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WotC Seeking Your Setting Proposals (was "Big Wizard announcement")

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Ok, all of the following is in my opinion only, feel free to ignore...

In scope and flavor, your proposed fantasy setting should be similar to our existing settings, particularly FORGOTTEN REALMS and DRAGONLANCE.

To me that's easy to understand. The first four words are important.

"In scope" -- that means how big. They don't want a universe. They don't want a galaxy. They don't want just a city or a dungeon. They want a planet or a sizeable part of a planet. Also they don't want a setting that's on the verge of blowing up tomorrow. They want one that will have enough meat to last gamers years of play.

"In ... flavor ... similar to our existing settings" -- this is trickier, but for a second forget about FR and DL. What they want, in terms of flavor, is a fantasy world where the players can play heroic characters and have adventures. What they're trying to avoid is submissions of more "adult-themed" worlds, or something so weird that it would appeal only to a niche. There has to be enough stuff going on in the world that a variety of races and classes can be found there and be played as PCs and have fun adventures.

Finally, I feel that people are thinking of this as a contest. It doesn't seem to be that way to me. This is the potential beginning of a professional publishing career for you, in a sense. If you're going to do it you have to do it as a professional. Put yourselves in their shoes -- are they going to haggle with you over the length of the first proposal? Are they going to say, "Oh no we didn't say it had to be in 12 point fonts, I guess we have to accept this 3,000 word entry in 1 point font." No, they're going to expect you to make things easy for them by following their guidelines and trying to anticipate their needs even when not explicitly laid out. So just think about things from their point of view and try to figure things out for yourselves.

Note I'm not saying "don't ask questions" -- but be careful to begin this relationship on a good note by showing self-sufficiency and the ability to follow what directions are provided and problem-solve when they're not.

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SHARK said:

Well, what can I say?:) This is certainly an interesting opportunity. Of course I will send a submission!:) Thanks for the encouragement from my fans and friends by the way!

I'm wondering though, if my own world would be similar enough to Forgotten Realms for them to want it. FR is ok, but my own world has some distinct differences. We'll see though! The best of luck to everyone else that joins in the fun!

Semper Fidelis,


m,y vote is going for you SHARK! I love your world and still waiting for those minotaur stats. Hell if WOTC doesn't pick you up find a publishing company that will! I am sure there are a few of the top tier ones that would eat your material alive!


First Post
Am I the only one who can't seem to download the doc file on the front page with the details for this?

I hate the d20reviews.com domain, it never seems to work for me.


KingOfChaos said:
Am I the only one who can't seem to download the doc file on the front page with the details for this?

I hate the d20reviews.com domain, it never seems to work for me.

Yeah it's flaky. Keep trying though, it works about once every three tries for me.

I'll try attaching it here..


  • set.doc
    94 KB · Views: 6,508

Eric, you make a good point. However, this really is a combination of a contest and a publishing submission. Without giving better than some vague guidelines, we eliminate ourselves from the running simply because we don't know what they're looking for.

As to the format of the submission, I would bet you can look at the writer's submission guidelines and track that down. Barring that, there's tons of references on standardized author submissions that you can use, and I doubt you'll go wrong with any of those.

Void Indigo

First Post
Big Question


On the Fantasy Setting Proposal Template, questions 2 & 3 ask about the heroes of the setting--do you mean signature characters, like Elminster and Raestlin, or do you mean "Who would the average party be and what would they do?"



Wow and I was just wondering what I was going to do with my newly written players guide. What wonderful timing, now to sum everything up into a 1 page proposal.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
I'm kind of surprised this isn't getting more responses than it is!


Is there any expectation that a world setting should follow the "ground rules" as far as races and classes go? I'd expect that a succesful candidate wouldn't take the core classes and races too far from their roots, and that leaving any out would be bad form... :)

Anyway, thanks for startign this contest up, this may be just about the coolest thing I've seen recently.

Ashrem Bayle

Re: Big Question

Void Indigo said:

On the Fantasy Setting Proposal Template, questions 2 & 3 ask about the heroes of the setting--do you mean signature characters, like Elminster and Raestlin, or do you mean "Who would the average party be and what would they do?"


Yea. I was wondering this myself.

Luckily I've got some vacation time coming up!:D

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