Would YOU play AD&D 2e?

Would you play in an AD&D 2e campaign?

  • YES--If it was a good DM with a good group of players.

    Votes: 200 58.5%
  • NO--It just isn't for me.

    Votes: 142 41.5%

kolikeos said:
unless it is a planescape campaign i don't think i would play 2e, i like the 3e rules better and i'm more used to them. the 2e rules are complicated and fustrating and the 3e, while still complicated enough to satesfiy me are much simpler to play with. on the other hand any setting or system could be good if there is a good dm and group, so if this was the only choice then i'd rather play 2e then not at all.
How's this for a double dose of fun: run a Planescape campaign (or your 2e setting of choice) with 3e rules. :D Apart from the effort of converting from 2e to 3e, would using the 3e rules take anything away from Planescape's coolness?

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Not me. I skipped 2E the first time around, so I am certainly not going to play it now. If you were talking about 1E, I would play it in a heartbeat.


AD&D 2E has by far the richest trove of monsters and settings (Al Qadim, Dark Sun, Birthright, Planescape etc.), which matter far more to the game than any universal mechanic does, so definitely. Even if you didn't use the settings, there's still a tonne of monsters missing from 3E that D&D just isn't as good without. I'd just avoid playing a rogue....by mid levels the wizard makes them a bit obsolete. :)
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I sorta miss specialty priests. But that's about the only think I really miss from 2nd edition. That said, at this point, the best campaign I've ever played in is still a 2nd edition campaign. Yes, it was heavily house ruled (to fit the home grown campaign world, note, not so much to fix the system), but it was still the best campaign I've played in.

Vindicator, if you're using this poll to loosely gauge interest in your local area, it would be a bad correlation - there could be the World's largest AD&D club in the state in your area, or there could be an active dislike of it. Since it's just for fun, however, I'd say:

Sure! As long as I found the group fun, I'd do it, but not just for the sake of the system itself.

FireLance said:
How's this for a double dose of fun: run a Planescape campaign (or your 2e setting of choice) with 3e rules. :D Apart from the effort of converting from 2e to 3e, would using the 3e rules take anything away from Planescape's coolness?

Exactly :D

(Though I don't use the expensive rules regarding spell keys, power keys, and changes to magic item + values based on plane versus the plane of the item's manufacture. They're great from a flavor aspect, but very VERY complex during an actual game. I've only used them during oneshots, and tend to gloss over it entirely during my regular 3e Planescape campaign as being overly complicated)

I miss spelljammer and I miss dark sun. Also, there were certain aspects of 2e design I liked. I liked that there was a natural progression for the classes in the world. When a fighter became high level, he started attracting his own army and began working towards become lord of his own fiefdom. When a rogue/thief became high level, he naturally started attracting a ragtag bunch of cutpurses and burglars and he could see about opening his own thieve's guild. Wizards actually GAINED XP for the difficult endeavor of making magic items. That always made more sense to me. I never liked 3e's idea of creating magic items just to market them. It's just a negative incentive to create an item if it costs XP rather than giving the character it.

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