WotC WotC needs an Elon Musk

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(Also like, let's also just be honest, there's an easy in-canon explanation: In some random Planescape creature book there were these worms one of the Guilds released in the elemental to bind the elemental planes together. Worms won. There's your explanation)

Well... that's probably the second most interesting way of doing it I've heard. Might use that one.

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WotC doesn't need to outline every possible location in every possible plane or else discard it. If you don't have an idea for using something, you don't have to use it. Even if they put fifty locations in the negative plane, you might not use a single one of them.


Edit: Look at my avatar and guess if I have a hard time using the elemental planes.

WoTC doesn't need to keep every single possible plane of existence just because someone decided they wanted to categorize every possible combination of things either.

Remember, I'm not saying that the Swamp of Oblivion cannot exist, just that it doesn't need to be an endless plane between the planes of Water and Earth, because yes, while mud and ooze can be created by combining Earth and Water, it doesn't really take much to think of "swamp plane" without that. And if you really want a "plane of silt flats, because it is slightly more earth than water", feel free, but I don't see the need for it to be box checked off the list.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
WoTC doesn't need to keep every single possible plane of existence just because someone decided they wanted to categorize every possible combination of things either.

Remember, I'm not saying that the Swamp of Oblivion cannot exist, just that it doesn't need to be an endless plane between the planes of Water and Earth, because yes, while mud and ooze can be created by combining Earth and Water, it doesn't really take much to think of "swamp plane" without that. And if you really want a "plane of silt flats, because it is slightly more earth than water", feel free, but I don't see the need for it to be box checked off the list.
It doesn't need to be, but it doesn't not need to be either. Who does it hurt?


Have you read any of the Planescape setting? Lots of WotC IP right there for them to add into the current edition.

So, is there something interesting in the plane of Ice, section with Salt hail in Planescape? Or are you just talking generally "planescape, that setting they are releasing later, might have interesting stuff in it"?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
So, is there something interesting in the plane of Ice, section with Salt hail in Planescape? Or are you just talking generally "planescape, that setting they are releasing later, might have interesting stuff in it"?
Do you want the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, or the Quasielemental Plane of Salt? I can do either.


It doesn't need to be, but it doesn't not need to be either. Who does it hurt?

The people who say "hey, wouldn't this be more interesting to help fill out these places we already are using, instead of over here where we aren't doing anything with them" and then being told that they can't do that, because these planes are special and precious and must be kept because one day, one day they may get used for something.

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