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D&D 5E WotC's Jeremy Crawford on D&D Races Going Forward

On Twitter, Jeremy Crawford discussed the treatment of orcs, Vistani, drow and others in D&D, and how WotC plans to treat the idea of 'race' in D&D going forward. In recent products (Eberron and Wildemount), the mandatory evil alignment was dropped from orcs, as was the Intelligence penalty. @ThinkingDM Look at the treatment orcs received in Eberron and Exandria. Dropped the Intelligence...

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On Twitter, Jeremy Crawford discussed the treatment of orcs, Vistani, drow and others in D&D, and how WotC plans to treat the idea of 'race' in D&D going forward. In recent products (Eberron and Wildemount), the mandatory evil alignment was dropped from orcs, as was the Intelligence penalty.


@ThinkingDM Look at the treatment orcs received in Eberron and Exandria. Dropped the Intelligence debuff and the evil alignment, with a more acceptable narrative. It's a start, but there's a fair argument for gutting the entire race system.

The orcs of Eberron and Wildemount reflect where our hearts are and indicate where we’re heading.

@vorpaldicepress I hate to be "that guy", but what about Drow, Vistani, and the other troublesome races and cultures in Forgotten Realms (like the Gur, another Roma-inspired race)? Things don't change over night, but are these on the radar?

The drow, Vistani, and many other folk in the game are on our radar. The same spirit that motivated our portrayal of orcs in Eberron is animating our work on all these peoples.

@MileyMan1066 Good. These problems need to be addressed. The variant features UA could have a sequel that includes notes that could rectify some of the problems and help move 5e in a better direction.

Addressing these issues is vital to us. Eberron and Wildemount are the first of multiple books that will face these issues head on and will do so from multiple angles.

@mbriddell I'm happy to hear that you are taking a serious look at this. Do you feel that you can achieve this within the context of Forgotten Realms, given how establised that world's lore is, or would you need to establish a new setting to do this?

Thankfully, the core setting of D&D is the multiverse, with its multitude of worlds. We can tell so many different stories, with different perspectives, in each world. And when we return to a world like FR, stories can evolve. In short, even the older worlds can improve.

@SlyFlourish I could see gnolls being treated differently in other worlds, particularly when they’re a playable race. The idea that they’re spawned hyenas who fed on demon-touched rotten meat feels like they’re in a different class than drow, orcs, goblins and the like. Same with minotaurs.

Internally, we feel that the gnolls in the MM are mistyped. Given their story, they should be fiends, not humanoids. In contrast, the gnolls of Eberron are humanoids, a people with moral and cultural expansiveness.

@MikeyMan1066 I agree. Any creature with the Humanoid type should have the full capacity to be any alignmnet, i.e., they should have free will and souls. Gnolls... the way they are described, do not. Having them be minor demons would clear a lot of this up.

You just described our team's perspective exactly.

As a side-note, the term 'race' is starting to fall out of favor in tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder has "ancestry", and other games use terms like "heritage"); while he doesn't comment on that specifically, he doesn't use the word 'race' and instead refers to 'folks' and 'peoples'.

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I think we have already discussed my take on this in another thread a few months ago, but I would personally just demote Grummsh to demon lord of whatever, just like Lolth. His pantheon just dont make any sense: I mean, if we go with non-deterministic orcs from now on (which I personally appreciate), who would follow this bunch of degenerates? Even out of fear? I mean, the gods of Fury can be calmed or interacted with in a not completely dysfunctional ways, but Grummsh is like ''nope, you guys go and destroy everything''. Even goblinoids have positive gods among them, but the orc pantheon? No sir! Its one thing to have a god whose domain is ''conquer and kill babies'', but when the whole family is a variation on that theme?

Its like their pantheon goes like this:

Grummsh: God of slaughter and grudge, and evil
Biskuigogglu, son of grummsh: god of evil
Kettlemeetteapot, son of Grummsh:, god of badness
Tilapia, wife of Grummsh, goddess of Evil: female edition
Onepotpasta, son of Grummsh: god on not-niceness

Why would an intelligent, moral, free-willed worship the family from the Hills have Eyes? :p

Send Grummsh to the Abyss, and have free-willed Orcs worship gods like Tempus, Silvanus, Selune etc, or the gods of Fury or Bane (or even the giant pantheon, why not) for the more evil-inclined.

Side note: in Dragon of Icespire Peak, the rampaging orc hordes are bound to Talos, not Grummsh!
In my adjusted Dawn War pantheon, I made Gruumsh a general god modeled after Ares.

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Isn’t that racist too. Or is it okay to do that with European cultures because they aren’t Asian or African.
Why would it be racist? Most of the readership or my table (here in Europeland) will have a firmer cultural grasp on Greek mythology. Plus, Gruumsh is not Ares, but inspired by the character and portfolio of Ares.


Why would it be racist? Most of the readership or my table (here in Europeland) will have a firmer cultural grasp on Greek mythology. Plus, Gruumsh is not Ares, but inspired by the character and portfolio of Ares.
I was wondering the same thing about topknots and hobgoblins.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I was wondering the same thing about topknots and hobgoblins.

I think the problem some people may have with the Hobgoblin in samurai armor and topknots is that the ONLY depiction in the core books of ''japanese'' elements are on an evil, conquering, ultra-militaristic, dictatorial monster. If there's was other references to said armors or hairstyles in positive light (on one of the celestial or NPC statblock, frex), the problem would be lessened.

Same if the only norther-european/viking inspired art in the books was, I dont know, on the Grimmlock. That would be equaly bad.

EDIT: that's a big part of the problem with previously mentioned orcs and drows: we only have a single, monolithic, evil-oriented description of them. Its not that orc or drows or whatever cannot be evil, its that they are presented in art and lore as only that: evil. Even though, in the case of Drows, they are a PHB player race! Why dont we have depiction of Drow heroes in a positive light?


I do think the Roman analogy with Hobgoblins works extremely well - you want an real-life "Lawful Evil" society, Ancient Rome, especially as it portrayed itself, i.e. in it's own writings, is a pretty good example.
Huh, considering your previous posts on this thread, you just caught me off guard with that remark.
Being italian, specifically from Rome, and a passionate scholar of roman history, I would probably be allowed to say that I find your characterization to be highly offensive. I won't, because you're not entirely wrong.

Roman society could be easily considered evil by today's standards. Thing is, so would the greeks, the persians, the various germanic tribes, the carthaginians, the etruscans, the macedonians, the gauls, the britons, the celts...I could go on. Different era, different concepts of good and evil.

I, personally, would not be opposed to a roman-inspired reinvention of the hobgoblins, I'm surprised you wouldn't be, considering the amount of hate Tolkien got because he said "mongols" and "orcs" in the same sentence.
If you think the romans were evil, let me tell you, the mongols weren't fluffy bunnies either.

I think the problem some people may have with the Hobgoblin in samurai armor and topknots is that the ONLY depiction in the core books of ''japanese'' elements are on an evil, conquering, ultra-militaristic, dictatorial monster. If there's was other references to said armors or hairstyles in positive light (on one of the celestial or NPC statblock, frex), the problem would be lessened.

There's actually one other - buuuuut it's not going to improve matters - the artwork besides the optional "honor" rules in the DMG is suggestive of an Asian and perhaps specifically Japanese-inspired culture (palm to the face).

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