D&D 5E Wow! No more subraces. The Players Handbook races reformat to the new race format going forward.

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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
They do feel different.

Especially if some races cap out, or there are systems in place that allow for higher than 20.

This isn't an issue of ASI. It's an issue of 5e.
but then races are impossible to balance which is also a problem.

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but then races are impossible to balance which is also a problem.
They already are out of balance.

Balance is not remotely a goal Wizard aims for, simply no way.

From Stats being Rolled or Array.
From Race Special Rules.
From Classes.
From Subclasses.
From Feats.
From Adventure Design.

Balance is a fiction. It's not remotely achievable UNLESS.

Your DM changes, limits, or designs for it.

Wizards 'do whatever' 5e? No, balance is not a priority.


An optional system that was understood and explained in a few lines. Simple.

You can have more detailed rules. That doesn't mean you have to throw out ASI.

You can, believe it or not, have both. You could even have Paragon abilities AND racial feats.

I think that WOTC is defaulting back to their standard loop of "if the DM likes racial ability adjustments, the DM can use them. It's up to the DM." mindset.

Shoving "responsibility" to the DM has been 5e's MO 6 months after the DMG was published.


It doesn't say everyone is the same.

It says that taken as a whole Goliaths and Orcs, are stronger than Halflings, and that Elves are more dexterous than Dwarves.

It's talking not about individuals, but as racial archetypes/tropes.

Of which individuals are part of.
Maxperson is specifically talking about making all individuals (i.e., the PCs) have the same racial ASIs. Goliaths, on the whole, are stronger than many other races--because the DM can and likely will say that every NPC goliath has a high Strength. But "on the whole" doesn't mean "includes every PC whether they like it or not."


Morkus from Orkus
Maxperson is specifically talking about making all individuals (i.e., the PCs) have the same racial ASIs. Goliaths, on the whole, are stronger than many other races--because the DM can and likely will say that every NPC goliath has a high Strength.
If halflings average 10, goliaths will average 12. That's not high strength. It's just higher on average than a race without the bonus.
But "on the whole" doesn't mean "includes every PC whether they like it or not."
And I never said otherwise. A PC could roll as low as 3 on a stat, giving him a 5 strength as a goliath. They will get the bonus to strength due to being a part of the race, but they don't have to be average. They can be above or below average.

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