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Would You Brave A Deadly Dungeon For This Weapon?


Icebreaker (Intelligent Bone Earth Breaker)
CE +3 Flaming Burst Bone Earth Breaker
Aura Strong Evocation; CL 12th
Slot —; Price 125,820 gp; Weight 14 lbs.
Int 12; Wis 13; Cha 12; Ego 18
Senses 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft.; Communication Speech, Telepathy
Languages Common, Draconic
Powers Percetion +11 (10 ranks), Fire Wall 3/day, Pyrotechnics 3/day, Suggestion 3/day
Icebreaker is an intelligent +3 Flaming Burst Bone Earth Breaker. In ages past, the spirit of a very old red dragon, Phlostragistax, was bound into this weapon made from his magically fused bones. The blunt spikes on the head of this great weapon are in fact cut section of his talons and teeth. His mind and senses are dulled, but nevertheless, Phlostragistax still wields several of the same powers he did in life. Ultimately his desire, like all of his kin who were similarly bound, is to be freed of this existence to roam the world again.

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Presumably the alignment of the weapon would be meta game knowledge. This is kind of like, " Buried deep in the ruined stronghold of the Old Jarl of Grimpeak is one of the legendary Drakkenfangs, Icebreaker, bound with the soul of a fire dragon. "

Initially when I thought of this idea, it was a hypothetical setting where dragons were extinct because they had all been hunted down and killed, with many of their number bound in this way.


I can't count how many times I've played a chaotic evil character. Or should I say I can count on one hand how many times...er, well, I can't since I can't remember. Anyway, I'd be happy to let it stay there since it is chaotic evil INTELLIGENT.

I forget how to calculate ego values for a battle of wills, but with so many of my games being point buy based, the chances of having the right stat combo, plus level, is probably a long shot that we'd be able to control it.

Of course, who said you can't have fun with an intelligent weapon controlling a party member :p


For all those goodie-goodies out there, here is a lawful good weapon, ;) . I would bump it up an age bracket or two, but that would put its ego at 20 or higher, which I think should be avoided lest a weapon get too out of control at lower levels. This one also has the blog proficiency ability, which the first should have in its stats as well.

Mistlighter (Intelligent Bone Trident)
LG +2 Shocking Bone Trident
Aura Strong Evocation; CL 12th
Slot —; Price 54607.5 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Int 14; Wis 15; Cha 14; Ego 16
Senses 60 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.; Communication Speech, Telepathy
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic
Powers Percetion +7 (5 ranks), Proficiency, Create Food And Water 3/day, Fog Cloud 3/day, Speak With Animals 3/day
Mistlighter is an intelligent +2 Shocking Bone Trident. Bound within the weapon made of fused dragon bone and tooth is the spirit of the mature adult bronze dragon, Condastrulyx. The dragon seeks to escape its prison, though it is relatively magnanimous in the use of its magical abilities.


First Post
To the question, given our games aren't generally about gathering money and power for the sake of money and power, I'd have to say "it depends". If we have a reason to deal with the occupants of the dungeon, or if we have a need for this specific maguffin, undoubtedly. If not, probably not.


That depends. How much is it selling for on dndBay?


Also what level am I? How "Deadly" a dungeon is, is relative to character level, so that doesn't really tell me much. And if I'm a level 5 character, obtaining that sword / selling that sword for loot is a lot more enticing than if I were level 10, and by level 15, I'd probably say, " **** that."


First Post

Why would anyone want a Lawful Good weapon?


I wouldn't specifically quest for either of them. It's rare that PCs need to adventure for any specific weapon.


First Post
I think that overall, intelligent weapons are one of those things that's really neat on paper, but doesn't do too well in actual game play. Consider that with most NPCs, they are "on screen" but a short duration compared to the PCs. However, such a weapon may be "on screen" as often as the PCs, which means someone has to be thinking about, planning for, and acting on behalf of, the intelligent weapon.

Overall, it's really a lot of work for not much gain, as compared to a standard weapon with the same abilities (save the being psuedo-alive thing).

As for characters questing for such a thing, I think that boils down to the individual player and the character's motivations. But, as has been noted above, the ability to cash out the weapon may far outweigh any intended benefits - especially when it's just a means to get what they really want.

Voidrunner's Codex

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