D&D 5E Wow! No more subraces. The Players Handbook races reformat to the new race format going forward.

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i see no reason that your suspension of disbelief is more important then the playability of a fantasy game where we pretend to be heroes...

Your getting into subjectivity ranges that are not defined.

Was the game playable for the vast majority of its history?

Because racial ASI was there. Over 40 years.

Edit: As I am playing Wrath of the Righteous (Pathfinder) and have played Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 (2e I believe) more times than I can count. I don't see any play issues whatsoever with races being different. I pick a race, and I play the game.

Now that Lawful Good Paladin...that's a bit of a hassle. LOL
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Hey, I'm not expecting anything from WotC. I have my opinions, and you have yours. I just see balance as a secondary concern to making stories great for everyone at the table.
i see no reason that your suspension of disbelief is more important then the playability of a fantasy game where we pretend to be heroes...


Your getting into subjectivity ranges that are not defined.

Was the game playable for the vast majority of its history?

Because racial ASI was there. Over 40 years.
improving the playability is what I meant. 5e is playable out of the box but a large enough of the new fans have spoken and this is the change


And Tasha's didn't work why?
what didn't work? as far as I know that is the future the Tasha's way of doing races, maybe with a bit more tweaking...

having said that I still am hopeful for a more borad "custom Linage" that allows me to make my own race with features...

EX: a half elf that was born under a lucky star... he has no stat mod, the hafling lucky feature, the elf trance (maybe even the new one from UA) and a cantrip.

Ex2: A 'mul' half dwarf with powerful build resistance to fire/heat and +2 str +1 con

Ex3: superman...kryptonian... +1 to all stats and a fly speed with no wings, and the half orc ability to not go below 1hp 1/short rest (maybe long?).


what didn't work? as far as I know that is the future the Tasha's way of doing races, maybe with a bit more tweaking...

having said that I still am hopeful for a more borad "custom Linage" that allows me to make my own race with features...

EX: a half elf that was born under a lucky star... he has no stat mod, the hafling lucky feature, the elf trance (maybe even the new one from UA) and a cantrip.

Ex2: A 'mul' half dwarf with powerful build resistance to fire/heat and +2 str +1 con

Ex3: superman...kryptonian... +1 to all stats and a fly speed with no wings, and the half orc ability to not go below 1hp 1/short rest (maybe long?).
Tasha's was introduced as an optional rule.

A fuss over Wizards 'not doing enough' was raised in various online outlets.

Tasha's allows for any 'playability' solution you can get now, or in 5.5.

So why does Wizards remove racial ASI.

The answer has nothing to do with the game.

It's the same reason they are not going to specify heights and weights, the same reason they won't suggest alignment, the same reason they declare everything non-canon, and the same reason they put 'this product may not reflect our values' on old books.

None of this has anything to do with play.

It is Wizards saying 'you can't blame us, talk to your DM!'


Tasha's was introduced as an optional rule.

A fuss over Wizards 'not doing enough' was raised in various online outlets.

Tasha's allows for any 'playability' solution you can get now, or in 5.5.

So why does Wizards remove racial ASI.

The answer has nothing to do with the game.

It's the same reason they are not going to specify heights and weights, the same reason they won't suggest alignment, the same reason they declare everything non-canon, and the same reason they put 'this product may not reflect our values' on old books.

None of this has anything to do with play.

It is Wizards saying 'you can't blame us, talk to your DM!'
oh...interesting theory...


He / Him
Tasha's was introduced as an optional rule.

A fuss over Wizards 'not doing enough' was raised in various online outlets.

Tasha's allows for any 'playability' solution you can get now, or in 5.5.

So why does Wizards remove racial ASI.

The answer has nothing to do with the game.

It's the same reason they are not going to specify heights and weights, the same reason they won't suggest alignment, the same reason they declare everything non-canon, and the same reason they put 'this product may not reflect our values' on old books.

None of this has anything to do with play.

It is Wizards saying 'you can't blame us, talk to your DM!'
I had a thought today that this is more of a shift of how players create characters.

Back in the day, human was seen as default. You sit down, and you create a fighter, or a wizard, or a cleric, and then if you wanted to specialize further you played a non-human race, accepting that you were penalized in some way (ability score penalty, class restrictions, etc).

3e really changed the dynamic by allowing any race to be any class. Suddenly you could have a half-orc wizard, though you still were penalized with an ability score penalty.

4e shifted even further my removing ability score penalties.

Over time, I feel like the idea of "human = default" has become, well, old-fashioned. It's no longer the way many groups play. But it's still embedded in the rules by pairing nonhuman races with ability score improvements.

These days, I believe a lot of players want to choose a race based on their character concept, not necessarily to specialize. When a player chooses to play a wizard, they don't necessarily default to "human wizard." Instead, they might imagine a half-orc wizard, or a halfling wizard, or what have you.

WotC's recent shifts seem to support this trend, and I think it's one of the things motivating these changes.

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