paying attention to that.

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