Xanathars guide


It's Christmas time. Have everyone in the party chip in $10, buy him XGTE, wish him a Merry Christmas and tell him thanks for being the DM.

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His argument towards it was that he didn't have the book so therefore couldn't learn how to have an edge as a dm against the players, but we are always opening our phb or dm guide all the time to look up rulings all the time. I can understand his argument, but at the same time if I paid money for this book I want to use it.

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I can understand a DM wanting to know what content the players may use. But any subclass consists of about 5 abilities or so, and none seems so powerful as to really skew things so much. And I also think that when all the players in a game want something, then the DM should probably consider it.

I agree with the others who’ve mentioned buying him a copy.

He's still fresh at being a Dm. So that's how he's progressed from where he started to now. I've noticed he's become more power hungry. Making it so that we don't get magic items because their to O.P. (his words) but yet the creatures we fight are honestly way to strong for us. We didn't have a chance against the beholder we fought. My character died. Two turned to stone. And the other was paralyzed. And he had it set up to where we couldn't get out of the 150ft cone so that we couldn't use magic ( half our party is magical users).
TPK? Did you know the terrain before going in? Did you know the beholder was there? IOW, did you not have a chance because the DM railroaded you or because the party was not cautious enough?


TPK? Did you know the terrain before going in? Did you know the beholder was there? IOW, did you not have a chance because the DM railroaded you or because the party was not cautious enough?

Or did you not once you realised you were in way over your head retreat! Not all encounters are designed to be "balanced" vs party level/abilities and not everything needs to be tackled head on so I'm not judging your DM's rulings but am questioning the players decision making.

As for using the book, his table, his rules. If he doesn't want to use it then you've 2 options:
1) find another game
2) Try DMing yourself.

My rule for the past 30 years has been simple (through 2e, 3e and now 5e) PHB only. That's the beginning and end of all spalyt book discussions. I've bought Xanathar's and may allow bits of it to be used on a case by case basis but there is nothing forcing me as DM to accept it.

When my players grumble about my old school race/class limits, as they do occasionally, my reply is simple. If you don't like it find another DM. I've been running my campaign(s) for 30+ years I'm not allowing dwarven wizards, dragonborn or whatever their latest "fad" is. We do discuss and negotiate a lot of stuff but when it comes to classes/races or books that will impact on my long established campaign history/canon/verisimilitude etc the answer is likley to be a no with an explanation of why not.

IMO Owning a non core book does not give you the right to demand you DM allow it. However, if you show it to your DM and the class option you want to try and why you'd like to play it then maybe, just maybe, they will relent.


Or did you not once you realised you were in way over your head retreat! Not all encounters are designed to be "balanced" vs party level/abilities and not everything needs to be tackled head on so I'm not judging your DM's rulings but am questioning the players decision making.
I was questioning both. He made it sound like the beholder was not only above their pay grade but in a room that pinned them all down in front of its big eye. So while, yes, retreat is always an option, it sounded like it wasn't an option here.

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